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English-German translation for: balances
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Dictionary English German: balances

Translation 1 - 30 of 30

English German
NOUN   a balance | balances
VERB  to balance | balanced | balanced
balancing | balances
fin. balances
Saldi {pl}
fin. balances
Saldos {pl}
Salden {pl}
Bilanzen {pl}
Ausgleiche {pl}
2 Words
to doctor balancesdie Bilanz verschleiern
available balancesverfügbare Guthaben {pl}
fin. balances {pl} abroadAuslandsguthaben {n}
balances dueGuthabenforderungen {pl}
fin. credit balancesGeschäftsguthaben {pl}
dial balancesSchnellwaagen {pl}
econ. pol. external balancesAußenbilanzen {pl}
idle balancesunproduktive Gelder {pl}
idle balancesnicht aktive Posten {pl}
econ. fin. sub-balancesTeilbilanzen {pl}
comm. unexpended balancesungenutzte Bestände {pl}
3 Words
account that balancesausgeglichenes Konto {n}
balances carried forwardSaldovorträge {pl}
balances of paymentZahlungsbilanzen {pl}
balances of tradeHandelsbilanzen {pl}
pol. checks and balancesGewaltenteilung {f} [System der gegenseitigen Kontrolle]
pol. checks and balancesgegenseitige Kontrolle {f}
cooking of balancesBilanzverschleierung {f}
fin. custody account balancesKontenbestände {pl}
doctoring of balancesBilanzverschleierung {f}
settling payment balancesAusgleich {m} von Zahlungssalden
4 Words
a pair of balancesWaage {f}
balances with foreign bankersNostroguthaben {n} bei ausländischen Banken
fin. interest {sg} on credit balancesHabenzinsen {pl}
fin. interest {sg} on debit balancesSollzinsen {pl}
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A 2013-03-29: deduct interest from any outstanding balances
A 2012-10-23: Does this help? http://www.dict.cc/?s=checks+and+balances
Q 2012-10-23: to have necessary checks and balances in place
A 2011-04-18: ? working balance / balances
A 2010-10-14: XXX assigns to AAA its respective credit balances and / or balance claims ...
Q 2008-08-07: Text über Apple Store, Begriff "“checks and balances” richtig übersetzt?
A 2008-01-23: list of account balances
Q 2007-01-13: (Darlehen)restvaluten - balances?
Q 2006-10-24: user balances
A 2006-07-26: lists of (sum) totals and balances
A 2004-07-15: It all balances
A 2004-06-21: Budget balances?

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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