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English-German translation for: balls
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Dictionary English German: balls

Translation 1 - 50 of 94  >>

English German
NOUN   a ball | balls
VERB1  to ball | balled | balled
balling | balls
VERB2  to balls [up] | ballsed | ballsed ... 
balls [vulg.] [testicles]
Eier {pl} [vulg.] [Hoden]
balls {pl} [sl.] [courage]
Schneid {m} {f} [ugs.]
Bälle {pl}
balls [vulg.] [testicles]
Klöten {pl} [nordd.] [derb]
balls {pl} [vulg.] [testicles]
Sack {m} [vulg.] [Hodensack]
Kugeln {pl}
balls [Br.] [vulg.]
Unsinn {m}
balls [Br.] [vulg.]
Quatsch {m} [ugs.]
balls [vulg.] [testicles]
Glocken {pl} [vulg.] [Hoden]
balls [vulg.]
Gehänge {n} [vulg.]
balls [coll.] [testicles]Gogerln {pl} [österr.] [ugs.]
2 Words: Others
sth. sucks balls [coll.] [vulg.]etw. ist ein Scheiß [ugs.] [derb] [etw. ist sehr schlecht oder unangenehm]
2 Words: Verbs
to balls sth. up [Br.] [vulg.]etw.Akk. verhunzen [ugs.]
to bust sb.'s balls [Am.] [sl.]jdn. verarschen [ugs.]
to suck balls [coll.] [vulg.]ein Scheiß sein [ugs.] [derb] [sehr schlecht oder unangenehm sein]
2 Words: Nouns
balls-up [Br.] [vulg.]Pfusch {m} [ugs.]
Benoît ballsLustkugeln {pl}
med. blue balls [Am.] [sl.] [epididymal hypertension]Kavaliersschmerzen {pl} [ugs.]
idiom blue balls [sl.]Bräutigamsschmerzen {pl} [ugs.]
idiom blue balls [sl.]blaue Hoden {pl} [ugs.]
gastr. cheese ballsKäsebällchen {pl}
Christmas balls [Am.] [decorations]Weihnachtskugeln {pl}
cotton ballsWattebällchen {pl}
gastr. crab ballsKrabbenbällchen {pl}
VetMed. dough-balls [also: dough balls, doughballs] [in pigs' stomachs]Teigbälle {pl} [in Schweinemägen]
Geisha ballsGeisha-Kugeln {pl}
gel ballsGelkügelchen {pl}
tech. governor balls [of a feedback control device] [archaic]Schwungkugeln {pl} [eines Fliehkraftreglers] [veraltet]
MedTech. Kegel balls [vaginal balls]Vaginalkugeln {pl}
love ballsLiebeskugeln {pl} [Sexspielzeug]
gastr. Matzah ballsMatzeknödel {pl}
phys. toys Newton's balls {pl} [also: Newtonian balls]Kugelpendel {n} [Newtonpendel]
orgasm ballsOrgasmuskugeln {pl}
gastr. potato ballsKartoffelbällchen {pl}
sex ballsLiebeskugeln {pl} [Sexspielzeug]
shriveled balls [Am.] [vulg.] [pej.]Schrumpelklöten {pl} [vulg.] [pej.]
skittles ballsKegelkugeln {pl}
sports soccer balls [Am.] [Aus.]Fußbälle {pl} [Sportgerät]
gastr. tea balls [Am.]Tee-Eier {pl}
sports tennis ballsTennisbälle {pl}
Venus ballsLustkugeln {pl}
sports volley ballsFlugbälle {pl}
3 Words: Others
Suck my balls! [vulg.]Lutsch meine Eier! [vulg.]
Suck my balls! [vulg.]Lutsch mir die Eier! [vulg.]
3 Words: Verbs
to fondle one's balls [vulg.]sichDat. die Eier kraulen [derb]
to have blue balls [fig.] [vulg.]dicke Eier haben [vulg.]
to have the balls [sl.] [courage]den Mut haben
to have the balls [sl.] [courage]den Nerv haben [ugs.]
Unverified to swing one's ballssich die Eier schaukeln [Redewendung]
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. (fried) potato ballsKartoffelkugeln {pl}
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A 2023-05-28: he has (the) balls [not polite] / guts ... and he has what it takes
Q 2018-12-11: balls = eier
A 2017-04-17: balls kissed
A 2017-03-22: On the other hand, even academically I hear +Balls!+ much more often than ...
A 2017-03-22: +sphericals+ possibly Daily Mirror slang for +balls+ (~ nonsense; rubbish ...
A 2016-02-05: game of potting balls in a bushel
A 2015-03-02: den Ball flach halten > keep the ball flat (die Frage geht ja nicht auf +...
A 2015-03-02: keep the balls flat #410004
A 2014-01-31: I think balls was only chosen because of the alliteration.
Q 2014-01-31: It takes balls to bluff.
Q 2011-11-11: Golf: hit a club or hit some balls
Q 2011-07-01: Toy contains small balls and small parts.
Q 2011-05-12: Van Cleef is all balls.
A 2011-01-31: http://www.boxfituk.com/speed-balls-speed-bags/lonsdale-peanut-ball/prod_2...
A 2010-12-17: Sie war die Organisatorin des Tiffany-Balls im Jahr 1957.
A 2010-12-05: Es ist das 'Fallenlassen auf den Boden des unter Kontrolle habenden Balls,...
A 2010-10-19: BE: "all talk and no trousers", AE: "all big mouth and no balls" (?)
A 2010-08-15: Yes, you're right. It's the only steering box that uses "spheres" (bearing...
A 2009-11-18: I wish someone one day will have the balls to stand up and tell Drax that ...
A 2009-08-13: Ah, the no-balls-version. Okay, thank you!

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