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English-German translation for: bananas
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Dictionary English German: bananas

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NOUN   a banana | bananas
bananas {adj} [coll.]
verrückt [ugs.] [oft pej.] [geistig wirr]
bot. gastr. T
Bananen {pl}
2 Words
to be bananas [coll.]bekloppt sein [ugs.]
to be bananas [coll.](total / völlig) übergeschnappt sein
to drive sb. bananas [coll.]jdn. verrückt machen
to drive sb. bananas [coll.]jdn. wahnsinnig machen
to go bananas [coll.]ausflippen [ugs.]
idiom to go bananas [coll.]vom wilden Affen gebissen sein [ugs.]
to go bananas [coll.] [go insane]überschnappen [ugs.]
to go bananas [sl.]verrückt werden
agr. FoodInd. organic bananasBio-Bananen {pl} [auch: Biobananen]
gastr. sliced bananasBananenscheiben {pl}
3 Words
idiom to be (totally) bananas [coll.](total) Banane sein [ugs.]
idiom to be bananas about sth. [coll.]verrückt nach etw.Dat. sein [ugs.]
to go bananas over sth. [coll.] [e.g. a car]sichAkk. an etw.Dat. aufgeilen [ugs.] [z. B. einem Auto]
agr. glut of bananasBananenschwemme {f}
4 Words
Are you going bananas? [Br.] [idiom]Bist du Banane? [ugs.] [Redewendung]
a bunch of bananas [a hand]eine Hand {f} Bananen
a bunch of bananas [a stalk / stem of bananas]ein Büschel {n} Bananen [Fruchtstand mit ca. 6 bis 20 sogenannten Händen]
a hand of bananaseine Hand {f} Bananen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Bananas [Woody Allen]Bananas
film F Herbie Goes Bananas [Vincent McEveety]Herbie dreht durch
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A 2020-09-23: Rather than eating dormice, I tend to feed them chopped apples and bananas...
A 2016-10-08: "Yes, we have no bananas!"
A 2015-05-16: 11:08 English: I like bananas rather than apples. (Healthwise, you ought t...
A 2015-03-10: http://www.dict.cc/?s=bananas
Q 2015-03-10: If you’re bananas about bananas
A 2015-01-20: Time flies like the wind, fruit flies like bananas ;-)
Q 2014-06-23: cheetah spotted bananas
A 2012-11-21: Going bananas
Q 2011-06-03: Germans: Go Bananas!
A 2010-12-02: Bananas. Or: Pineapples.
Q 2009-06-17: This thing is driving me bananas...
A 2008-11-30: I read Karl May eagerly when I was a child, but a child today would go ban...
A 2008-06-20: Bananas + Muppet Show?
A 2006-04-06: time flies like the wind, fruit flies like bananas ;-)
A 2005-01-18: I know a lot of people whose income depends on bananas.
A 2004-04-07: Pokorny is driving me bananas

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