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English-German translation for: barriers
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Dictionary English German: barriers

Translation 1 - 54 of 54

English German
NOUN   a barrier | barriers
Hindernisse {pl}
Schranken {pl}
Barrieren {pl}
Absperrungen {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
access barriersZugangshürden {pl}
administrative barriersbürokratische Hindernisse {pl}
administrative barriersbürokratische Hürden {pl} [fig.]
constr. cavity barriers [Br.]Hohlraumsperren {pl}
class barriersKlassenschranken {pl}
sociol. class barriersStandesschranken {pl}
tech. traffic transp. crash barriersLeitplanken {pl}
customs barriersZollgrenzen {pl}
customs barriersZollschranken {pl}
entrance barriersEintrittsbarrieren {pl}
econ. fin. law import barriersEinfuhrschranken {pl}
traffic median barriersMittelleitplanken {pl}
tariff barriersZollbarrieren {pl}
tariff barriersZollschranken {pl}
comm. pol. trade barriersHandelsbarrieren {pl}
trade barriersHandelshemmnisse {pl}
trade barriersHandelsschranken {pl}
3 Words: Others
All barriers failed.Alle Schranken fielen.
3 Words: Verbs
idiom to break down barriersHürden überwinden
comm. econ. pol. to dismantle trade barriersHandelsbarrieren abbauen
to erect trade barriersHandelsbarrieren errichten
comm. econ. pol. to reduce trade barriersHandelsschranken abbauen
3 Words: Nouns
barbed-wire barriersspanische Reiter {pl}
econ. barriers {pl} to entry [into a market]Zugangsbeschränkung {f} [Markteintrittsschranken]
econ. barriers {pl} to exit [leave a market]Abgangsbeschränkung {f} [Marktaustrittsschranken]
barriers to competitionWettbewerbsbeschränkungen {pl}
barriers to entryEinstiegshürden {pl}
barriers to entryZugangsbeschränkungen {pl}
comm. fin. barriers to entry [into a market]Markteintrittsbarrieren {pl}
econ. barriers to exit [leave a market]Marktaustrittsbarrieren {pl}
econ. barriers to exit [leave a market]Marktaustrittsschranken {pl}
barriers to exportExportbeschränkungen {pl}
barriers to immigrationEinwanderungshürden {pl}
barriers to importImportbeschränkungen {pl}
educ. psych. barriers to learningLernhemmnisse {pl}
barriers to progressHemmnisse {pl} für die Fortentwicklung
comm. barriers to tradeHandelshemmnisse {pl}
barriers to tradeHindernisse {pl} für den freien Handel
econ. freedom from barriersBarrierefreiheit {f}
4 Words: Verbs
to be unhampered by barriersbarrierefrei sein
to put up trade barriersHandelsschranken aufbauen
4 Words: Nouns
comm. pol. abolition of trade barriersBeseitigung {f} von Handelsschranken
econ. barriers to economic growthHindernisse {pl} für das Wirtschaftswachstum
rail transp. level crossing (with barriers) [Br.](beschrankter) Bahnübergang {m}
rail transp. level crossing without barriers [Br.]unbeschrankter Bahnübergang {m}
econ. non-tariff trade barriersnichttarifäre Handelshemmnisse {pl}
rail pedestrian crossing with barriersbeschrankter Fußweg-Bahnübergang {m}
comm. pol. reduction of trade barriersAbbau {m} von Handelsschranken
removal of trade barriersBeseitigung {f} von Handelsbarrieren
5+ Words: Nouns
Agreement of Technical Barriers to Trade <agreement of TBT>Abkommen {n} über Technische Handelshemmnisse
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A 2010-12-16: barriers to entry +into+ these market niches OR niche markets
Q 2010-12-15: entry barriers / Eintrittsbarrieren
Q 2010-08-03: drivers and barriers
A 2009-12-30: may try: these barriers function as passage control / passage checkpoint
A 2009-12-30: barriers
Q 2009-11-12: break barriers
A 2009-07-23: no, no - bridges make barriers unnecessary
A 2009-05-15: Parking at hydrants, driveways, gates or other barriers is prohibited
A 2008-11-19: Japanese consumers prefer ordering on national websites due to language barriers
A 2008-11-19: Or else: Language barriers lead Japanese consumers to shop on national websites
A 2006-09-21: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22love+transcends+all+b...
A 2006-09-16: Entgrenzung > breaking down of barriers, removing of boundaries; to call ...
A 2003-11-23: barriers

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