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English-German translation for: bars
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Dictionary English German: bars

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NOUN   a bar | bars
VERB  to bar | barred | barred
barring | bars
SYNO   bars | parallel bars
NOUN1   das Bar [Maßeinheit] | die Bars/[nach Zahlen auch] Bar
NOUN2   die Bar [Lokal] | die Bars
bars {pl}
Gitter {n}
Stäbe {pl}
Gitterstäbe {pl}
sports bars
Barren {m}
mus. bars
Takte {pl}
gastr. bars
Bars {pl}
bars [e.g. in business graphics]
Balken {pl}
Theken {pl}
Ausschänke {pl}
cafes [Am.]
Bars {pl}
2 Words: Others
behind bars {adv} [coll.] [idiom]hinter Schloss und Riegel [ugs.] [Redewendung]
behind bars {adv} [direction, as in "to put behind bars"]hinter Gitter
behind bars {adv} [place, as in "to be behind bars"]hinter Gittern
2 Words: Nouns
bike aero bars {pl}Aerolenker {m}
sports asymmetric bars {pl} [gymnastics]Stufenbarren {m}
sports asymmetrical bars {pl} [gymnastics]Stufenbarren {m}
philat. bars cancelBalkenstempel {m}
tech. bright barsblanke Stäbe {pl}
automot. bull bars {pl} [also: bullbars]Bullenfänger {m} [ugs.] [Frontschutzbügel]
automot. bull bars {pl} [also: bullbars]Hirschfänger {m} [Frontschutzbügel]
automot. bumper barsStoßstangen {pl}
archi. burglar bars {pl}Einbruch-Schutzgitter {n}
cross barsTorlatten {pl}
bike drop bars {pl}Rennlenker {m}
fraction barsBruchstriche {pl}
toys monkey bars {pl}Klettergerüst {n}
sports parallel barsParallelbarren {m}
sports parallel bars [treated as pl.: apparatus; treated as sg.: event]Barren {m} [Gerät und Disziplin]
sports parallel bars {pl} [gymnastics]Männerbarren {m}
prison bars {pl}Gefängnisgitter {n}
archi. reinforcing barsBetonstabstähle {pl}
snack barsImbissstuben {pl}
starter bars {pl}Anschlussbewehrung {f}
steel bars [pieces]Stahlstäbe {pl}
steel bars {pl} [material]Stabstahl {m}
test barsProbestäbe {pl}
sports uneven bars {pl} [gymnastics]Stufenbarren {m}
sports wall bars {pl}Sprossenwand {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to be behind bars [coll.] [idiom]hinter Gittern sein [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to be behind bars [coll.] [idiom]hinter schwedischen Gardinen sitzen [ugs.] [hum.] [veraltend] [Redewendung]
to put sb. behind bars [coll.] [idiom]jdn. einlochen [ugs.] [salopp] [ins Gefängnis bringen]
law to put sb. behind bars [coll.] [idiom]jdn. hinter Gitter bringen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to put sb. behind bars [coll.] [idiom]jdn. hinter Schloss und Riegel bringen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to put sb. behind bars [coll.] [idiom]jdn. hinter Schloss und Riegel setzen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
3 Words: Nouns
sports asymmetrical parallel bars {pl} [gymnastics]Stufenbarren {m}
copper in barsBarrenkupfer {n}
curved bars harrowZ-förmige Egge {f}
sports parallel bars gymnastBarrenturner {m}
parallel walking bars {pl} [rehab training]Gehbarren {m} [Reha-Hilfsmittel]
automot. side impact bars {pl}Seitenaufprallschutz {m}
hist. Stars and Bars[Flagge der Konföderierten Staaten von Amerika]
sports uneven parallel bars {pl} [gymnastics]Stufenbarren {m}
4 Words: Nouns
sports exercise on the barsBarrenübung {f}
gold bullion in barsGold {n} in Barren
mus. rest of three barsPause {f} von drei Takten
archi. spacing of reinforcement barsAbstand {m} von Bewehrungsstäben
constr. window with glazing barsSprossenfenster {n}
work on the barsBarrenturnen {n}
5+ Words: Nouns
journ. publ. RadioTV black bars (over the eyes)Augenbalken {pl}
sports exercise on the parallel barsBarrenübung {f}
agr. tools reciprocating harrow (with tine bars)Rüttelegge {f} (mit Zinkenbalken)
sports work on the parallel barsBarrenturnen {n}
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Q 2022-05-24: wooden bars
A 2021-12-08: (with, featuring, providing, etc.) security bars
Q 2020-10-16: thick bricks of bars of soap
A 2019-02-14: Viele Bars und Restaurants haben Live-Musik.
A 2018-12-12: spacer bars
A 2016-02-21: bars in the margin
A 2014-02-05: I can't think of a word that covers pubs, bars and restaurants.
Q 2013-08-18: einschlägig (Bars, Etablissements, etc)
A 2012-11-25: (I'm sorry, but) I don't need the two bars because I found some you sent i...
A 2012-06-24: Tippfehler: +wird+ bauseits ... > cross members / shelf cross-bars will be...
Q 2011-11-11: cell phone bars
Q 2011-09-12: Mobile/cell phones: signal/reception/bars
A 2010-04-12: mars bars, i get it...
A 2009-12-17: BE - asymmetric bars
A 2009-12-17: Correction (it's the uneven thing): +Umschwung (auf dem Stufenbarren) > gi...
Q 2009-07-25: slimming bars
A 2009-07-20: die Szenen spielen in Bars in USA ...
A 2008-12-09: There's a choice of three restaurants, two bars, and three cafés
A 2008-09-25: Generally, (in Britain, at least) pubs and bars don't have waiter/waitress...
A 2008-09-15: AE: sway control bars (for a trailer hitch)

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