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English-German translation for: basin
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Dictionary English German: basin

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NOUN   a basin | basins
SYNO   basin | catchment area ... 
geogr. geol. basin
Becken {n}
basin [Br.] [washbasin]
Waschbecken {n}
Schale {f} [Schüssel]
hydro. basin [river basin]
Flussbecken {n}
basin [bowl]
Schüssel {f}
geogr. geol. basin
Talkessel {m}
geogr. basin
Kessel {m}
basin [portable washbasin]
Waschschüssel {f}
naut. basin [harbour basin]
Hafenbecken {n}
Bassin {n} [Becken]
2 Words: Others
basin-shaped {adj}beckenförmig
2 Words: Nouns
hydro. (drainage) basinEinzugsgebiet {n}
hydro. mining absorption basinBeruhigungsbecken {n}
hydro. activation basinBelebungsbecken {n} [Kläranlage]
geogr. Amazon BasinAmazonasbecken {n}
geogr. hydro. Arkona BasinArkonabecken {n}
geogr. Atlantic basinAtlantikbecken {n}
geogr. Atlantic basinatlantisches Bassin {n}
basin cockStandhahn {m}
geol. basin developmentBeckenentwicklung {f}
art hydro. basin fountainSchalenbrunnen {m}
geogr. meteo. basin locationBeckenlage {f}
basin mixerWaschtischmischer {m}
geogr. geol. basin modelBeckenmodell {n}
basin sizeBassingröße {f}
furn. basin standWaschbeckenständer {m}
basin supportsWannenfüße {pl}
naut. basin trial [with completion of the vessel construction program]Standprobe {f}
geogr. basin valleyTalbecken {n}
tools basin wrenchStandhahnmutterschlüssel {m}
tools basin wrenchStandhahnschlüssel {m}
geogr. hydro. Bornholm BasinBornholmbecken {n}
brass basinMessingbecken {n}
carp basinKarpfenbassin {n}
geogr. Carpathian BasinKarpatenbecken {n}
hydro. catch basinAuffangbecken {n}
catch basinAuffangwanne {f}
constr. catch basin [storm drain]Straßenablauf {m}
hydro. catchment basin [also: drainage basin]Einzugsbecken {n} [Einzugsgebiet]
geogr. Chad BasinTschadbecken {n}
geogr. Chad BasinTschadseebecken {n}
hydro. clarifying basinAbsetzbecken {n}
hydro. clarifying basinKlärbecken {n}
hydro. clarifying basinSedimentationsbecken {n}
geol. mining coal basinKohlenbecken {n}
geogr. mining coal basinKohlenrevier {n}
mining coal basinKohlerevier {n}
collecting basinKühlturmtasse {f}
collecting basinWassertasse {f}
collection basinKühlturmtasse {f}
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A 2013-09-16: It's a quote from John McPhee's 1981 book "Basin and Range." He's a wonder...
A 2013-03-10: basin and range system
A 2012-02-07: What about +ground-water basin?+
Q 2011-07-19: basin centred gas in the block
A 2010-12-22: Bodenvertiefung > depression, ground depression, basin, trough, natural de...
A 2010-03-25: three-basin
A 2010-01-03: fine vat, fining vat ? (to fine = schönen, klären, läutern); settling tank...
A 2009-11-04: Agree—the geological term is 'Rinnensee' if the lake's basin was formed by...
Q 2009-04-26: basin hydrology
A 2008-05-09: dock - +puncture basin+ seems to be a mistranslation in this context
A 2007-11-06: The Colorado River basin is home to fourteen native species of fish.
A 2007-11-05: with impermeable concrete as a "white" (i.e. without tar coat) basin
A 2006-11-22: storage basin
A 2006-11-22: sewage (collection) basin?
A 2005-02-15: final clarification basin & mud flakes
A 2004-08-16: foot washing basin, foot washing bowl
A 2004-08-16: foot wash basin
A 2004-04-02: stoneware basin
Q 2004-01-07: to dump water in a basin

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