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English-German translation for: battery.
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Dictionary English German: battery

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NOUN   a battery | batteries
SYNO   assault and battery | battery | battery ... 
agr. electr. mil. battery
Batterie {f}
law battery
Körperverletzung {f} <KV>
electr. battery
Akku {m} [Akkumulator]
law battery [hitting]
Tätlichkeit {f}
battery [fig.]
Reihe {f}
battery [fig.]
Serie {f}
electr. battery
Stromversorgung {f} [Batterie]
electr. battery
Stromspeicher {m}
battery [harming]üble Zurichtung {f}
battery [hitting, assault]tätlicher Angriff {m}
2 Words: Others
electr. battery-backed {adj}batteriegepuffert
electr. battery-driven {adj}batteriebetrieben
electr. battery-operated {adj}akkubetrieben
electr. battery-operated {adj}Batterie- [elektrisches Gerät mit Batteriestromversorgung]
electr. battery-operated {adj}batteriebetrieben
electr. battery-powered {adj}akkubetrieben
electr. battery-powered {adj}Batterie- [elektrisches Gerät mit Batteriestromversorgung]
electr. battery-powered {adj}batteriebetrieben
electr. battery-powered {adj}batteriegespeist
battery-saving {adj}stromsparend [bei Batteriebetrieb]
Insert battery.Batterie einlegen.
electr. Low battery.Akku schwach.
2 Words: Nouns
electr. (battery) balancerAusgleichsregler {m} [Batterieladetechnik]
electr. (battery) balancer [battery charging]Balancer {m} [Batterieladetechnik]
chem. electr. (battery) electrolyte [battery acid]Akkumulatorsäure {f}
electr. AA batteryMignonbatterie {f} [ugs.] [Mignonzelle]
electr. AAA batteryMicrobatterie {f} [ugs.] [Microzelle]
electr. AAA batteryAAA-Batterie {f}
electr. AAA batteryAAA-Zelle {f}
electr. AAA batteryMicro-Batterie {f} [Rsv.] [ugs.] [Microzelle]
electr. AAA batteryMikro-Batterie {f} [Rsv.] [ugs.] [Mikrozelle]
electr. accumulator batteryAkkumulator {m}
law aggravated batterygefährliche Körperverletzung {f}
electr. alkaline batteryAlkali-Batterie {f}
electr. alkaline batteryAlkali-Mangan-Batterie {f}
electr. alkaline batteryAlkali-Mangan-Zelle {f}
electr. alkaline batteryZink-Manganoxid-Zelle {f} [Alkali-Mangan-Batterie]
electr. anode batteryAnodenbatterie {f}
mil. weapons antiaircraft batteryFlakbatterie {f}
mil. weapons antiaircraft batteryFlugabwehrbatterie {f}
nucl. atomic batteryAtombatterie {f} [ugs: Radionuklidbatterie]
automot. automobile battery [Am.]Autobatterie {f}
electr. backup batteryStützbatterie {f}
archaeo. Baghdad BatteryBagdad-Batterie {f}
chem. electr. battery acidAkkumulatorsäure {f}
chem. electr. battery acidAkkusäure {f}
chem. electr. battery acidBatteriesäure {f}
electr. battery backupBatteriepuffer {m}
electr. battery backupNetzausfallschutz {m}
electr. battery backupAbsicherung {f} der Stromversorgung
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A 2023-07-18: to exceed (battery) lifetime / storagetime?
A 2019-01-27: Sales spiel: Microsoft Edge, a fast browser for Windows 10. Explore the in...
Q 2016-08-09: gun battery
Q 2016-06-25: to load a battery
Q 2016-06-06: Patenttext über KFZ-Elektronik (Abgabe: 07.06.2016 um 8 Uhr) "battery inte...
A 2016-01-27: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22lifespan+of+the+battery%22
A 2015-11-08: battery: anode and cathode
A 2015-11-08: IMHO the naming of - pole and + pole depends on if you load or unload the ...
A 2015-11-08: battery: anode and cathode
Q 2015-11-08: battery: anode and cathode
Q 2015-07-01: Patenttitel (kein Kontext vorhanden!) Abgabe 02.07.2015 um 11 Uhr - "batte...
Q 2015-02-27: there's not much life left in the battery
A 2015-02-16: Overview of battery names
A 2015-01-20: Set-up and calibration of a test bench for verifying an energy and battery...
A 2014-07-30: Battery
Q 2014-07-29: battery of rockets
A 2014-02-21: Is "to load a battery" right or wrong?
Q 2013-05-28: An overheating battery on an ANA flight led 787s being grounded in January.
Q 2013-05-27: The planes have since been modified with new battery systems
A 2013-02-13: battery sizes: AAA, AA, C, D, (and many more)

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