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English-German translation for: bauen auf
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Dictionary English German: bauen auf

Translation 1 - 50 of 9588  >>

to bank onbauen auf
to build onbauen auf
Keywords contained
to build on sth.auf etw. bauen
to build upon sth.auf etw. bauen
to build on sb.auf jdn. bauen
to look to sb. [rely on]auf jdn. bauen
to build on sand [idiom]auf Sand bauen [Redewendung]
to build on sandy ground [idiom]auf Sand bauen [Redewendung]
to build on a promiseauf ein Versprechen bauen
to build on a levelauf einer Ebene bauen
to build on firm groundauf festem Grund bauen
to rely on sb./sth.auf jdn./etw. bauen [fig.]
to contour a roadeine Straße auf Höhenlinie bauen
to count on sth. [reckon with]auf etw.Akk. bauen [sich verlassen, rechnen mit]
to base sth. on sb./sth.etw. auf jdn./etw. bauen [gründen] [fig.]
to base sth. upon sb./sth.etw. auf jdn./etw. bauen [gründen] [fig.]
Partial Matches
to buildbauen
constr. to structurebauen
constr. tech. building [constructing, assembling]Bauen {n}
constr. construction [building]Bauen {n}
to make the beds [esp. military]Betten bauen
to build hopesHoffnungen bauen
ling. to build sentencesSätze bauen
to build solidlysolide bauen
acad. constr. earthquake engineering <EE>erdbebensicheres Bauen {n}
archi. modular buildingmodulares Bauen {n}
constr. resource-saving constructionressourcensparendes Bauen {n}
to construct sth. [make or form]etw.Akk. bauen
constr. to erect sth.etw.Akk. bauen
constr. to put sth. up [to build]etw.Akk. bauen
to build castles in Spain [idiom]Luftschlösser bauen [Redewendung]
to build castles in the air [idiom]Luftschlösser bauen [Redewendung]
to have a pipe dream [idiom]Luftschlösser bauen [Redewendung]
to whistle Dixie [Am.] [idiom]Luftschlösser bauen [Redewendung]
to blunderMist bauen [ugs.]
to boob [Br.] [coll.]Mist bauen [ugs.]
to botch things up [coll.]Mist bauen [ugs.]
to foul up [coll.]Mist bauen [ugs.]
to fuck up [vulg.]Mist bauen [ugs.]
to goof [coll.]Mist bauen [ugs.]
to make a mess of thingsMist bauen [ugs.]
to mess things up [coll.]Mist bauen [ugs.]
to screw things up [coll.]Mist bauen [ugs.]
to screw up [coll.] [foul up]Mist bauen [ugs.]
to fuck around [vulg.]Scheiße bauen [vulg.]
to fuck up [vulg.]Scheiße bauen [vulg.]
to screw things up [sl.]Scheiße bauen [vulg.]
to build (close) together(dicht) aneinander bauen
to build a vehicleein Fahrzeug bauen
to build a houseein Haus bauen
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