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English-German translation for: bauschige Hosen
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: bauschige Hosen

Translation 1 - 63 of 63

cloth. baggy trousers [more than one pair]bauschige Hosen {pl} [Baggy Pants]
Partial Matches
trouser {adj} [attr.]Hosen-
cloth. pants [esp. Am.] [more than one pair]Hosen {pl}
cloth. trousers [more than one pair]Hosen {pl}
orn. leg feathersHosen {pl} [Beingefieder]
cloth. to change into trousersHosen anziehen
cloth. to put on trousersHosen anziehen
cloth. to press trousersHosen bügeln
to cut down trousersHosen kürzen
cloth. to sew trousersHosen nähen
cloth. hand-me-down trousers [more than one pair]aufgetragene Hosen {pl}
cloth. bell-bottomed trousers [more than one pair]ausgestellte Hosen {pl}
cloth. flared trousers [more than one pair]ausgestellte Hosen {pl}
cloth. bedraggled trousers [more than one pair]beschmutzte Hosen {pl}
cloth. bumsters [Br.] [more than one pair]Bumster-Hosen {pl}
cloth. shorts [more than one pair]kurze Hosen {pl}
cloth. leather trousers [more than one pair]lederne Hosen {pl}
cloth. Unverified palazzo pants [esp. Am.] [one pair]Palazzo-Hosen {pl}
cloth. hist. (a pair of) slopsweite Hosen {pl}
cloth. bagsweite Hosen {pl}
cloth. britches [coll.] [pants, trousers] [more than one pair]Hosen {pl} [lange Hosen]
breechless {adj} [without breeches or trousers]ohne Hosen [nachgestellt]
cloth. baggy pants [too big, shapeless]schlotternde Hosen {pl} [Schlotterhosen]
cloth. baggy trousers [more than one pair] [loose, wide-legged trousers]schlotternde Hosen {pl} [Schlotterhosen]
cloth. in shorts {adv}in kurzen Hosen
to breechmit Hosen bekleiden
cloth. pin-striped trousers [more than one pair]Hosen {pl} mit Nadelstreifen
cloth. two (pairs of) trouserszwei (Paar) Hosen {pl}
med. pneumatic anti-shock garments <PASG> [rare]pneumatische Anti-Schock-Hosen {pl}
cloth. slacks [more than one pair]Hosen {pl} [sportliche oder legere Hosen]
to wear the breeches (in the family) [coll.] [idiom]die Hosen anhaben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to wear the britches (in the family) [coll.] [idiom]die Hosen anhaben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to wear the pants [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]die Hosen anhaben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to wear the trousers [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]die Hosen anhaben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to give sb. a good hiding [idiom]jdm. die Hosen strammziehen [Redewendung]
cloth. a pair of trousersein Paar {n} Hosen [ugs.] [veraltend]
cloth. two (pairs of) pants [Am.] [two (pairs of) trousers]zwei (Paar) Hosen {pl} [lange Hosen]
to have made a mess in one's pantsdie Hosen voll haben [ugs.]
to be left looking stupidmit abgesägten Hosen dastehen [schweiz.] [Redewendung]
to be in a blue funk [idiom] [be in a fearful state]die Hosen voll haben [ugs.] [fig.] [Redewendung]
to be scared shitless [vulg.] [idiom]die Hosen voll haben [ugs.] [fig.] [Redewendung]
to have the jitters [coll.] [idiom]die Hosen voll haben [ugs.] [fig.] [Redewendung]
to give sb. a good hiding [esp. a young boy]jdm. die Hosen stramm ziehen [ugs.] [fig.]
to pee one's pants [sl.]sichDat. in die Hosen machen [ugs.]
to piss / shit one's pants [vulg.]sichDat. in die Hosen machen [ugs.]
to drop trou [Am.] [coll.] [to drop one's trousers]die Hosen runterlassen [ugs.] [nicht fig.] [bes. öffentlich]
to come clean [idiom]die Hosen runterlassen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [die Wahrheit bekennen]
to depants sb. [sl.] [rare] [usually in public]jdm. die Hosen herunterziehen [oft in der Öffentlichkeit]
to pants sb. [Am.] [sl.] [typical school prank: to yank sb's pants down (or off completely) in a public or semi-public venue]jdm. die Hosen herunterziehen [oft in der Öffentlichkeit]
to shit oneself [vulg.] [also fig.]sichDat. die Hosen vollscheißen [auch fig.] [derb]
Don't wet your pants! [Am.] [also fig.]Mach dir nicht in die Hosen! [auch fig.]
Don't chicken out! [coll.] [idiom]Mach dir nicht in die Hosen! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to pee oneself [coll.]sichDat. in die Hosen machen [ugs.] [einnässen]
She's the one with the balls in that family. [sl.] [idiom]Sie hat (in der Familie) die Hosen an. [Redewendung]
to put / lay one's cards on the table [idiom]die Hosen runterlassen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [die eigenen Schwächen, Mängel offenlegen]
to shit a brick [vulg.] [idiom]sichDat. aus Angst in die Hosen scheißen [vulg.] [Redewendung]
to be scared shitless [vulg.] [sl.] [idiom]sichDat. vor Angst in die Hosen machen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to be scared spitless [coll.] [euphemistic for: shitless] [idiom]sichDat. vor Angst in die Hosen machen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
cloth. trousers {pl} [one pair]Hosen {pl} [auch {f}] [veraltend, noch regional für: eine Hose, ein Paar Hosen]
to be bricking it [Br.] [vulg.] [idiom] [nearly messing oneself from fear]sichDat. fast vor Angst in die Hosen scheißen [vulg.] [Redewendung]
You scared the shit out of me. [vulg.] [idiom]Ich hab mir vor Schreck fast in die Hosen gemacht. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
rolling on the floor laughing so hard I wet my pants <ROTFLSHIWMP>sich auf dem Boden kugeln vor Lachen und in die Hosen machen
to shit oneself [vulg.] [also fig.]sichDat. in die Hosen machen [ugs.] [koten] [auch fig.: große Angst haben]
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