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English-German translation for: bc
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Dictionary English German: bc

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SYNO   B.C. | BC | before Christ
acad. biochem. biochemistry <BC>
Biochemie {f} <BC>
mus. [catalogue of J.S. Bach's works]Bach-Compendium {n} <BC>
2 Words: Others
before Christ {adv} <BC>ante Christum <a. Chr.>
before Christ {adv} <BC>vor Christus <v. Chr.>
before Christ {adv} <BC>ante Christum natum <a. Chr. n.>
hist. before Christ {adv} <BC>vor Christi Geburt
before Christ {adv} <BC>vor unserer Zeitrechnung <v. u. Z.>
2 Words: Nouns
biol. bacteriological code <BC>bakteriologischer Code {m} <BC>
biol. basal cell <BC, Ceb> [Cellula basalis]basale Zelle {f}
med. basaloid carcinoma <BC>basaloides Karzinom {n}
mus. basso continuoBasso continuo {m} <B.c., b.c., bc>
mil. battalion commander <BC>Bataillonskommandeur {m} <BtlKdr>
mil. battery commanderBatteriechef {m} <BC>
biol. biologic clock <BC>biologische Uhr {f}
med. bladder cancer <BC>Blasenkarzinom {n} [Blasenkrebs]
med. bladder cancer <BC>Blasenkrebs {m}
med. bladder cancer <BC>Harnblasenkarzinom {n} <HBK> [Blasenkrebs]
astron. bolometric correction <BC>bolometrische Korrektur {f} <BC>
phys. brane cosmology <BC>Branenkosmologie {f}
geogr. British Columbia <BC>Britisch-Kolumbien {n}
geogr. British Columbia <BC>British Columbia {n} [kanadische Provinz]
med. bronchial carcinoma <BC>Bronchuskarzinom {n}
med. bronchogenic carcinoma <BC>bronchogenes Karzinom {n}
phys. sports tech. buoyancy compensator <BC> [Diving equipment] [Scuba gear]Jacket {n} [Tauchausrüstung]
phys. sports tech. buoyancy compensator <BC> [Diving equipment] [Scuba gear]Tarierweste {f} [Tauchausrüstung]
econ. educ. business communication <BC>Wirtschaftskommunikation {f} <WK> [auch Studiengangsbezeichnung]
econ. business continuity <BC>betriebliche Kontinuität {f}
comp. econ. business continuity <BC>Business-Continuity {f} <BC>
mus. figured bassBasso continuo {m} <B.c., b.c., bc>
3 Words: Others
meteo. (sky) partly clouded {adj} <bc>teilweise bewölkt
3 Words: Nouns
med. (urinary) bladder cancer <BC>Harnblasenkrebs {m} <HBK>
med. (urinary) bladder carcinoma <BC>Harnblasenkarzinom {n} <HBK> [Blasenkrebs]
med. breast cancer mortality <BC mortality>Brustkrebsmortalität {f}
4 Words: Others
late 16th-century BC {adj} [attr.]aus dem späten 16. Jh. v. Chr. [nachgestellt]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F 10,000 BC [Roland Emmerich]10.000 B.C.
lit. F Stonehenge: A novel of 2000 BC [Bernard Cornwell]Stonehenge
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A 2023-04-15: https://logeion.uchicago.edu/%E1%BC%90%CE%BB%CE%AD%CE%B3%CF%87%CF%89
A 2019-04-29: Nur 1 Treffer: https://www.google.de/search?source=hp&ei=TQbHXMzNHqXksAfom...
A 2018-08-14: Name of said hotel taken from post-2nd-c-BC Greek
A 2017-04-18: feststehendes Menü https://www.google.de/#q=%22feststehendes+Men%C3%BC%22...
A 2014-10-23: Military medals go back to the 4th century BC
Q 2014-07-17: the warmth bc.
A 2011-01-13: If you take Herod's death in 4 BC as a dividing line in order to play off ...
A 2009-05-31: erected around mid-6th century BC; Hera sanctuary
A 2008-12-07: The Trojan War probably took place between the 18th and the 15th century BC
A 2008-08-13: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spezial:Search?ns0=1&search=Norddeutsche+Begr...
A 2008-06-17: süße Herren zuhauf: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=%22s%C3%BC%C3%9Fer...
A 2008-06-17: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=%22s%C3%BC%C3%9Fer+Jesus%22&btnG=Googl...
A 2008-03-27: ? http://www.google.com/search?um=1&hl=de&lr=&rlz=1B2GGGL_deAT202AT202&q=%...
A 2008-02-19: It relates to Augustine (4 BC) and the ancient Greek philosophy, especiall...
A 2006-09-30: Kant's quotation: sápere aude < Horace (65-8 BC); Horace, however, borrowe...
A 2006-07-23: You bet esmeralda! :) I promise you that I'll be there when you need help ...
A 2006-07-18: Wait for the acception of mine bc I'm not sure with it...
A 2006-07-14: Hehe Jim! :) ...you prolly won't believe it but I really set up a file wit...
A 2006-07-11: Technically speaking, it shall not mean that@dragonfly; it's meant to be t...
A 2006-06-21: Sry that I acted like I lost interest but actually I couldn't even act bc ...

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