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English-German translation for: beach
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Dictionary English German: beach

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NOUN   a beach | beaches
VERB  to beach | beached | beached ... 
NOUN   die Beach | die Beaches
beach {adj} [attr.] [e.g. dress, erosion, football, holidays, mat, party]
Strand- [z. B. Kleid, Erosion, Fußball, Urlaub, Matte, Party]
beach {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bag, slides or slippers, weather]Bade- [z. B. Tasche, Latschen, Wetter]
to beach
naut. to beach
to beachauf Strand laufen
naut. to beach [boat]auf Strand setzen
Strand {m}
TrVocab. beach
Badestrand {m}
Gestade {n} [poet.] [Strand, Küstenstreifen]
beachMeeresstrand {m}
2 Words: Verbs
biol. to beach itself [whale, dolphin]stranden [Wal, Delfin]
2 Words: Nouns
ecol. geogr. barrier beachStrandwall {m}
TrVocab. bathing beachBadestrand {m}
TrVocab. bathing beach [chiefly Br.]Strandbad {n}
beach accessStrandzugang {m}
geogr. beach areaStrandgebiet {n}
geogr. beach areaStrandzone {f}
beach bagBadetasche {f}
beach bagStrandtasche {f}
sports beach ballStrandball {m}
toys beach ballWasserball {m} [großer aufblasbarer Ball zum Spielen im Wasser]
gastr. beach barStrandbar {f}
beach beautyStrandschönheit {f} [Frau]
orn. beach birdStrandvogel {m}
urban beach boulevardStrandboulevard {m}
beach buggyStrandbuggy {m}
beach bum [coll.]Strandgammler {m} [ugs.]
RealEst. travel TrVocab. beach bungalowBeachbungalow {m}
travel beach campingStrandcamping {n}
travel beach centre [Br.]Strandzentrum {n}
furn. beach chairBadeliege {f}
furn. beach chairLiegestuhl {m}
furn. beach chairPoolliege {f}
furn. beach chairStrandliege {f}
furn. beach chairStrandstuhl {m}
beach cityStadt {f} am Strand
beach cleaningStrandsäuberung {f}
beach cleanup [also: beach clean-up]Strandsäuberung {f}
cloth. beach costumeStrandkostüm {n}
geol. beach cuspsStrandhörner {pl}
mil. beach defense [Am.]Strandverteidigung {f}
cloth. beach dressStrandkleid {n}
ecol. hydro. beach erosionStrandausnagung {f} [Stranderosion]
ecol. beach erosionStranderosion {f}
cloth. beach fashionBademode {f}
cloth. beach fashionStrandmode {f}
cloth. beach fashion {sg}Bademoden {pl}
sports beach football [Br.]Beachsoccer {n} {m} [auch: Beach Soccer]
sports beach football [Br.]Strandfußball {m}
beach funStrandspaß {m}
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A 2023-01-04: Als Überschrift vielleicht: Beach Findings
A 2022-03-31: Hier das Zeug bei Amazon im Zusammenhang mit +camping tent 2-4 people [dir...
A 2017-03-20: Maybe, "I could get laid on the beach". ;-) (Sorry, everybody, I couldn't ...
A 2016-07-03: Or: it is often filmed near Miami Beach.
A 2015-11-23: https://www.google.de/#q=%22like+a+dead+jellyfish+washed+up+on+the+beach%22
A 2013-09-28: Darryl Lyman does not seem to be a Hooray Henry - Education/Experience: B....
A 2013-04-26: He contrasts the large breakers further out with the smaller waves closer ...
Q 2012-10-18: soften the beach
A 2011-08-16: beach sandals http://uk.images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=A7x9QV....
Q 2011-02-03: located on the beach and the bay
A 2011-01-31: I'd go with pleasure mall ..... like pleasure beach etc. ....
A 2010-10-28: No, you can't say "Beach holidays were yesterday"
A 2010-10-28: beach
A 2010-10-28: beach holidays are long gone .... eine Möglichkeit
A 2010-08-30: http://www.examiner.com/scrapbooking-in-west-palm-beach/instructions-for-4...
A 2010-07-13: They also have a Palm Beach in Australia/ There is a Palm Beach in Austral...
A 2010-07-13: "There's a Palm Beach in Australia, too!
A 2010-05-25: beach warden http://dictionary.reverso.net/german-english/Strandvogt
A 2010-03-13: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&source=hp&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22lazing+on+t...
A 2010-01-28: beach / seaside promenade

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• beach
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