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Dictionary English German: bean

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NOUN   a bean | beans
VERB  to bean | beaned | beaned ... 
sports to bean sb. [Am.] [coll.]jdn. mit dem Baseball am Kopf treffen
to bean sb. [mainly Am.] [sl.]jdm. eins über die Rübe ziehen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
bot. T
Bohne {f}
bean [dated] [coll.] [head]
Birne {f} [ugs.] [Kopf]
2 Words: Others
bean-shaped {adj}bohnenförmig
2 Words: Nouns
bot. (small) beanBöhnchen {n}
bean bagBohnensäckchen {n}
bean bagKnautschsack {m} [Sitzsack]
weapons bean bagsBeanbags {pl}
gastr. bean coffeeBohnenkaffee {m}
bean counter [coll.] [pej.] [also: bean-counter, beancounter]Erbsenzähler {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
bean counters [coll.]Erbsenzähler {pl} [ugs.]
bean counting [coll.] [derog.]Erbsenzählerei {f} [ugs.] [abwertend]
gastr. bean curdSojabohnenquark {m}
gastr. bean curdSojaquark {m}
gastr. bean curdTofu {m}
FoodInd. gastr. bean curd [tofu]Bohnenquark {m} [Tofu]
gastr. bean dishBohnengericht {n}
bean flicker [sl.]Lesbe {f}
gastr. bean flourBohnenmehl {n}
bean kingBohnenkönig {m}
gastr. bean masherStampfer {m} [Küchenstampfer]
bot. bean plantBohnenpflanze {f}
bot. bean podBohnenhülse {f} [auch fachspr.]
bot. bean podBohnenschote {f} [nicht fachspr.]
bean poleBohnenstange {f}
agr. bean productionBohnenproduktion {f}
bot. bean seedBohnensamen {m} [auch: Bohnensame]
gastr. bean soupBohnensuppe {f}
bot. gastr. bean sproutBohnensprosse {f} [bes. österr.]
gastr. bean sproutsBohnensprossen {pl}
gastr. bean stewBohneneintopf {m}
bean-feastBohnenfest {n}
bean-pole [also fig.: thin person]Bohnenstange {f} [auch fig.: dünne Person]
bean-stalkBohnenstange {f}
gastr. brandy beanWeinbrandbohne {f}
agr. cacao beanCacaobohne {f} [Rsv., veraltend]
bot. cacao beanKakaobohne {f}
bot. carob beanJohannisbrotschote {f}
bot. gastr. cocoa beanKakaobohne {f}
bot. coffee beanKaffeebohne {f}
gastr. flageolet beanGrünkernbohne {f}
gastr. flageolet beanFranzösische Bohne {f}
gastr. French bean [Br.]Fisole {f} [österr.]
bot. geogr. French bean [Br.]Schnittbohne {f}
gastr. green beanFisole {f} [österr.] [grüne Bohne]
gastr. jelly beanGeleebohne {f}
gastr. jelly beanGeleebonbon {n}
bot. jumping beanSpringende Bohne {f}
gastr. locust beanJohannisbrot {n}
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Q 2023-09-19: Is there a name for vegan/vegetarian bean sausages in German?
A 2015-11-04: +old bean+ among 10 Expressions Brits Use to Seem Posh in America (BBC)
A 2015-11-04: I know someone (British) who called often her children +adjective+ bean wh...
A 2015-11-04: Perhaps a family term; in US slang, +bean > Hispanic American, Mexican or ...
Q 2015-11-04: "Bean" as an informal term of endearment.
A 2015-02-19: bean bag ?
A 2014-05-06: bean counter > bean counting [fig.]
A 2012-04-12: Einige "bean counters" bei Firmen sehen das leider nicht so real.
A 2011-07-20: "bean counting" day, rather
A 2010-01-20: Why not? Tonka bean ice cream? Instead of vanilla?
A 2008-11-15: @Allan...'old' bean (geog./ movie reference)
A 2008-11-15: Gosh, that's a spiffing tie you're wearing, old bean!
A 2008-10-09: Clean coffee seems to be the green bean, so unroasted -
Q 2007-11-27: Spaltnuß - Calabar bean, Esere-Nut, Bean of Etu Esere
A 2007-10-28: bean counting
A 2007-09-11: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~mjw/recipes/casserole/french-bean-stew.html
Q 2007-07-23: bean the beancounter
A 2006-11-20: bean ball
Q 2006-11-19: bean ball
A 2006-06-28: bean counter

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