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Dictionary English German: beard

Translation 1 - 50 of 227  >>

English German
NOUN   a beard | beards
VERB  to beard | bearded | bearded ... 
SYNO   beard | byssus | face fungus ... 
to beard sb./sth. [oppose resolutely or with effrontery]
jdm./etw. trotzen
to beard sb. [to confront]
jdn. ansprechen
to beardTrotz bieten
to beard sb./sth. [archaic] [to confront bravely]jdm./etw. mutig entgegentreten
Bart {m}
Widerhaken {m}
bot. beard
Grannen {pl}
beard [gay sl.] [woman]Alibi-Freundin {f} ["Vorzeigegefährtin" eines schwulen Manns]
2 Words: Nouns
(beard) stubble {sg}Bartstoppeln {pl}
Unverified anchor beard [beard style]Ankerbart {m} [Bartstil]
tools beard axeBartaxt {f}
beard combBartkamm {m}
cosmet. electr. tools beard groomerBartschneider {m}
cosmet. tools beard scissors {pl} [one pair]Bartschere {f}
beard shavingBartrasur {f}
beard styleBarttracht {f}
hist. beard taxBartsteuer {f}
cosmet. electr. tools beard trimmerBartschneider {m}
cosmet. electr. tools beard trimmerBarttrimmer {m}
cosmet. electr. tools beard trimmersBartschneider {pl}
bee beardBienenbart {m}
bristly beardborstiger Bart {m}
archaeo. art hist. ceremonial beardZeremonialbart {m}
chin beardKinnbart {m}
chin-beardKinnbart {m}
Donegal (beard) [chin-curtain beard]Donegal {m} [Donegal-Bart] [selten] [Schifferkrause]
downy beardMilchbart {m}
fake beardfalscher Bart {m}
false beardfalscher Bart {m}
full beardVollbart {m}
goatee (beard) [pointed beard like that of a goat]Geißbart {m} [Spitzbart]
goatee beardZiegenbart {m} [ugs.] [Spitzbart]
Lincoln (beard)Lincoln {m} [Lincoln-Bart]
partial beardTeilbart {m}
pointed beardSpitzbart {m}
red beardRotbart {m}
scrubby beardkümmerlicher Bart {m}
scrubby beardstruppiger Bart {m}
stubbly beardStoppelbart {m}
3 Words: Verbs
to be a beard [coll.] [of a man]ein Alibi-Freund (für eine Homosexuelle) sein
to be a beard [coll.] [of a woman]eine Alibi-Freundin (für einen Homosexuellen) sein
to finger one's beardsichDat. den Bart kraulen
to grow a beardsichDat. einen Bart zulegen [ugs.] [hum.]
to grow a beardsichDat. einen Bart stehen lassen
to grow a beardsichDat. einen Bart wachsen lassen
to grow one's beardsichDat. den Bart wachsen lassen
to shave one's beardden Bart abscheren
to singe the beardden Bart versengen
to sport a beardeinen Bart tragen
to twirl one's beardseinen Bart zwirbeln
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A 2017-09-21: wow this guy is mumbeling (=nuscheln) in his non existent beard ;)
A 2013-02-21: That's a full stop before Thomas Beard.
A 2011-11-06: Van Dyke (beard) http://dictionary.reverso.net/german-english/Knebelbart
A 2011-10-10: it's weird with a beard//seltsam pelzsam
Q 2011-06-28: Goatee style beard
A 2010-10-17: seltersam und märklinwülstig, heute würde man eher weird sagen, weird with...
Q 2010-08-13: to trim a beard
A 2009-12-01: weird with a beard -- seltsam pelzsam
A 2009-06-08: was ist denn ein "beard resentment"?
Q 2009-06-08: Ein (erfundener) Farbton: beard resentment crimson
A 2009-04-30: BTW: The East German 'Sandmann' sports an Ulbricht beard.
A 2006-10-22: I'm unsure about the "bunch" of lace. A beard??
A 2006-09-18: Annebelle, so emancipated she has some beard growth
A 2005-07-20: he had a well kept three-day beard

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