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English-German translation for: beating
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Dictionary English German: beating

Translation 1 - 54 of 54

English German
NOUN   a beating | beatings
VERB  to beat | beat | beaten
beating | beats
SYNO   beating | whipping | drubbing ... 
beating {adj} {pres-p}
beating {adj} {pres-p}
pochend [Herz]
beating {adj} {pres-p}ausklopfend
beating {sg} [series of blows]
Prügel {pl} [Schläge]
Abreibung {f} [ugs.]
Schlagen {n}
Verprügelung {f}
Züchtigen {n}
Durchhauen {n} [Züchtigung]
beatingTracht {f} Prügel
2 Words: Others
beating it [coll.]verduftend [ugs.]
beating timetaktierend
beating upzusammenhauend
beating upzusammenschlagend
world-beating {adj}weltbester
2 Words: Nouns
beating attackPrügelattacke {f}
automot. ecol. cycle beating [cheating on emission standards]Zykluserkennung {f} [Betrug bei Emissionsnormen]
transp. fare-beatingSchwarzfahren {n}
art gold beatingGoldschlagen {n}
gold-beatingGoldschlägerei {f}
good beatingtüchtige Tracht {f} Prügel
sound beatinggute Tracht {f} Prügel
wife-beatingFrauenmisshandlung {f} [bei Ehefrauen]
med. wing beating [a characteristic sign of Wilson's disease]Flügelschlagen {n}
3 Words: Verbs
to take a beatingeine Tracht Prügel beziehen
to take a beating [fig.] [coll.]eine Niederlage einstecken (müssen) [ugs.]
to take some beating [idiom] [hard to surpass]kaum noch überbietbar sein [z. B. Leistung, Rekord]
3 Words: Nouns
mus. beating / striking reedaufschlagendes Rohrblatt {n} [Blasinstrument]
gastr. beating in ofHineinschlagen {n} von
mus. beating the straws [Am.][Folk-Technik: zwei Personen spielen Violine, eine davon schlägt rhythmisch die Saiten mit Klöppeln]
carpet-beating barTeppichklopfstange {f}
fatal beating attacktödliche Prügelattacke {f}
chem. mercury beating heartpulsierendes Quecksilberherz {n}
chem. mercury beating heartschlagendes Quecksilberherz {n}
tools panel (beating) hammerAusbeulhammer {m}
automot. tools panel (beating) hammerKarosseriehammer {m}
med. wing-beating tremorFlügelschlagtremor {m}
4 Words: Others
Our hearts were beating.Uns klopfte das Herz.
4 Words: Verbs
to beg for a beating [idiom] [provoke it]am Watschenbaum rütteln [österr.] [bayer.] [Redewendung]
Unverified to give sb. a good beatingjdm. was auf die Mütze geben
4 Words: Nouns
beating {sg} about the bushAusflüchte {pl}
relig. beating (of) the bounds[Schlagen von Grenzen und Grenzmarken in England und Wales: Prozessionszug rund um eine Gemeinde]
idiom beating a dead horse [fig.]Nachtarocken {n} [ugs. für: verbales oder schriftliches Nachtreten]
med. beating of the heartHerzklopfen {n}
med. beating of the heartHerzschlag {m}
med. non-heart-beating donation <NHBD>Organspende {f} nach Herz-Kreislauf-Stillstand
med. non-heart-beating donor <NHBD>Herztoter {m} [Spender nach Herzstillstand]
med. non-heart-beating donor <NHBD>Organspender {m} nach Herzstillstand
the beating heart of sth.das Herzstück {n} [+Gen.]
5+ Words: Others
My heart is beating fast.Mein Herz schlägt schnell.
Stop beating around the bush! [idiom]Schleich nicht wie die Katze um den heißen Brei! [Redewendung]
without beating about the bush {adv} [coll.]ohne Umschweife
5+ Words: Verbs
to come in with drums beating and trumpets soundingmit Pauken und Trompeten einmarschieren
idiom to wander around with pipes piping and drums beatingmit Pfeifen und Trommeln umherziehen
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A 2018-07-25: Well, worst of all was a beating, I would say.
A 2013-08-28: There is no bush and no beating about ;)
Q 2013-05-17: repair under beating heart conditions
A 2013-01-29: anything with a beating heart
A 2012-03-16: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/world-beating
Q 2012-03-16: world-beating
A 2011-10-06: No, I think the "beating" refers to a crime.
A 2011-05-21: the sun is beating down today
A 2010-08-25: beating
A 2010-08-22: Beating the percentages
A 2010-07-09: My thoughts make my heart stop (beating).
A 2010-06-14: Surely you mean when Germany win by beating England in a penalty shoot out ;-))
A 2009-06-03: Beating'em up, I mean.
A 2009-05-16: he can feel his heart beating faster
A 2009-05-16: is beating
A 2009-05-16: beating is fine
Q 2009-05-16: he can feel his heart beating faster / he can feel his heart beats faster
Q 2009-04-24: dent repair versus panel beating
A 2008-07-03: Seems we're beating in time, Joanne.
A 2008-04-16: In the same manner you can just imagine some guy wearing a shirt like thes...

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