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English-German translation for: became
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Dictionary English German: became

Translation 1 - 35 of 35

English German
VERB  to become | became | become ... 
sb. became
jd. wurde
sb. became
jd. ward [veraltet] [wurde]
2 Words: Others
sb. (became) frayedjd. ereiferte sich
sb. became angryjd. ergrimmte sich [geh.]
sb. became ashamedjd. schämte sich
sb. became engaged [affianced]jd. verlobte sich
sb. became frightenedjd. erschrak
sb. became impoverishedjd. verarmte
sb. became miffedjd. nahm übel
sb. became nauseatedjd. ekelte sich
sb. became senilejd. vergreiste
sb. became silentjd. verstummte
sth. became blurredetw. verschwamm
sth. became countrifiedetw. verbauerte
sth. became marshyetw. versumpfte
sth. became obsoleteetw. veraltete
sth. became stuntedetw. verkümmerte
3 Words: Others
He became pale.Er wurde bleich.
I became giddy.Mir wurde schwindelig.
sb. became friends with sb.jd. befreundete sich mit jdm.
sb. became infatuated with sb.jd. vernarrte sich in jdn.
sb./sth. became an orphanjd./etw. verwaiste
4 Words: Others
He became aware of sth.Er wurde einer Sache inne. [geh.]
He became aware that ...Er wurde inne, dass ... [geh.]
meteo. The rain became steady.Es regnete sich ein.
Whatever became of Michael?Was wurde eigentlich aus Michael?
5+ Words: Others
after sth. became known (to the public) ... {adv}nach (dem) Bekanntwerden etw.Gen. ...
He became aware of it.Er wurde dessen inne. [geh.]
I became a completely new person.Aus mir wurde ein ganz anderer Mensch.
I became familiar with him.Ich wurde vertraut mit ihm.
It became / has become apparent that ...Es wurde festgestellt, dass ...
It became my second home.Es wurde mein zweites Zuhause.
The office staff became unbearably clannish.Im Büro entwickelte sich eine unerträgliche Cliquenwirtschaft.
The party became hot and heavy. [Am.] [coll.]Auf der Party ging es heiß her. [ugs.]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F What Became of Gunner Asch08/15 heute [Hans Hellmut Kirst]
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A 2021-04-24: ... became ambulatory, relying on crutches until . .
A 2021-01-03: became known, was disclosed
A 2018-08-05: His tone became sharper.
A 2017-11-30: it figured high on the agenda of ..., became a central part / plank / them...
A 2017-11-30: ... became a matter of great concern ...
A 2016-11-06: Yes. got or became ....
A 2016-08-12: and there's also Mockney! Became cool and a hipster thing to pretend being...
Q 2016-05-23: became/got confused
A 2015-07-18: In 950 Bohemia and from 963 Poland for a while became imperial fiefs
A 2015-05-05: Yes, "became" is better than "turned into."
A 2015-05-05: Became, perhaps.
Q 2014-05-27: He involuntarily / unwillingly became a celebrity in his home town.
A 2013-03-29: The streets became narrower and narrower.
A 2012-08-26: Yep. The "artistic differences" became "irreconcilable" and
A 2012-08-05: sunfunlili: it became a widely-known term during that time.
A 2012-06-23: I remember the humorous "Trizonesien" for what became (or already was?) "W...
A 2012-06-09: She quickly became known as the master of lies, disguise and deceit/deception.
A 2012-04-10: He became an excellent specimen of his breed/race and so I put him on disp...
A 2012-03-28: ...their songs became more and more / increasingly political.
A 2012-03-18: turned / became

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became friends with sb.
became frightened
became impoverished
became infatuated with sb.

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