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English-German translation for: becoming
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Dictionary English German: becoming

Translation 1 - 56 of 56

English German
ADJ   becoming | more becoming | most becoming
VERB  to become | became | become
becoming | becomes
SYNO   becoming | comely | comme il faut ... 
becoming {adj} {pres-p} [coming to be, coming into existence]
becoming {adj} [appropriate, decorous]
schicklich [geh.]
becoming {adj} [suitable, flattering]
passend [kleidsam]
becoming {adj} [flattering]
cloth. becoming {adj} [of clothing]
kleidsam [geh.] [veraltend]
becoming {adj} [fitting]
geziemend [geh.]
philos. becoming
Werden {n}
2 Words: Others
becoming angryergrimmend [geh.]
becoming archaicaltertümelnd
meteo. becoming brighteraufheiternd [Wetter]
mus. becoming calmberuhigend [Ausführungsanweisung, z. B. bei Mahler]
becoming clearklarwerdend
becoming engaged {pres-p} [affianced]verlobend
becoming impoverishedverarmend
becoming incrusted {pres-p}verkrustend
becoming marshyversumpfend
becoming obsolete {adj} {pres-p} [pred.]veraltend
becoming overgrownzuwachsend
mus. becoming restfulberuhigend [Ausführungsanweisung, z. B. bei Mahler]
becoming senilevergreisend
becoming stuntedverkümmernd
more becoming {adj} [clothes]kleidsamer [geh.] [veraltend]
most becoming {adj}kleidsamste
2 Words: Nouns
becoming availableFreiwerden {n} [einer Wohnung etc.]
becoming childish [puerility]Kindischwerden {n} [Puerilität]
becoming deafErtauben {n}
cloth. becoming dressschickes Kleid {n}
cloth. becoming hatkleidsamer Hut {m} [geh.] [veraltend]
becoming hatschicker Hut {m}
becoming humanMenschwerdung {f}
becoming oneEinswerden {n} [geh.]
becoming widowered [rare]Verwitwerung {f} [selten]
3 Words: Others
becoming infatuated withvernarrend
sth. is becoming scarceetw. wird knapp
with becoming modesty {adv}mit geziemender Bescheidenheit
with becoming modesty {adv}mit schicklicher Bescheidenheit [geh.]
3 Words: Verbs
to aim at becoming sth.nach etw.Dat. aus sein
to be becoming to sb.sich für jdn. schicken
3 Words: Nouns
becoming a peopleVolkswerdung {f}
hist. pol. Unverified becoming a stateStaatswerdung {f}
becoming a victimOpferwerdung {f}
becoming an offenderTäterwerdung {f}
prices becoming firmersich stabilisierende Preise {pl}
4 Words: Others
sth. is becoming increasingly seriousetw. zieht immer weitere Kreise [fig.]
4 Words: Nouns
philos. becoming and passing awayWerden und Vergehen
building order becoming indefeasibleUnanfechtbarkeit {f} eines Baugebots
5+ Words: Others
electr. ... prevents the line current from becoming too high.... verhindert ein zu starkes Ansteigen des Netzstromes.
quote Berlin is a city condemned forever to becoming and never being.Berlin ist eine Stadt, verdammt dazu, ewig zu werden, niemals zu sein. [Karl Scheffler]
He had the feeling that he was becoming smaller and smaller.Er hatte das Gefühl, dass er immer kleiner wurde.
It's very becoming to you.Es steht Ihnen sehr gut.
The gap in incomes is becoming wider.Die Einkommensschere öffnet sich weiter.
The world is becoming a smaller place.Die Welt rückt immer enger zusammen.
5+ Words: Verbs
mil. to be impressed into becoming a soldierzwangsrekrutiert werden
to be two steps shy from becoming an alcoholic [coll.]zwei Schritte davon entfernt sein, ein Alkoholiker zu werden
5+ Words: Nouns
meteo. cloud generally dissolving or becoming less developed during past hour [WMO code 01]Wolkenauflösung {f} oder -rückentwicklung während der letzten Stunde
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Becoming Jane [Julian Jarrold]Geliebte Jane
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A 2020-08-06: Frequency of use demonstrated: it is becoming more and more popular
A 2019-12-18: de-becoming
A 2019-12-17: this unbecoming (oder un-becoming)
A 2017-09-25: https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&q=%22extraordinarily+becoming%22...
Q 2016-11-28: In a world where Donald Trump will be President, encryption is becoming mo...
Q 2016-05-09: Becoming Londonistan?
A 2015-08-28: ein Transi — trannie: great innovation becoming obsolete within a matter o...
A 2015-07-03: Cf. Encyclopaedia of Medieval Knights > Medieval Knights > Becoming a Knight
A 2014-05-04: a becoming catwalk ?
A 2014-05-03: An audience that is not only enthusiastic about the becoming standard catw...
A 2014-04-22: vermutlich ein Wortspiel: "becoming" ist auch ein Adjektiv - passend, mo...
Q 2014-01-02: becoming the Maharaja of email
A 2013-03-22: we will become oder we are becoming
A 2013-02-07: She moves from inviting the act of gazing to becoming the actor, from...
A 2013-01-06: to be good at sth > in etw gut sein; get ~ become / getting ~ becoming; ge...
Q 2012-07-24: Hörproblem: "talking about becoming conceded" ?
Q 2012-03-20: I am interested in becoming a member of your group
A 2012-03-14: For a while the brain continues to be flexible, becoming less so later on ...
A 2011-09-13: The question of of being or becoming is fundamental.
A 2011-09-13: Those who believe to be something have stopped becoming something.

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