| English | German | |
| – |
| becoming {adj} {pres-p} [coming to be, coming into existence] | 124 werdend | |
| becoming {adj} [appropriate, decorous] | 93 schicklich [geh.] | |
| becoming {adj} [suitable, flattering] | 79 passend [kleidsam] | |
| becoming {adj} [flattering] | 61 vorteilhaft | |
| cloth. becoming {adj} [of clothing] | 39 kleidsam [geh.] [veraltend] | |
| becoming {adj} [fitting] | 10 geziemend [geh.] | |
Nouns |
| philos. becoming | 65 Werden {n} | |
2 Words: Others |
| becoming angry | ergrimmend [geh.] | |
| becoming archaic | altertümelnd | |
| meteo. becoming brighter | aufheiternd [Wetter] | |
| mus. becoming calm | beruhigend [Ausführungsanweisung, z. B. bei Mahler] | |
| becoming clear | klarwerdend | |
| becoming engaged {pres-p} [affianced] | verlobend | |
| becoming impoverished | verarmend | |
| becoming incrusted {pres-p} | verkrustend | |
| becoming marshy | versumpfend | |
| becoming obsolete {adj} {pres-p} [pred.] | veraltend | |
| becoming overgrown | zuwachsend | |
| mus. becoming restful | beruhigend [Ausführungsanweisung, z. B. bei Mahler] | |
| becoming senile | vergreisend | |
| becoming stunted | verkümmernd | |
| more becoming {adj} [clothes] | kleidsamer [geh.] [veraltend] | |
| most becoming {adj} | kleidsamste | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| becoming available | Freiwerden {n} [einer Wohnung etc.] | |
| becoming childish [puerility] | Kindischwerden {n} [Puerilität] | |
| becoming deaf | Ertauben {n} | |
| cloth. becoming dress | schickes Kleid {n} | |
| cloth. becoming hat | kleidsamer Hut {m} [geh.] [veraltend] | |
| becoming hat | schicker Hut {m} | |
| becoming human | Menschwerdung {f} | |
| becoming one | Einswerden {n} [geh.] | |
| becoming widowered [rare] | Verwitwerung {f} [selten] | |
3 Words: Others |
| becoming infatuated with | vernarrend | |
| sth. is becoming scarce | etw. wird knapp | |
| with becoming modesty {adv} | mit geziemender Bescheidenheit | |
| with becoming modesty {adv} | mit schicklicher Bescheidenheit [geh.] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to aim at becoming sth. | nach etw.Dat. aus sein | |
| to be becoming to sb. | sich für jdn. schicken | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| becoming a people | Volkswerdung {f} | |
| hist. pol. Unverified becoming a state | Staatswerdung {f} | |
| becoming a victim | Opferwerdung {f} | |
| becoming an offender | Täterwerdung {f} | |
| prices becoming firmer | sich stabilisierende Preise {pl} | |
4 Words: Others |
| sth. is becoming increasingly serious | etw. zieht immer weitere Kreise [fig.] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| philos. becoming and passing away | Werden und Vergehen | |
| building order becoming indefeasible | Unanfechtbarkeit {f} eines Baugebots | |
5+ Words: Others |
| electr. ... prevents the line current from becoming too high. | ... verhindert ein zu starkes Ansteigen des Netzstromes. | |
| quote Berlin is a city condemned forever to becoming and never being. | Berlin ist eine Stadt, verdammt dazu, ewig zu werden, niemals zu sein. [Karl Scheffler] | |
| He had the feeling that he was becoming smaller and smaller. | Er hatte das Gefühl, dass er immer kleiner wurde. | |
| It's very becoming to you. | Es steht Ihnen sehr gut. | |
| The gap in incomes is becoming wider. | Die Einkommensschere öffnet sich weiter. | |
| The world is becoming a smaller place. | Die Welt rückt immer enger zusammen. | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| mil. to be impressed into becoming a soldier | zwangsrekrutiert werden | |
| to be two steps shy from becoming an alcoholic [coll.] | zwei Schritte davon entfernt sein, ein Alkoholiker zu werden | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| meteo. cloud generally dissolving or becoming less developed during past hour [WMO code 01] | Wolkenauflösung {f} oder -rückentwicklung während der letzten Stunde | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| film F Becoming Jane [Julian Jarrold] | Geliebte Jane | |
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