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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: been
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Dictionary English German: been

Translation 1 - 50 of 439  >>

English German
VERB  to be | [I/he/she/it] was/wis [Scot.]// [you/we/they] were | been ... 
been {past-p}
been {past-p} [perfect passive auxiliary]
2 Words: Others
been absent {past-p}gefehlt
been attentive {past-p}aufgepasst
been awake {past-p}gewacht
been back {past-p}zurückgewesen
been called {past-p}geheißen
been clear {past-p}eingeleuchtet
been coherent {past-p}zusammengehangen
been connected {past-p}zusammengehangen
been deceptive {past-p}getrogen
been difficult {past-p}schwergefallen
been difficult {past-p}schwer gefallen [alt]
been drowned {past-p}ertrunken
been enthroned {past-p}gethront
been glad {past-p}gefreut
been inferior {past-p}nachgestanden
been off {past-p}sich weggeschert [ugs.]
been omitted {past-p}entfallen
been present {past-p}dabeigewesen [alt]
been present {past-p}dabei gewesen
been related {past-p}zusammengehangen
been seated {past-p}gelegen
been situated {past-p}gelegen
been sloppy {past-p} [esp. in one's work]geschlampt [ugs.]
been stingy {past-p}gegeizt
been suitable {past-p}gepasst
been together {past-p}zusammengewesen [alt]
been together {past-p}zusammen gewesen
been true {past-p}zugetroffen
RealEst. been vacant {past-p}freigestanden
been valid {past-p}gegolten
coulda been [coll.] [could have been]hätte sein können
has-been {adj} [coll.]abgehalftert [fig.]
there's been sth. [there has been]es hat etw.Akk. gegeben
there's been sth. [there has been]es ist etw. passiert
2 Words: Nouns
been-to [coll.][ein Afrikaner, der in Europa oder den USA gelebt hat]
been-to [female][eine Afrikanerin, die in Europa oder den USA gelebt hat]
has-been [sl.] [pej.]ehemalige Größe {f}
has-been [sl.] [pej.]vergangene Größe {f}
has-been [sl.] [pej.]vergessene Größe {f}
3 Words: Others
[they] have been received[sie] sind eingegangen [Zahlungen, Anfragen etc.]
[we/they/you] have / had been[wir/sie/Sie] sind / waren gewesen
[we/they/you] have been away[wir/sie/Sie] sind weggewesen
[we/they/you] have been ignored[wir/sie/Sie] sind nicht beachtet worden
a has-been ...ein gewesener ...
a has-been ...ein vormaliger ...
been content with {past-p}sichAkk. zufriedengegeben
been content with {past-p}sich zufrieden gegeben [alt]
been good for {past-p}getaugt
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A 2024-01-30: The full name of such bill should have been entered
A 2023-07-25: I should have been clearer.
Q 2023-07-01: "It's always been this way."
A 2023-05-19: Researched a little. Impressively, it seems that the phrase "from a ten fo...
A 2023-04-23: as if the decor had been trampled on
A 2023-03-30: And the only person who the killer has been reported to have contact with ...
A 2023-03-29: Again, I am from Nashville, and have been following the case religiously.
A 2022-11-06: It has been great fun
Q 2021-12-27: "sth. has been through the wash." vs. "sth. has been through the wash"
A 2021-11-18: +-ize+ Notes on usage: https://www.lexico.com/definition/-ize +ize+ has a...
A 2021-06-04: You may have been on the right track all along: Kontokorrentkredit > loan ...
A 2021-05-24: Basically the opposites could not be territorialized just as had at first ...
A 2021-05-01: I agree with what has been writte above by Windfall and Callixte,
A 2021-04-15: A group may have been ordered to team up or have come together consensuall...
A 2021-02-16: it has been bestowed on him at birth
Q 2021-01-31: it should have been eaten - es hätte..sollen oder es sollte...?
Q 2021-01-16: "A yellow snow and ice warning has been issued for Saturday ... " (The Guardian)
A 2021-01-12: etwas Erbetenes - s.th. that has been requested
A 2020-12-25: Without being artsy-fartsy, +elbow door lock+ has been current enough amon...
A 2020-12-10: Have masons been known for a heroic work ethic?

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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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