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English-German translation for: beg
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Dictionary English German: beg

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VERB  to beg | begged | begged ... 
SYNO   to beg | to implore | to pray ... 
to beg
to beg
to beg
to beg
to beg sth.
etw.Akk. erbetteln
to beg [in a badgering manner]dremmeln [regional] [bittend drängen]
to beg [of a dog, holding up front paws]Männchen machen
2 Words: Verbs
to beg (sb.) for sth.(jdn.) um etw.Akk. bitten
to beg almsum Almosen bitten
to beg favours [Br.]um Gunst bitten
to beg for sth.etw.Akk. erbetteln
to beg for sth.etw.Akk. heischen [geh., veraltet] [etw. fordern, um etw. bitten]
to beg for sth.um etw. betteln
to beg for sth.um etw. flehen
to beg forgivenessum Verzeihung bitten
to beg leaveum Erlaubnis bitten
to beg leave [ask for leave of absence]um Urlaub bitten
to beg offabbetteln
to beg offabsagen
to beg off [coll.]sich entschuldigen
to beg permissionum Erlaubnis betteln
to beg persistently [to plead, said esp. of pets and young children]benzen [bayrisch] [österr. ugs.]
to beg sb. for sth.jdn. um etw.Akk. anbetteln
to beg sb. for sth.jdn. um etw.Akk. anflehen
to beg sb.'s pardonjdn. um Vergebung bitten
to beg sb.'s pardonjdn. um Verzeihung bitten
to beg sth. (of sb.)etw. erbitten (von jdm.)
3 Words: Others
Beg your pardon! <BYP>Entschuldigung!
Beg your pardon! <BYP>Wie bitte?
I beg you ...Ich bitte dich / euch / Sie ...
I beg you!Ich flehe dich an!
3 Words: Verbs
to beg a mealum ein Essen betteln
to beg for almsum Almosen bitten
to beg for mercyum Gnade bitten
to beg for mercyum Gnade flehen
to beg for moneyum Geld bitten
to beg one's breadum Brot betteln
to beg one's way [of journeymen] [formerly]fechten [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.] [veraltend]
to beg sb. to do sth.jdn. zu etw. auffordern
to beg sb. to do sth.jdn. anflehen, etw. zu tun
to beg the question [coll.] [idiom] [raise the question]die Frage aufwerfen
to beg the question [idiom]an der (eigentlichen) Frage vorbeigehen [fig.]
to beg urgently (of sb.)jdn. beknien [ugs.] [sehr dringlich bitten]
4 Words: Others
proverb Better beg than steal.Der gerade Weg ist der beste.
proverb Better beg than steal.Lieber / besser betteln als stehlen. [selten]
I beg to differ.Ich bin anderer Ansicht.
I beg to differ.Ich erlaube mir, anderer Meinung zu sein.
I beg your pardon!Entschuldigen Sie! [formelle Anrede]
I beg your pardon!Entschuldigen Sie bitte! [formelle Anrede]
I beg your pardon!Verzeihen Sie bitte! [formelle Anrede]
I beg your pardon?Wie beliebt? [veraltet]
I beg your pardon?Wie bitte?
I beg your pardon?Wie meinen? [geh. veraltet bzw. ugs. hum.]
I beg your pardon.Ich bitte um Verzeihung.
I beg your pardon.Ich habe nicht verstanden.
4 Words: Verbs
to beg a favour of sb. [Br.]um eine Gunst bitten
to beg for a beating [idiom] [provoke it]am Watschenbaum rütteln [österr.] [bayer.] [Redewendung]
to beg for one's lifeum sein Leben betteln
to beg to be excusedsich entschuldigen
idiom to beg to be filmed [fig.] [of a book etc.]filmreif sein
to sit up and begMännchen machen
4 Words: Nouns
law (German) Citizens' Relief Act [of 2009] <BEG>Bürgerentlastungsgesetz {n} [von 2009] <BEG>
5+ Words: Others
I beg to inform you ...Ich beehre mich, Ihnen mitzuteilen ... [geh.]
I beg to inform you ...Ich gestatte mir, Ihnen mitzuteilen ...
I beg you will have the kindness ... [dated]Bitte sind Sie so freundlich ...
quote I die a Queen, but I would rather die the wife of Culpeper. God have mercy on my soul. Good people, I beg you pray for me. [Katheryn / Katherine / Catherine Howard]Ich sterbe als Königin, aber ich würde lieber als die Frau von Culpeper sterben. Gott sei meiner Seele gnädig. Liebe Leute, ich bitte euch, betet für mich. [Catherine Howard, dt. auch: Katharina ...]
quote The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread. [Anatole France]Die großartige »Gleichheit vor dem Gesetz« verbietet den Reichen wie den Armen, unter Brücken zu schlafen, auf den Straßen zu betteln oder Brot zu stehlen.
5+ Words: Verbs
to beg from door to doorvon Haus zu Haus betteln gehen
to beg pardon on one's bended kneesauf Knien um Verzeihung bitten
to beg sb. for sth. on one's kneesjdn. kniefällig um etw.Akk. bitten
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A 2023-03-10: Beg to differ
A 2022-12-19: Beg to differ. It takes a lot of psychobabble to make +abreaction+ synonym...
A 2021-09-23: I beg to differ
A 2020-12-31: I beg to differ: There were probably reasons best known to yourself
Q 2020-10-07: "to beg the question = die Frage aufwerfen [considered wrong]"
A 2020-08-16: Beg to differ, sunfun — +anspruchslos ... gespielt+
A 2019-06-09: Beg to differ; oversimplification rarely helps
A 2019-04-02: Beg to differ (for all it's worth)
A 2018-05-30: I beG to differ!
A 2018-02-01: https://www.google.de/search?biw=920&bih=546&ei=y-VyWrezAoWYkwXn3aiwAw&q=%...
A 2017-09-29: Beg to differ. Quote
A 2015-12-16: I beg to defer (to Proteus).
A 2015-08-17: Beg to differ. If you take the train of thought throughout the paragraph, ...
A 2015-07-28: Beg to differ: I cannot see why +warrioresses+ should be non-standard. In ...
A 2015-05-18: I beg to differ.
A 2015-03-28: Catesse, I beg to differ
A 2015-01-22: Beg to differ
A 2014-12-13: Beg to differ. NATO partners are perfectly entitled to military exercises ...
A 2014-09-05: Beg to differ - you'd be hard put to find anything equally wishy-washy in ...
A 2014-07-22: Beg to differ; ausbremsen > to perform a block pass, to block-pass sb.

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