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English-German translation for: begging letters
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Dictionary English German: begging letters

Translation 1 - 50 of 161  >>

NOUN   a begging letter | begging letters
begging lettersBettelbriefe {pl}
Partial Matches
begging {adj} {pres-p}bettelnd
begging {adj} {pres-p}bittend
beggingBettel {m} [veraltet] [Betteln]
beggingBettelei {f}
beggingBetteln {n}
to go beggingbetteln (gehen)
to go beggingfechten gehen [ugs.] [veraltend] [betteln gehen]
(constant) begging(dauerndes) Gebettel {n} [ugs.]
law begging banBettelverbot {n}
begging bowlAlmosenschale {f}
relig. begging bowlBettelschale {f}
relig. begging bowlKlingelbeutel {m}
orn. begging callsBettellaute {pl}
begging childrenBettelkinder {pl}
begging friarsBettelmönche {pl}
begging letterBettelbrief {m}
begging letterBittbrief {m}
begging letterBrandbrief {m}
relig. begging monkBettelmönch {m}
zool. begging movementsBettelbewegungen {pl}
law begging ordinanceBettelordnung {f}
forced beggingZwangsbettelei {f}
fraudulent beggingBettelbetrug {m}
vehement begginginbrünstiges Flehen {n}
begging mafia [coll.]Bettelmafia {f} [ugs.]
begging mafia [coll.]Bettlermafia {f} [ugs.]
orn. zool. begging for foodBetteln {n} um Futter
orn. zool. begging for foodFutterbetteln {n}
begging [as an institution]Bettelwesen {n}
begging your pardon {adv} [idiom]mit Verlaub [geh.]
to get sth. by begging(sichDat.) etw.Akk. erbetteln
to obtain sth. by beggingetw.Akk. durch Betteln erreichen
zool. (food) begging behavior [Am.]Bettelverhalten {n}
zool. (food) begging behaviour [Br.]Bettelverhalten {n}
begging at the tableBetteln {n} am Tisch
comm. to go begging [coll.] [dead article]keinen Abnehmer finden [Ladenhüter]
orn. begging call [of a gull]Schnappruf {m} [einer Möwe]
begging for food [by people]Betteln {n} um Essen
begging the question [circular reasoning]Zirkelbeweis {m}
to go begging [coll.] [find no interested party]keinen Interessenten finden
orn. begging (for food) [of nestlings, with their beaks wide open]Sperren {n} [angeborenes Schnabelaufsperren junger Singvögel zum Futterbetteln]
lettersBriefe {pl}
lettersBuchstaben {pl}
lit. lettersLiteratur {f}
lettersSchreiben {pl} [Briefe]
to collect lettersBriefe abholen
to deliver lettersBriefe austragen
to draft lettersBriefe verfassen
to draft lettersSchreiben verfassen
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