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English-German translation for: begins
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Dictionary English German: begins

Translation 1 - 10 of 10

English German
VERB  to begin | began/begoud [Scot.] | begun/began [Scot.]
beginning | begins
sb./sth. begins
jd./etw. beginnt
4 Words
proverb Charity begins at home.Nächstenliebe beginnt zu Hause.
proverb Charity begins at home.Wohltätigkeit beginnt zu Hause.
sth. begins with an hetw. fängt mit einem h an
Time begins to run.Die Frist beginnt zu laufen.
5+ Words
geogr. Down Where the South Begins [nickname used by radio broadcasters] [Commonwealth of Virginia][Spitzname für Virginia, USA, der bes. von Radiostationen verwendet wurde]
that even begins to compare to / withwas auch nur annähernd vergleichbar wäre mit
The band begins to play.Jetzt wird es ernst.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins / Remo: Unarmed and Dangerous [Guy Hamilton]RemoUnbewaffnet und gefährlich
film F Tremors 4: The Legend Begins [S.S. Wilson]Tremors 4 – Wie alles begann
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A 2018-11-15: No, but as soon as one of them gets re-opened, the mess begins.
A 2016-05-31: This agreement begins on 1 January XXX and terminates two years later
A 2015-05-19: "Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theorie...
A 2013-03-18: ... the period for bringing the appeal or filing for annulment begins to r...
A 2013-02-21: 19:39 typo: ... of handling +an+ MSED ... After all, M is pronounced /em/ ...
A 2012-10-23: We will take you where adventure/excitement starts/begins ...... ?!
A 2012-08-11: Life begins at conception and ends at birth.
A 2012-04-21: A euro - it begins with a y sound.
A 2010-09-14: The book begins
Q 2010-05-10: Our story begins.....
A 2009-10-31: Something begins, something changes, and something never ends
Q 2009-09-24: Guerrilla Lawfare Begins
A 2009-05-29: Agree with jmwarner—begins earlier than usual.
A 2009-03-17: Each player rolls the dice and the player with the highest roll begins. (AE)
A 2008-07-27: the discount begins to pay off with a standard price turnover??
A 2008-05-05: thanks genius :-) the financial mud begins to clear
A 2007-11-30: Oh, Friday just begins my long workweek :-( for a Tuesday deadline
A 2007-05-07: Finally, it begins to dawn on me
A 2007-03-20: an idea only begins to take shape when it is put down on paper
A 2006-07-03: Charity begins at home - Kabbelung

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• Begins
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begins with an h
begin the lesson
begin the preparations
begin the series
begin the world
begin to boil
begin to conduct business
(begin to) crumble
begin to cry

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