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English-German translation for: behandeln
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Dictionary English German: behandeln

Translation 1 - 50 of 164  >>

NOUN   das Behandeln | -
VERB   behandeln | behandelte | behandelt
SYNO   behandeln | erläutern | abfassen ... 
to treat sb./sth.
jdn./etw. behandeln
to approach sth.
etw.Akk. behandeln [Thema, Frage etc.]
to treat sb.
jdn. behandeln
to cover sth. [topic]
etw.Akk. behandeln [Thema]
med. to cure sb.
jdn. behandeln
dent. med. to attend sb.
jdn. behandeln
to address sth. [topic]
etw.Akk. behandeln [Thema]
to deal
VetMed. to vet sth.
etw.Akk. behandeln [Tier]
to handle sth. [e.g. with care]
etw. behandeln [vorsichtig etc.]
med. to dress [wound]
behandeln [Wunde]
to discuss sth.
etw.Akk. behandeln [erörtern]
to handle sb. [e.g. with care]
jdn. behandeln [z. B. vorsichtig]
med. to doctor sb.
jdn. behandeln
to canvass sth. [discuss thoroughly]
etw. behandeln [beratend gründlich erörtern]
film lit. to deal with sth. [subject]etw. behandeln [Thema]
to deal with sb.jdn. behandeln
2 Words: Verbs
to anodise [Br.]anodisch behandeln
to anodizeanodisch behandeln
med. to treat asthmaAsthma behandeln
med. to treat sth. with medicationetw.Akk. medikamentös behandeln
to look after sth.etw.Akk. pfleglich behandeln
to concentrate on sth.etw.Akk. schwerpunktmäßig behandeln
to give sth. priorityetw.Akk. vorrangig behandeln
to dwell on / upon sth. [topic]etw. ausführlicher behandeln [Thema]
to be discreet about sth.etw. diskret behandeln
to exhaust sth. [a subject]etw. erschöpfend behandeln
to mishandle sth.etw. falsch behandeln
to rehandle sth.etw. neu behandeln [z. B. Thema]
to take care of sth. [treat with care]etw. pfleglich behandeln
to maul sth.etw. ungeschickt behandeln
to keep sth. in confidenceetw. vertraulich behandeln
to treat sth. as confidentialetw. vertraulich behandeln
to give sth. top priorityetw. vordringlich behandeln
to handle sth. with careetw. vorsichtig behandeln
to mistreatfalsch behandeln
to treat safelygefahrlos behandeln
to give sb. a square dealjdn. anständig behandeln
to brutalise sb. [Br.]jdn. brutal behandeln
to brutalize sb.jdn. brutal behandeln
to treat sb. with scornjdn. despektierlich behandeln [geh.]
[to take sb.'s fingerprints and photograph and other identifying information]jdn. erkennungsdienstlich behandeln
to fingerprint and photograph sb.jdn. erkennungsdienstlich behandeln
to be friendly to sb.jdn. freundlich behandeln
to slight sb.jdn. geringschätzig behandeln
to bedevil sb. [harass]jdn. gräulich behandeln
to manhandle sb.jdn. grob behandeln
to treat sb. welljdn. gut behandeln
idiom to high-hat sb. [Am.] [treat sb. in a condescending or supercilious manner]jdn. herablassend behandeln
to lord it over sb. [coll.] [idiom]jdn. herablassend behandeln
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