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English-German translation for: behind
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Dictionary English German: behind

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NOUN   a behind | behinds
SYNO   behind | slow | behindhand ... 
behind {prep}
hinter [+Dat. (Ortsangabe); +Akk. (Richtungsangabe)]
behind {adv}
hinterher [örtlich]
behind {adv}
behind {adv}
behind {adv}
behind {adv} [in time]
behind {adv}
behind {adj}
achter [nordd.]
behind {adv}
hintendrein [örtlich]
behind {adv} [after]
hintennach [österr.] [südd.]
behind {adv} [spatially]
hintnach [ugs.] [österr.]
behind {adv}im Rückstand
behind {adv}auf der Rückseite
behind sth. {adj} [responsible for]verantwortlich für etw.Akk.
behind [coll.]
Hintern {m} [ugs.]
behind [coll.]
Hinterteil {n} [ugs.] [Gesäß]
behind [person's bottom]
Allerwertester {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Gesäß]
2 Words: Others
behind bars {adv} [coll.] [idiom]hinter Schloss und Riegel [ugs.] [Redewendung]
behind bars {adv} [direction, as in "to put behind bars"]hinter Gitter
behind bars {adv} [place, as in "to be behind bars"]hinter Gittern
behind glass {adv}hinter Glas
behind glass {adv}unter Glas
behind here {adv}hierhinter
behind him {adv}hinter ihm
fin. behind in sth.rückständig mit etw.Dat.
behind it {adv}dahinter
behind it {adj} [postpos.]dahintersteckend [attr.] [ugs.]
behind me {adv} [behind my back] [idiom]hinter meinem Rücken [fig.] [Redewendung]
behind sb.'s back {adv}hinterrücks
behind sb.'s back {adv}hinter dem Rücken von jdm.
behind sb.'s back {adv} [also fig.]hinter jds. Rücken [auch fig.]
behind schedule {adv}hintendran [ugs.]
behind schedule {adj} {adv}verspätet
behind schedule {adv}im Rückstand [Zeitplan]
behind schedule {adv}im Verzug [zeitlich hinter der gesetzten Frist]
behind schedule {adv}hinter dem Zeitplan
behind schedule {adv}später als geplant
behind them {adv}hinter ihnen
behind time {adj} {adv}überfällig
behind time {adj} {adv}verspätet
behind-wiggling {adj}hinternwackelnd
close behind {adv}dicht dahinter
closely behind {adv}dicht dahinter
directly behind {prep}kurz hinter
far behind {adv}weit hinten
following behind {adj} [postpos.]nachfolgend
from behind {adv}hintenherum
from behind {adv}hintenrum [ugs.]
from behind {adv}hinterrücks
from behind {adv}von hinten
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A 2020-07-20: ...from behind your eyes = from the brain, the mind
Q 2020-07-20: behind the eyes
A 2019-05-30: One argument in favour of +for me+ does not exclude the arguments right be...
A 2019-03-12: behind as a verb
Q 2019-03-12: to behind [verb] ??? (I've never heard that) - hinter (etwas) stehen?
A 2018-04-01: Who's behind Numbeo? +Fide sed cui vide+ #) / 'fīdĕ sĕd 'kŭĭ 'wĭdē/ ~ Watc...
Q 2018-03-05: use of "behind"
A 2017-11-25: Some people carry bicycle horns. Tooting them from behind makes the person...
A 2017-05-04: ... lagging behind in the axial direction
A 2017-03-19: She hides what she truly thinks behind her way of behaving kindly, so it i...
A 2017-02-08: he feels deceived, he feels as if someone has gone behind his back, essentially
A 2016-02-23: @Dracs...Like suggest, avoid, admit and a few other verbs, consider usuall...
A 2016-02-18: Moon does mean to show your bare behind,
A 2016-01-13: weiß nicht, ob "hide behind" dasselbe bedeutet
Q 2016-01-13: What is really meant by "hide behind" here?
A 2015-11-16: https://books.google.de/books?id=mE0PcV7VtIwC&pg=PT262&lpg=PT262&dq=%22a+s...
Q 2015-11-16: He was a stop or two behind the train (AE)
Q 2015-10-26: Is Europe excluding Russia falling behind Brazil, India, Indonesia or Sout...
A 2015-09-09: the person behind this face ???
A 2015-07-29: I think in English you would speak of looking inside someone's world/mind,...

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