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English-German translation for: believe
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Dictionary English German: believe

Translation 1 - 50 of 142  >>

English German
VERB  to believe | believed | believed ... 
SYNO   to believe | to trust | to conceive ... 
to believe
glauben [Glauben schenken, überzeugt sein, vertrauen]
to believe (sth.) [assume]
(etw.Akk.) annehmen [vermuten, glauben]
to believe
to believe [think, suppose, esp. wrongly]
vermeinen [geh.]
to believe
glooben [bes. berlinerisch: glauben]
to believefür wahr halten
to believe sb. [what is said](es) jdm. glauben
to believe sth. [accept sth. as true]etw.Akk. für wahr halten [etw. glauben]
2 Words: Others
I believeich glaube
I believeick gloob [bes. berlinerisch: ich glaube]
I believe.Ick gloobe. [bes. berlinerisch: ich glaube]
made believe {past-p}weisgemacht
make-believe {adj}Schein-
making believeweismachend
2 Words: Verbs
to believe (wrongly)wähnen [geh.]
to believe anythingalles glauben
to believe blindlyblind glauben
to believe in sb.an jdn. glauben
to believe in sth.an etw.Akk. glauben
to believe sth. possibleetw. für möglich halten
to believe thatder Meinung sein, dass
to firmly believe sth.etw. fest glauben
to make believeso tun, als ob
to make sb. believe sth.jdm. etw.Akk. weismachen
to make sb. believe sth.jdn. etw.Akk. glauben machen
2 Words: Nouns
make-believeFantasieprodukt {n}
make-believeIllusion {f}
make-believeVorspiegelung {f}
make-believeVorwand {m}
make-believe [pretence]Vorgaukelung {f}
3 Words: Others
hard to believe {adj}kaum zu glauben [nur prädikativ]
hard to believe {adj}schwer zu glauben [nur prädikativ]
hard to believe {adj} [postpos.]kaum glaublich
hard to believe {adj} [postpos.]kaum zu glaubend [attr.]
I believe not.Ich glaube nicht.
I believe so.Ich glaube schon.
I believe so.Ich glaube, ja.
I believe that ...Meiner Meinung nach ...
I believe you.Das glaube ich Ihnen / dir / euch.
3 Words: Verbs
relig. to believe in Godan Gott glauben
to believe in miracleswundergläubig sein
to believe in miraclesan Wunder glauben
to believe in oneselfan sich (selbst) glauben
to believe in progressfortschrittsgläubig sein
to believe in Santaan den Weihnachtsmann glauben
to believe sth. told by sb.jdm. etw. abnehmen [ugs.] [glauben]
to believe the doctordem Arzt glauben
to convince sb. to believe sth.jdn. etw. glauben machen
to dare to believezu glauben wagen
to refuse to believe sth.etw. nicht wahrhaben wollen
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A 2021-12-18: Hier "to count": to believe or to consider to be, to judge (nach Webster)
A 2021-11-24: "Blimey!" / "Who would have thought that ... !" / "Hard to believe!"
A 2021-10-16: @polarjud: By government decree, the Duden is the authority on German-lang...
Q 2021-01-24: To believe in stereotypes
A 2019-10-26: @ MichaelK: up to 5 or 10 45" records, I believe. 33" didn't work oder nob...
A 2019-06-11: Believe it or not
A 2019-03-27: Würze is wort, I believe.
A 2019-02-22: I believe the idea is that you can easily wash your hands and forearms bet...
A 2018-10-03: @ polarjud: I apologize for mistaking your intention. HOWEVER, I do not be...
A 2018-06-27: I believe they mean "Herkunft".
A 2018-02-27: perhaps "I can't believe it."
A 2018-02-27: I don't believe it!
A 2018-02-27: 2. I just can't believe it.
Q 2018-02-03: Our kids don't believe that. And they're right not to, by the way.
A 2017-12-19: Suggestion: was es nicht alles so gibt > would you believe it
Q 2017-11-07: You won't believe this - Donald Trump found in a dog's ear
A 2017-09-08: I believe some people do call uncooked pastry mix dough.
Q 2017-01-22: Hard to believe?
A 2016-10-28: Hard to believe
A 2016-05-30: +Not religious+ doesn't necessarily mean that you don't believe in God.

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