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Dictionary English German: belly

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ADJ   belly | - | -
NOUN   a belly | bellies
VERB  to belly | bellied | bellied ... 
SYNO   to belly | to belly out | belly ... 
anat. belly {adj} [attr.] [e.g. circumference, button, dance]
Bauch- [Umfang, Nabel, Tanz]
anat. belly
Bauch {m}
anat. belly
Unterleib {m}
Wanst {m}
belly [coll.]
Plauze {f} [regional] [ugs.] [Bauch]
anat. belly
Leib {m} [veraltet] [Bauch]
Ranze {m} [schweiz.] [ugs.]
Pocke {f} [ugs., Ruhrgebiet für: Bauch]
belly [underside] [also fig. of things, e.g. aircraft]
Unterseite {f} [eines Tieres, Gegenstandes]
mus. belly [soundboard of stringed instruments]
Resonanzboden {m}
mus. belly [soundboard of stringed instruments]
Decke {f} [Saiteninstrument]
2 Words: Verbs
to belly (out) [sail]schwellen
to belly crawl [also: bellycrawl] [esp. babies, puppies]auf dem Bauch robben [bes. Babys, Welpen]
to belly outausbauchen
to belly outvorstehen
dance to belly-dancebauchtanzen
to belly-landauf dem Bauch landen
2 Words: Nouns
(fat) bellyRanzen {m} [salopp] [(dicker) Bauch]
aviat. aircraft bellyFlugzeugbauch {m}
ample bellyreichlich Bauch {m}
med. Bali belly [coll.]Bali-Bauch {m} [ugs.] [Reisediarrhoe]
beer belly [coll.]Bierbauch {m} [ugs.]
beer belly [coll.]Bierplauze {f} [regional] [ugs.] [Bierbauch]
med. belly acheLeibschmerz {m}
belly ache [coll.]Bauchschmerz {m}
belly ache [coll.]Leibschneiden {n} [regional]
belly ache [coll.]Leibweh {n} [ugs.]
med. belly ache [coll.] [stomach ache]Bauchkneifen {n} [ugs.]
belly ache [coll.] [stomach ache]Bauchkneipen {n} [ugs.]
med. belly ache [coll.] [stomach ache]Bauchzwicken {n} [ugs.]
belly achesBauchschmerzen {pl}
med. belly achesLeibschmerzen {pl}
cloth. belly bandBauchbinde {f}
anat. biol. belly brain [coll.]Bauchhirn {n} [ugs.]
anat. biol. belly brain [coll.] [enteric nervous system]Bauchgehirn {n} [ugs.]
anat. belly button [coll.]Bauchnabel {m}
anat. belly button [coll.]Nabel {m}
aviat. belly capacityBauchkapazität {f} [bei Fracht- bzw. Passagierflugzeugen]
anat. belly cavity [coll.] [abdominal cavity]Bauchhöhle {f}
belly chainBauchkette {f}
belly circumferenceBauchumfang {m}
med. belly cramps [Am.]Unterleibskrämpfe {pl}
belly crawling [also: bellycrawling]Bauchrobben {n} [bes. Babys, Welpen]
dance belly danceBauchtanz {m}
dance belly dancer [female]Bauchtänzerin {f}
dance belly dancer [male]Bauchtänzer {m}
dance belly dancingBauchtanzen {n}
belly fatBauchfett {n}
orn. belly feathersBauchfedern {pl}
belly flop [coll.]Bauchklatscher {m} [ugs.]
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Q 2020-08-16: Draw your belly up towards your spine
A 2017-12-15: Dazu noch die Verben: kriechen (mil. / Gefechtsdienst) > to crawl high; gl...
A 2017-12-15: Danke für die Eingabe. Synonym mit +low crawl+ auch +belly crawl.+
A 2017-12-15: robben (militärisch) > to crawl commando-style; gleiten (militärisch) > to...
A 2013-06-09: belly freight/cargo building
Q 2013-06-09: Belly-Halle
A 2012-06-14: belly full of rage
A 2012-06-13: a belly full of rage
A 2012-03-06: carbohydrate woman as a belly dancer? No...und eine große Auswahl hausgema...
A 2011-10-08: Imagine one falling out of an airplane and landing on your belly! :-)
A 2011-05-05: beer belly more likely
A 2011-05-04: "to belly (used as a verb here) up to (sb/sth)" means to walk to/toward (sb/sth)
A 2011-05-04: was heißt denn 'belly up"?
Q 2011-05-04: belly up to
A 2010-12-04: I agree with Bacca - anything with stomach/belly/tummy etc doesn't sound v...
A 2010-08-04: sleeping in one bed in a "belly-to-back"-position
A 2010-06-16: is stretched over his belly
A 2010-04-02: http://www.ehow.com/how_2212765_do-hip-snap-belly-dancing.html
A 2010-03-17: und dann kommt - The eye is bigger than the belly! ;))
A 2010-01-29: which even a blind man can see in the middle of the night stuck in a black...

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