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English-German translation for: bending
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Dictionary English German: bending

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NOUN   a bending | bendings
VERB  to bend | bent/[archaic] bended | bent/[archaic, obs. except "on bended knee(s)"] bended
bending | bends
SYNO   bend | bending | bending | deflection ... 
bending {adj} {pres-p}
bending {adj} {pres-p}
Biegen {n}
Krümmung {f}
engin. tech. bending
Biegung {f}
Kurve {f}
bending [twisting]
Verdrehung {f}
bending [deflection]
Durchbiegung {f}
mus. bending
Bending {n} [Bluestöne b. Mundharmonikaspielen]
mus. bending [altering ("bending") a note's pitch on a guitar by pulling a string]Ziehen {n} [Saitenziehen] [Änderung der Tonhöhe beim Gitarrespielen]
mus. bending [slightly changing a note's pitch on a guitar]Saitenziehen {n}
2 Words: Others
backward-bending {adj}sich rückwärts neigend
bending forwardsich vorwärts beugend [alt]
bending forward {adj} {pres-p} [postpos.]sich vorwärtsbeugend
bending off {adj}abbiegend
bending over sth. {pres-p}sichAkk. über etw.Akk. beugend
bending sth. over {pres-p}etw. hinüberbeugend
med. gender-bending {adj} {pres-p}geschlechtsverändernd
mind-bending {adj}bewusstseinsverändernd
mind-bending {adj} [coll.]umwerfend [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
chem. angle bendingBeugeschwingung {f}
engin. bending analysisBiegeberechnung {f}
tech. bending automationBiegeautomation {f}
material bending axisBiegeachse {f}
material bending behavior [Am.]Biegeverhalten {n}
material bending behaviour [Br.]Biegeverhalten {n}
constr. bending dataBiegedaten {pl}
bending deformationBiegeverformung {f}
tech. bending deviceBiegevorrichtung {f}
tech. bending dieBiegestempel {m}
sports bending exercisesBiegeübungen {pl}
med. bending fractureBeugefraktur {f}
bending fractureBiegebruch {m}
med. bending fractureBiegungsbruch {m}
med. bending fractureBiegungsfraktur {f}
med. bending fractureFlexionsfraktur {f}
engin. bending headBiegekopf {m}
bending jointBiegegelenk {n}
bending lightAbbiegelicht {n}
automot. bending lightKurvenlicht {n}
material bending loadBiegebeanspruchung {f}
engin. material tech. bending loadBiegebelastung {f}
bending machineBiegemaschine {f}
bending machineBiegeprüfmaschine {f}
phys. bending momentBiegemoment {n}
tech. bending operationBiegevorgang {m}
tech. bending partBiegeteil {m}
tools bending pliers {pl} [one pair]Biegezange {f}
bending pointBiegestelle {f}
bending pressAbkantpresse {f} [allg.]
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Q 2017-07-17: How do I say "bending the spotlight" in German?
A 2016-10-23: Bending
A 2015-10-19: Nothing wrong with +bending over the patient+, just drop the second +is+
Q 2013-06-22: Medizinischer E-Learning-Text, Abgabe Montag 11 Uhr, Habe ich das richtig ...
A 2013-05-27: All the pipes up to the outside diameter of 28mm / 28 mm must be cold bend...
A 2012-03-18: by bending over
A 2012-03-18: ... caused by sleeves, bending over etc.
A 2011-10-21: Flexible means "capable of bending easily without breaking" (which include...
Q 2011-10-02: a bending angle surrounding the case of the main body - ?
Q 2011-03-10: splay vs. bending
A 2009-12-30: Breaking the trampoline could also mean stretching the springs too far or ...
A 2009-12-08: Bending the original a bit, I'd consider:
A 2009-07-10: Manufacture and job order production of metal products by CNC laser cuttin...
A 2008-09-29: predetermined bending / buckling point
A 2007-08-25: Ist ein Drehschuss 'bending the ball'?
A 2007-08-22: circular-bending machine / roll-bending machine
A 2007-07-16: bending-resistant / flexural-resistant
A 2007-07-12: Bending resonance googles
A 2007-02-20: why not bending?
A 2007-02-17: over the bending dunes

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