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English-German translation for: beneath
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Dictionary English German: beneath

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SYNO   at a lower place | below | beneath ... 
beneath {adv}
beneath {prep}
unterhalb [+Gen.]
beneath {prep}
unter [+Dat.] [unterhalb]
beneath {adv}
beneath {adv}
unterhalb [darunter]
beneath {adv}(unten) drunter [ugs.] [darunter]
beneath {adv} {prep}unterhalb von
2 Words: Others
beneath contempt {adv}unter aller Sau [ugs.]
beneath contempt {adj} [idiom]unter aller Kritik [Redewendung]
beneath contempt {adj} [idiom] [performance, achievement etc.]unter aller Kanone [ugs.] [Redewendung]
beneath criticism {adj} [idiom]unter aller Kritik [Redewendung]
beneath me {adj} [fig.]unter meiner Würde [Redewendung]
beneath notice {adj} [idiom]nicht der Beachtung wert [Redewendung]
beneath this {adv}hierunter
from beneath sth. {adv}von unter etw.Dat. hervor
lying beneath {adj} [postpos.]darunterliegend
3 Words: Others
beneath a burdenunter einer Last
beneath his dignity {adj} [idiom]unter seiner Würde [Redewendung]
beneath human dignity {adj} [postpos.] [living conditions etc.]menschenunwürdig [Lebensbedingungen etc.]
beneath my dignity {adj} [idiom]unter meiner Würde [Redewendung]
beneath one's heart {adv}unter seinem Herzen
geogr. beneath the snowline {adv}unter der Schneegrenze
beneath this stoneunter diesem Stein
That's beneath him.Das ist unter seiner Würde.
3 Words: Verbs
idiom to be beneath contemptunter aller Kritik sein [ugs.]
idiom to be beneath contemptunter jeder Kritik sein [ugs.] [seltener]
to marry beneath oneselfunter (seinem) Stand heiraten
to scorn sth. beneath noticeetw. verachten
4 Words: Others
idiom beneath the cold exteriorunter der kalten äußeren Schale
beneath the same roofunter demselben Dach
in the valley beneath {adv}unten im Tal
4 Words: Verbs
to deem it beneath onees für unwürdig halten
idiom to lurk beneath the surfaceunter der Oberfläche lauern
4 Words: Nouns
geol. subsoil beneath the seabedMeeresuntergrund {m}
5+ Words: Others
proverb Beneath that rough exterior (there) beats a heart of gold.In seiner rauen Schale steckt ein guter Kern.
5+ Words: Verbs
to sink beneath the weight of sth.etw.Dat. erliegen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Beneath [Dagen Merrill]Beneath
lit. F Beneath an Opal Moon [Eric Van Lustbader]Moichi
film F Beneath the 12-Mile Reef [Robert D. Webb]Das Höllenriff
film F Beneath the Planet of the Apes [Ted Post]Rückkehr zum Planet der Affen
film F Beneath the Valley of the Ultra-Vixens [Russ Meyer]Im tiefen Tal der Superhexen
lit. F Beneath the Wheel [also: The Prodigy]Unterm Rad [Hermann Hesse]
lit. F Beneath these Stones [Ann Granger]In dunkler Tiefe sollst du ruhn
lit. F The Ground Beneath Her Feet [Salman Rushdie]Der Boden unter ihren Füßen
lit. F The Island Beneath the Sea [Isabel Allende]Die Insel unter dem Meer
lit. F The Skull Beneath the Skin [P. D. James]Ende einer Karriere
film F What Lies Beneath [Robert Zemeckis]Schatten der Wahrheit
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A 2011-01-04: context ? ironisch-spöttisch ?!! would also hang around beneath .... - "g...
Q 2011-01-04: to hang around beneath the trailer
Q 2010-08-25: "her jewels put away beneath a +chamois cloth"+
A 2009-06-06: LINX http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/beneath
A 2009-06-05: Ich tät sagen: underneath = under+beneath (wie "nieder") = unterhalb von ...
A 2008-08-08: from her seat she could see a small part of the hall (beneath)
A 2008-02-04: The garage is (built) beneath part of...
A 2008-01-23: And it is not beneath him (either) to TAKE
A 2007-07-24: What is most decisive about a tree's quality lies beneath the surface
A 2006-04-18: the meaning of it lies beneath the shadows...
A 2005-02-26: far beneath me intellectually
Q 2005-02-26: far beneath me intellectually
A 2004-05-04: the context is actually supposed 2 be right beneath the word/phrase in que...

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• Beneath
beneath a burden
Beneath an Opal Moon
beneath contempt
beneath criticism
beneath his dignity
beneath human dignity
beneath me
beneath my dignity
beneath notice
beneath one's heart

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