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English-German translation for: benign
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Dictionary English German: benign

Translation 1 - 52 of 52

English German
ADJ   benign | benigner | benignest
SYNO   benign | benignant
benign {adj}
med. benign {adj}
benign {adj}
benign {adj}
benign {adj}
benign {adj}
benign {adj}
med. benign {adj}
benigne [gutartig]
benign {adj}
2 Words: Others
ecol. environmentally benign {adj}umweltfreundlich
environmentally benign {adj}umweltverträglich
2 Words: Nouns
psych. benign aggressiongutartige Aggression {f}
meteo. benign climatemildes Klima {n}
med. benign cystgutartige Zyste {f}
benign diseasenur leichte Erkrankung {f}
med. benign growthgutartige Geschwulst {f} [auch {n}: gutartiges Geschwulst]
benign judgemilder Richter {m}
med. benign neoplasmbenignes Neoplasma {n}
med. benign tumor [Am.]gutartiger Tumor {m}
med. benign tumour [esp. Br.]gutartiger Tumor {m}
biol. comp. med. benign virusgutartiges Virus {n} [ugs. auch {m}: gutartiger Virus]
3 Words: Nouns
med. benign bone changesgutartige Knochenveränderungen {pl}
VetMed. benign enzootic paresisTeschen-Talfan-Krankheit {f}
med. benign essential tremor <BET>gutartiger essentieller Tremor {m} [auch: gutartiger essenzieller Tumor]
med. benign familial pemphigus <BFP>benigner familiärer Pemphigus {m}
med. benign fat tumor [Am.] [lipoma]gutartige Fettgeschwulst {f} [Lipom]
med. benign fat tumour [Br.] [lipoma]gutartige Fettgeschwulst {f} [Lipom]
med. benign inoculative lymphoreticulosisbenigne Inokulationslymphoretikulose {f}
med. benign inoculative lymphoreticulosisgutartige Impflymphoretikulose {f}
med. benign intracranial hypertension <BIH>benigne intrakranielle Hypertension {f} <BIH>
dent. benign migratory glossitis [Lingua geographica, Glossitis areata exfoliativa, Glossitis areata exsudativa]Landkartenzunge {f}
med. benign myoclonic epilepsy <BME>benigne myoklonische Epilepsie {f}
med. benign prostate hyperplasia <BPH>benigne Prostatahyperplasie {f} <BPH>
med. benign prostate syndrome <BPS>benignes Prostatasyndrom {n} <BPS>
med. benign prostatic enlargement <BPE>gutartige Prostatavergrößerung {f}
med. benign prostatic hyperplasia <BPH>gutartige Prostatahyperplasie {f} <BPH>
med. benign prostatic hyperplasia <BPH>gutartige Prostatavergrößerung {f} <BPH>
med. benign prostatic hypertrophy <BPH> [misnomer for: benign prostatic hyperplasia]benigne Prostatahyperplasie {f} <BPH>
med. benign prostatic hypertrophy <BPH> [misnomer for: benign prostatic hyperplasia]benigne Prostatahypertrophie {f} <BPH> [falsche Bezeichnung für: benigne Prostatahyperplasie]
med. benign sex headache <BSH>gutartiger Sexualkopfschmerz {m}
med. benign thunderclap headache [dated] [primary thunderclap headache]benigner Donnerschlagkopfschmerz {m} [veraltet] [primärer Donnerschlagkopfschmerz]
med. familial benign pemphigus <FBP>familiärer gutartiger Pemphigus {m}
4 Words: Nouns
med. benign / Spitz's juvenile melanoma [Spitz naevus]juveniles benignes Melanom {n} [Spitz-Nävus]
med. benign neonatal sleep myoclonus <BNSM>benigne Schlafmyoklonie {f} des Säuglings
med. benign paroxysmal positional vertigo <BPPV>gutartiger Lagerungsschwindel {m}
med. familial benign chronic pemphigus <FBCP> [Pemphigus chronicus benignus familiaris]chronischer, gutartiger, familiärer Pemphigus {m} [Morbus Hailey-Hailey]
med. paroxysmal benign positional vertigo <PBPV>benigner paroxysmaler Lagerungsschwindel {m} <BPLS>
5+ Words: Nouns
med. benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes <BECTS>gutartige Epilepsie {f} im Kindesalter mit zentrotemporalen Spikes [Rolando-Epilepsie]
med. benign enlargement of the prostate <BEP, BPE>Prostataadenom {n} <PA> [veraltet] [benigne Prostatahyperplasie]
med. benign myoclonus in early infancybenigner frühkindlicher Myoklonus {m}
med. VetMed. benign peripheral nerve sheath tumor [Am.] <BPNST> [schwannoma type]benigner peripherer Nervenscheidentumor {m} <BPNST>
med. VetMed. benign peripheral nerve sheath tumour [esp. Br.] <BPNST> [schwannoma type]benigner peripherer Nervenscheidentumor {m} <BPNST>
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A 2010-03-16: "suggests a benign cerebro-organic dysfunction as regards cognition"
A 2009-12-06: "Santa's Little Helper" is generally a cute term - much too benign for Ruprect.
A 2008-03-12: benign-bizarrely
A 2007-05-04: benign
Q 2007-05-04: benign
A 2005-03-29: favourable conditons and benign course

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