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English-German translation for: bent
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Dictionary English German: bent

Translation 1 - 50 of 173  >>

English German
ADJ   bent/[archaic] bended | more bent | most bent
NOUN   a bent | bents
VERB  to bend | bent/[archaic] bended | bent/[archaic, obs. except "on bended knee(s)"] bended ... 
SYNO   bent | bent on | dead set | out to ... 
bent {adj} {past-p}
bent {adj} {past-p}
bent {adj} {past-p}
sb. bent
jd. bog
bent {adj} {past-p}
bent {adj} {past-p}
sb./sth. bent
jd./etw. beugte
bent {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [corrupt]
bent {adj} {past-p}
bent {adj} [esp. Br.] [sl.] [pej.] [homosexual]
schwul [hier pej.]
bent {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [stolen]
geklaut [ugs.] [gestohlen]
bent [aptitude]
Neigung {f} [Hang, Veranlagung]
bent [talent, disposition]
Veranlagung {f} [Talent, Neigung]
bent [inclination]
Hang {m} [Vorliebe für etw.]
bot. T
2 Words: Others
bent double {adj} [person]zusammengekrümmt
bent double {adj} [postpos.]doppelt gebogen
bent forward {adj} {past-p}vorgebeugt [nach vorne gebeugt]
bent forward {adj} {past-p}vorgeneigt
bent forward {adj} {past-p}vornübergeneigt
bent forward {adj} {past-p}nach vorn gebeugt
bent forward {adj} {past-p}nach vorne gebeugt [ugs.]
bent off {past-p}abgebogen
bent on {adj} [intent on]gerichtet auf [+Akk.]
bent over {adj} {past-p}gebückt
bent over {adj} {past-p}vorgebeugt [Körperhaltung]
bent-forward {adj}vornüber gebeugt
hell-bent {adj}wild entschlossen
games sports revenge-bent {adj}revanchelüstern
sb. bent downjd. bückte sich
2 Words: Verbs
to be bent [coll.] [homosexual] [derog.]andersrum sein [ugs.] [homosexuell]
Unverified to get bent [vulg.] [to be the passive part of coitus while being in a bent position]durchgenommen werden [vulg.] [passiver Teil eines Geschlechtsakts sein, in gebeugter Stellung]
2 Words: Nouns
chem. bent bondBananenbindung {f}
chem. bent bondgebogene Bindung {f}
bent copper [coll.] [corrupt policeman]korrupter Bulle {m} [ugs.]
bent cornerumgeknickte Ecke {f}
bent kneegebeugtes Knie {n}
constr. bent nailgebogener Nagel {m}
mus. bent notegebogener Ton {m} [Mundharmonika]
tech. bent partBiegeteil {m}
tech. bent pipegebogenes Rohr {n}
tech. bent pipegekrümmtes Rohr {n}
bent pipe [for smoking]Hängepfeife {f} [gebogene Pfeife]
mus. bent pitch[Intonationsschwankung eines Tons, Blue Note]
med. bent posturegebeugte Haltung {f}
archaeo. archi. hist. Bent Pyramid [of Dahshur]Knickpyramide {f} [in Dahschur]
sports bent shot [football / soccer]Effetball {m} [Fußball]
bent tubegebogene Hülse {f}
constr. engin. spec. pile bentPfahljoch {n}
pol. political bentpolitische Haltung {f}
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A 2016-07-25: on the contrary: when only minimally bent, when almost fully extended
A 2014-11-19: bent branch ....
Q 2013-10-23: bent principle pieces
Q 2013-03-28: free-wheelin’ loners bent on speeding
A 2012-11-20: @Puchenau: Yuri Geller, that likeable *Schlawiner*? Possible, yes. Pre-ben...
A 2012-06-16: If grading lumber, could be the "sweep" of a bent tree trunk.
A 2010-10-18: Or more of a slang term: When you're bent.
A 2010-06-29: bent on binge drinking
A 2009-07-16: boasting expansive gables bent upwards like wings on the ends
A 2009-06-17: Thanks! I bent the sentence a bit and settled with Bacca's suggestion...
A 2009-04-11: intellectual, having an intellectual bent
A 2008-07-02: +angled end+ kann auch +abgeschrägtes Ende+ heißen; +bent end+ / +gebogene...
A 2008-06-08: Nowadays, .... curved (würde ich gegenüber "bent" den Vorzug geben)
A 2008-05-06: slightly bent but perfectly usable
A 2008-03-19: bent hollow
Q 2008-03-19: bent hollow
A 2007-02-01: Pons: to be bent double with pain
Q 2007-02-01: the onset of emphysema had practically bent him double
A 2007-01-06: ah, the bent legs of the two figures.....
A 2006-11-14: bent apart

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