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English-German translation for: bet.
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Dictionary English German: bet

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NOUN   a bet | bets
VERB  to bet | bet/betted | bet/betted ... 
SYNO   to bet | to wager | to play | bet ... 
between {prep} <bet.>
zwischen <zw.>
bet {adj} {past-p}
sb. bet
jd. wettete
to bet
to bet
games to bet
games sports to bet sb. sth.mit jdm. um etw.Akk. wetten
Wette {f}
bet [money etc. staked]
Wetteinsatz {m}
bet [wager]
Einsatz {m} [Wetteinsatz etc.]
bibl. geogr. Bethel [Gen. 28:19]Bet-El {n} [Gen. 28,19; kath., z. B. Einheitsübersetzung]
2 Words: Others
I bet!Wetten!
I bet! [coll.]Das glaub ich dir gern! [ugs.]
I'll bet! [coll.]Das glaub ich dir gern! [ugs.]
games RadioTV Wanna Bet? [Am.] [reality game show; it was based on the German entertainment show "Wetten, dass ..?"]Wetten, dass ..? [Spielshow]
You bet!Auf jeden! [ugs.]
You bet!Darauf kannst du wetten! [Redewendung]
You bet! [Am.] [sl.]Und ob!
games RadioTV You Bet! [Br.] [game show based around the format of the German show "Wetten, dass ..?"]Wetten, dass ..? [Spielshow]
You bet! [coll.]Fjeden! [ugs.] [Jugendsprache] [Auf jeden (Fall)!]
You bet! [coll.]Aber sicher!
You bet! [coll.]Klarer Fall! [ugs.]
You bet! [coll.]Da kannst du einen drauf lassen! [ugs.]
You bet! [coll.]Darauf kannst du einen lassen! [ugs.] [vulg.] [Redewendung]
You bet! [coll.]Das kannst du mir aber glauben! [ugs.]
You bet. [coll.]Aber hallo. [ugs.] [bestätigend] [Darauf kannst du wetten.]
2 Words: Verbs
to bet against sth.gegen etw. wetten
to bet everythingalles verwetten
to bet on sb./sth.auf jdn./etw. wetten
games to bet on sth.auf etw. setzen
to bet on sth.auf etw. tippen [wetten]
to bet with sb.mit jdm. wetten
2 Words: Nouns
bad betschlechter Tipp {m}
geogr. Beit She'anBet Sche'an {n}
geogr. Beit ShemeshBet Schemesch {n}
tech. BET method [Brunauer-Emmett-Teller method]BET-Methode {f}
games corner bet [roulette]Wette {f} auf vier Zahlen [Roulette]
good betguter Tipp {m}
heavy bethohe Wette {f}
lost betverlorene Wette {f}
place betEinlaufwette {f}
safe betsichere Sache {f}
safe betsichere Wette {f}
safe betsicherer Tipp {m}
safe betsicheres Geschäft {n} [fig.] [sichere Sache, sicheres Vorhaben]
sb.'s best betdas Beste {n}, was jd. tun kann
games special betSonderwette {f}
sports betSportwette {f}
games square bet [roulette]Wette {f} auf vier Zahlen [Roulette]
sure betsichere Wette {f}
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A 2023-10-20: i lost the bet :(
A 2023-10-19: You'll lose your bet. Proteus is a well-known and well-respected long time...
A 2019-10-01: Bet it is.
A 2018-09-15: Maybe: I'm quite often at odds with myself but you'd rather not bet on the odds
A 2018-02-02: I bet these are burglars!
Q 2017-11-24: to bet
A 2017-10-01: I bet you would - Please see the guidelines! [try on your own first]
A 2016-10-24: Your best bet would be to heed Windfall's advice (19:23)
A 2016-06-02: +It's on+ could mean that the speaker is agreeing to the start of some kin...
A 2016-04-30: "Head on it!" = "I bet on it" ?? (referring to "head or tail")
A 2015-09-23: Turbocharged (adjective) or turbocharger (noun) is probably your best bet -
A 2014-09-17: sth. like this, I bet
A 2013-11-19: a joke I'd bet
A 2013-09-05: @ ufriend - You bet!
A 2013-05-31: @callixte: perhaps it's just me. If I spend $5 and the most I can gain is ...
A 2012-10-12: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bet%C3%A4ubungsmittelgesetz_%28Deutschland%29
A 2012-06-30: bēt - bēt - bētn
A 2012-02-18: to bet on = aufs Spiel setzen
Q 2012-02-18: to bet one's life, to bet on one's retirement
A 2012-01-14: @ Lisa.: That's too bad. I bet mustard greens, turnip greens, collards, ...

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