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English-German translation for: beta
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Dictionary English German: beta

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NOUN   a beta | betas
SYNO   Beta | genus Beta
NOUN   das Beta | die Betas
climbing beta [Am.] [sl.]
Routenbeschreibung {f}
beta <Β, β, ϐ> [Greek letter]Beta {n} <Β, β, ϐ> [griechischer Buchstabe]
2 Words: Others
chem. phys. beta-active {adj}betaaktiv
2 Words: Nouns
med. amyloid beta <Aβ, Abeta>Amyloid-beta {n} <Aβ> [Amyloid-beta 40 (Aβ40), Amyloid-beta 42 (Aβ42)]
drugs psych. beta alcoholicBeta-Alkoholiker {m}
med. beta amyloid <β-amyloid> [amyloid beta]Beta-Amyloid {n} <β-Amyloid>
pharm. beta blockersBetablocker {pl}
med. beta brainwave [also: beta brain wave]Gehirnwelle {f} im Beta-Bereich [Beta-Welle, Betawelle, Beta-Gehirnwelle]
med. beta burnsVerbrennungen {pl} durch Betastrahlen
chem. beta carbonBeta-Kohlenstoff {m}
biol. beta cell <β-cell, B cell>Betazelle {f} <β-Zelle, B-Zelle>
biol. beta cellsB-Zellen {pl}
biol. beta cellsBetazellen {pl}
biol. beta cellsPankreasinselzellen {pl}
biol. beta cellsBetazellen {pl} des Hypophysenvorderlappens
chem. beta celluloseBeta-Zellulose {f} [fachspr.: Beta-Cellulose]
math. stocks beta coefficientBeta-Koeffizient {m}
beta customerBetakunde {m}
beta customerBeta-Kunde {m} [Rsv.]
phys. beta decay decay>Betazerfall {m} <β-Zerfall>
beta distributionBetaverteilung {f}
ecol. beta diversityBeta-Diversität {f}
anat. med. beta efferents <β-efferents>Beta-Efferenzen {pl} <β-Efferenzen>
beta emissionBetastrahlung {f}
beta emissionsBetaausstrahlungen {pl}
phys. beta emitterBetastrahler {m}
stat. beta error error> [type II error]Beta-Fehler {m} <β-Fehler> [Fehler zweiter Art]
beta factorBetafaktor {m}
math. beta functionBetafunktion {f}
phys. beta particle particle>Betateilchen {n} <β-Teilchen>
phys. beta particle particle>Beta-Teilchen {n} <β-Teilchen>
beta partnerBetapartner {m}
beta partnerBeta-Partner {m} [Rsv.]
comp. pharm. beta phaseBetaphase {f}
MedTech. phys. beta radiation radiation>Betastrahlung {f} <β-Strahlung>
phys. beta ray ray>Betastrahl {m} <β-Strahl>
phys. beta rays rays>Betastrahlen {pl} <β-Strahlen>
comp. beta reduction <β-reduction>Beta-Reduktion {f} <β-Reduktion>
med. beta rhythmBeta-Rhythmus {m}
biochem. beta sheet sheet>Beta-Faltblatt {n} <β-Faltblatt>
phys. beta spectrum spectrum>Betaspektrum {n} <β-Spektrum>
biochem. beta strand strand>Beta-Strang {m} <β-Strang>
biochem. beta subunit subunit>Beta-Untereinheit {f} <β-Untereinheit>
biochem. beta subunits subunits>Beta-Untereinheiten {pl} <β-Untereinheiten>
beta testBetatest {m}
med. Beta variant [also: beta variant] [of the coronavirus] [B.1.351]Beta-Variante {f} [auch: Variante Beta] [Coronavirusvariante Beta]
comp. beta versionBeta-Version {f}
phys. beta waveBetawelle {f}
med. beta waveBeta-Welle {f}
biochem. beta-amylase <β-amylase>Beta-Amylase {f} <β-amylase>
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A 2018-12-02: 20:29, na ja. Das 'vita' entspricht dem Beta / B oder β.
Q 2018-03-30: Beta-Tester für neue dict.cc-App gesucht (Android)
Q 2016-04-18: Firefox Add-On Rewrite Beta
A 2011-12-20: First beta version of the Android app is available: See news at http://www...
A 2011-12-20: First beta version of the Android app available: See news at http://www.di...
A 2011-10-21: Question: What is a Beta dictionary, please? One of the new ones?
Q 2010-08-17: Neue Funktion: Suchvorschläge (Beta)
A 2010-03-20: Accumulation of beta-carotene (a vitamin A precursor) in the endosperm giv...
A 2010-03-20: Here: The rice +is called golden+ because of the concentration of beta car...
A 2010-03-20: The colour from which 'Golden Rice' gets its name is obtained by the addit...
A 2009-07-23: Multilingual dict.cc: First private beta version released!
Q 2009-07-23: Spracherweiterung: Erste Private-Beta-Version freigeschaltet!
Q 2009-04-16: Guidelines Discussion Opened: "New Guidelines Beta Test"
A 2008-10-01: calculating beta
Q 2008-04-02: Erweiterung der Beta-Version
Q 2008-03-11: Beta test users needed for a new dict.cc feature!
A 2007-05-14: bion (sorry, I don't have Greek fonts in this mood: Beta, Ita, Omikron...)...
A 2007-05-02: http://beta.flexikon.doccheck.com/Karpaltunnelsyndrom
A 2007-04-11: beta-carotene can survive even lengthy cooking
A 2006-10-09: beta-carotene

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