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English-German translation for: biblical
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Dictionary English German: biblical

Translation 1 - 58 of 58

English German
ADJ   biblical | more biblical | most biblical
SYNO   biblical | scriptural
biblical {adj}
bibl. biblical {adj} [e.g. commentary, exegesis, interpretation, manuscript, passage, quotation]Bibel- [z. B. Kommentar, Exegese, Auslegung, Handschrift, Stelle, Zitat]
2 Words: Others
bibl. extra-biblical {adj}außerbiblisch
bibl. non-biblical {adj}nichtbiblisch
bibl. hist. pre-biblical {adj}vorbiblisch
2 Words: Nouns
acad. archaeo. bibl. biblical archaeologybiblische Altertumskunde {f}
archi. Biblical archaeologybiblische Archäologie {f}
bibl. relig. biblical canonBibelkanon {m}
relig. biblical Christiansbibeltreue Christen {pl}
bibl. biblical commentaryBibelkommentar {m}
bibl. biblical criticismBibelkritik {f}
bibl. relig. biblical exegesisBibelauslegung {f}
bibl. relig. biblical exegesisBibelexegese {f}
acad. bibl. biblical exegeteBibelexeget {m}
bibl. ling. Biblical GreekBibelgriechisch {n}
ling. Biblical Hebrewbiblisches Hebräisch {n}
hist. philos. relig. biblical hermeneutics [usually treated as sg.]biblische Hermeneutik {f}
hist. lit. relig. biblical humanismBibelhumanismus {m}
relig. biblical interpretationBibelauslegung {f}
bibl. ling. biblical languageBibelsprache {f}
bibl. biblical language [e.g. in parables]biblische Sprache {f} [z. B. in Gleichnissen]
bibl. ling. Biblical LatinBibellatein {n}
relig. biblical literalismBiblizismus {m}
bibl. biblical manuscriptBibelhandschrift {f}
relig. biblical narrativebiblische Erzählung {f}
relig. biblical passageBibelstelle {f}
acad. bibl. biblical philologyBibelphilologie {f}
biblical placesbiblische Orte {pl}
bibl. Biblical Plaguesbiblische Plagen {pl}
bibl. hist. lit. biblical poetics [treated as sg.]Bibelpoetik {f}
bibl. lit. biblical poetryBibeldichtung {f} [Gedichte]
biblical proportionsbiblische Ausmaße {pl}
bibl. relig. biblical quotationBibelzitat {n}
bibl. relig. biblical readingBibellesung {f}
bibl. relig. biblical readingbiblische Lesung {f}
relig. biblical researchBibelforschung {f}
acad. bibl. jobs biblical researcherBibelforscher {m} [Forscher, der sich wissenschaftl. mit der Bibel auseinandersetzt]
bibl. biblical sayingBibelspruch {m}
bibl. biblical sayingBibelwort {n}
art bibl. biblical scene [also: Biblical scene]biblische Szene {f}
acad. bibl. jobs biblical scholarBibelforscher {m} [Forscher, der sich wissenschaftl. mit der Bibel auseinandersetzt]
acad. biblical scholarBibelgelehrter {m}
bibl. biblical scholarBibelwissenschaftler {m}
relig. acad. biblical scholar [female]Bibelwissenschaftlerin {f}
bibl. relig. biblical studiesBibelstudien {pl}
bibl. relig. acad. biblical studies {pl}Bibelforschung {f}
bibl. relig. acad. biblical studies {pl}Bibelwissenschaft {f}
bibl. biblical textBibelstelle {f}
biblical textsBibeltexte {pl}
bibl. relig. biblical theologyBibeltheologie {f}
bibl. biblical theologybiblische Theologie {f}
3 Words: Nouns
biblical study circleBibelstudienkreis {m}
relig. Pontifical Biblical CommissionPäpstliche Bibelkommission {f}
4 Words: Nouns
acad. relig. New Testament biblical scholarNeutestamentler {m}
acad. relig. Old Testament biblical scholarAlttestamentler {m}
5+ Words: Verbs
to know sb. in the biblical sense [idiom]mit jdm. Sex haben
5+ Words: Nouns
relig. Institute of Old Testament Studies and Biblical ArchaeologyInstitut {n} für Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft und Biblische Archäologie
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
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Q 2021-08-07: Großschreibung bei Scriptural u. Biblical
A 2015-06-20: Biblical reference.
A 2015-06-10: Biblical
A 2014-12-08: Biblical context and textual varians http://biblehub.com/isaiah/54-11.htm
A 2014-10-23: Lllama is right - it's a biblical expression
A 2013-05-17: biblical exegesis of the gospel of Mark by Jülicher (around 1900)
A 2013-04-18: in DE = biblical as well .....
A 2011-10-27: Something biblical, perhaps? Coveting your neighbour's ass.
A 2011-07-18: biblical quotation
Q 2010-08-03: fine art of biblical interpretation
A 2010-02-05: Exactly. to "know each other" in biblical sense.
A 2009-10-15: Could also be a biblical reference to +1 Corinthians 13:11+ .
A 2009-02-13: you could even dare a biblical joke and call'em "Medianites"
A 2008-04-26: what about lower fat? Just to avoid the biblical analogy....:-)
A 2007-12-30: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=%22literal+believer%22&btnG=Google+...
Q 2007-08-05: Biblical translation
A 2007-03-22: Or maybe better: "extra-biblical / pre-biblical tradition" (no plural)?
A 2007-03-22: What about "extra-biblical / pre-biblical tradtions"?
A 2006-08-18: Biblical is good but
A 2006-08-18: Biblical reference

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Biblical Greek
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biblical hermeneutics

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