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English-German translation for: bidding
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Dictionary English German: bidding

Translation 1 - 46 of 46

English German
NOUN   a bidding | biddings
VERB1  to bid | bid/bade | bid/bidden
bidding | bids
VERB2  to bid [for sth.] | bid | bid
bidding | bids
SYNO   bid | bidding | bidding | summons ... 
bidding {adj} {pres-p}
comm. bidding
Angebot {n}
bidding [invitation to bid]
Ausschreibung {f}
bidding [command]
Geheiß {n} [geh.]
Gebot {n}
comm. bidding
Bieten {n}
comm. bidding [at an auction]
Steigern {n} [bei einer Auktion]
games bidding
Ansage {f} [Kartenspiele, z. B. Bridge]
bidding [invitation]
Einladung {f}
bidding [command]
Anordnung {f}
comm. biddingAbgabe {f} eines Submissionsangebots
comm. biddingAbgabe {f} von Geboten
games bidding [card games]Lizit {n} [Ansage] [beim Kartenspiel]
games bidding [card games]Reizung {f} [Kartenspiele]
2 Words: Others
bidding highest {adj} [postpos.]meistbietend
bidding lowestniedrigstbietend
highest-bidding {adj}höchstbietend
highest-bidding {adj}meistbietend
2 Words: Verbs
to do sb.'s bidding [idiom]jds. Anordnungen Folge leisten [tun, was jd. will]
to do sb.'s bidding [idiom]nach jds. Pfeife tanzen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to do sb.'s bidding [idiom]tun, was jd. will
2 Words: Nouns
advertised biddingöffentliche Ausschreibung {f}
bidding battleBieterschlacht {f}
bidding brochureAngebotsbroschüre {f}
bidding cartelSubmissionskartell {n}
bidding companybietendes Unternehmen {n}
bidding competitionBieterwettbewerb {m}
comm. bidding consortiumBietergemeinschaft {f}
bidding procedureVersteigerungsverfahren {n}
bidding processBieterverfahren {n}
econ. bidding processBietungsverfahren {n}
bidding requirementsBedingungen {pl} für ein Angebot
bidding warBieterkrieg {m}
bidding warBieterschlacht {f}
econ. competitive biddingAusschreibungswettbewerb {m}
econ. open biddingoffene Ausschreibung {f}
shill-biddingGebotstreibung {f} [bei Versteigerungen, auf eBay]
3 Words: Others
at his bidding {adv}auf sein Bitten
comm. fin. stocks Bidding was slack.Es wurde nur zögernd geboten.
comm. Bidding was slow.Es wurde nur zögernd geboten.
3 Words: Verbs
to be at sb.'s bidding [idiom]nach jds. Pfeife tanzen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to dance to sb.'s bidding [idiom]nach jds. Pfeife tanzen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to open the biddingdas erste Gebot machen
3 Words: Nouns
bidding credit institutionbietendes Kreditinstitut {n}
minimum bidding priceMindestgebot {n}
5+ Words: Verbs
econ. to front-run in a biddingbei einem Angebot vorne liegen
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Q 2022-10-12: We have numerous entries of the following kind: at my bed, at my bidding, ...
A 2015-08-17: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=real+time+bidding+definition
Q 2015-08-17: 'Real-time bidding'
Q 2015-04-14: Bidding
A 2013-07-03: Bidding has ended on this item.
A 2012-12-05: (bidding) consortium
A 2010-06-08: You could also put: Bidding you farewell - aber das hat seinen eigenen Bei...
A 2010-02-28: without a bidding ?
A 2009-12-11: ah - evtl. *bidding farewell to guests* ?
Q 2009-07-08: This was resulting in a bidding up of commission payments,....
A 2009-03-26: bidding process
A 2007-01-17: bidding for a scholarship ?
A 2006-05-21: shill bidding
A 2006-05-16: Doing someone's bidding
Q 2006-05-16: Doing someone's bidding
A 2006-02-18: Whereupon I am bidding you a very good night.
Q 2006-02-02: Tender and bidding laws
A 2005-09-25: (bidding) consortium, joint bidders, bidding syndicate
A 2004-09-30: bidding process
A 2004-09-16: details of tender(ing), bidding etc.

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