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English-German translation for: big-footed
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Dictionary English German: big footed

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big-footed {adj}auf großem Fuße
zool. T
zool. T
orn. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
Partial Matches
film F Big Momma's House [Raja Gosnell]Big Mamas Haus
bot. T
lit. F Me and Big Joe [Michael Bloomfield with Scott Summerville]Unterwegs mit Big Joe
after the chimes from Big Ben {adv}nach den Glocken von Big Ben
film F Big Night [Campbell Scott, Stanley Tucci]Big Night (– Nacht der Genüsse)
film F Big [Penny Marshall]Big
after Big Ben strikesnach den Glocken von Big Ben
film lit. F Big Fish [novel: Daniel Wallace, film: Tim Burton]Big Fish
med. Unverified Big Five [the five most common neglected tropical diseases (NTDs)]Big Five {pl} [die fünf häufigsten vernachlässigten tropischen Krankheiten]
econ. Big BangBig Bang {m} [Stichtag: z. B. EUR-Einführung]
astron. Big Bounce [also: big bounce] [cosmology]Big Bounce {m} [Kosmologie]
astron. Big Crunch [also: big crunch] [cosmology]Big Crunch {m} [Kosmologie]
hunting TrVocab. Big Five [big five game animals]Big Five {pl} [Großwild]
astron. Big Rip [also: big rip] [cosmology]Big Rip {m} [Kosmologie]
comp. spec. big data {sg} [rarely treated as pl.]Big Data {pl}
fish T
film F The Big White [Mark Mylod]The Big White - Immer Ärger mit Raymond / [Alternativtitel] Auch Morden will gelernt sein
lit. F The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine [Michael Lewis]The Big Short: Wie eine Handvoll Trader die Welt verzockte
geogr. Big Sur [region of California, US]Big Sur {m} [Küstenstreifen im US-Bundesstaat Kalifornien]
Big TechBig Tech {pl} [meist ohne Artikel] [Tech Giants, Big Four, Big Five]
Big Ben [Br.] [coll.]Big Ben {m} [Glockenturm]
gastr. Big Mac®Big Mac® {m} [früher: Big Mäc]
film F Big Nothing [Jean-Baptiste Andrea]Big Nothing
film F The Big Green [Holly Goldberg Sloan]The Big GreenEin unschlagbares Team
film F The Big Easy [Jim McBride]The Big Easy - Der große Leichtsinn
film F The Big Kahuna [John Swanbeck]The Big KahunaEin dicker Fisch
Big Ben [Br.]Big Ben {f} [Glocke]
mus. Big DrumBig Drum {n} [karib. Musikzeremonie]
film F Big Daddy [Dennis Dugan]Big Daddy
film F Big Jake [George Sherman]Big Jake
educ. sociol. big-fish-little-pond effect / big fish little pond effect <BFLPE>Bezugsgruppeneffekt {m} [veraltend] [Fischteicheffekt]
educ. sociol. big-fish-little-pond effect / big fish little pond effect <BFLPE>Fischteicheffekt {m}
film F Big City Blues [Clive Fleury]Big City Blues
film F Little Big Man [Arthur Penn]Little Big Man
film F The Big Hit [Kirk Wong]The Big Hit
film F The Big Lebowski [Joel Coen]The Big Lebowski
film F The Big Picture [Christopher Guest]The Big Picture
film F My Big Fat Greek Wedding [Joel Zwick]My Big Fat Greek Wedding - Hochzeit auf Griechisch
-footed {adj}-füßig
RadioTV F The Big ValleyBig Valley
bare-footed {adj} {adv}barfuß
bare-footed {adj} {adv}barfüßig
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