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English-German translation for: bile
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Dictionary English German: bile

Translation 1 - 57 of 57

English German
NOUN   bile | -
SYNO   bile | gall
anat. bile
Galle {f} [Flüssigkeit]
Zorn {m}
Gallenflüssigkeit {f}
anat. bile
Gallensaft {m}
Gallensekret {n}
2 Words: Nouns
bile acidGallensäure {f}
biol. bile acidsGallensäuren {pl}
pharm. zool. bile bearGallenbär {m}
med. bile brothGallebouillon {f}
chem. med. bile componentsGallenbestandteile {pl} [der Gallenflüssigkeit]
chem. med. bile componentsGallenkomponenten {pl} [der Gallenflüssigkeit]
anat. bile drainageGallenabfluss {m}
anat. bile ductGallengang {m}
anat. bile ductGallenweg {m}
anat. bile ductsGallengänge {pl}
med. bile flowGallenfluss {m}
bile fluidGallenflüssigkeit {f}
biol. bile pigmentGallenfarbstoff {m}
biol. bile pigmentGallenpigment {n}
biol. bile pigmentsGallenfarbstoffe {pl}
biol. bile pigmentsGallenpigmente {pl}
med. VetMed. bile productionGallenproduktion {f}
med. bile refluxGallenrückfluss {m} [biliärer Reflux]
med. bile saltGallensalz {n}
biochem. bile saltsGallensalze {pl}
bile soapGallseife {f}
med. bile stasisGallenstauung {f}
med. bile stasisGallestauung {f}
med. bile vomitingGallenerbrechen {n} [auch: Galleerbrechen]
med. bile-stoneGallenstein {m}
hist. med. black bileschwarze Galle {f}
med. C bileGallengangsgalle {f}
med. C bileC-Galle {f}
anat. gallbladder bileBlasengalle {f}
anat. hepatic bileLebergalle {f}
med. pleochromatic bilepleiochrome Galle {f}
med. white bileweiße Galle {f}
hist. med. yellow bilegelbe Galle {f}
3 Words: Nouns
anat. (common) bile ductGallengang {m}
med. bile acid assayGallensäurebestimmung {f}
med. bile duct adenomaGallengangadenom {n}
med. bile duct alterationGallengangsveränderung {f}
med. bile duct cancerGallengangkrebs {m}
med. bile duct cancerGallenwegkrebs {m}
med. bile duct proliferationGallengangwucherung {f}
biol. bile salt uptakeGallensalzaufnahme {f}
anat. common bile ductDuctus choledochus {m}
anat. common bile duct [Ductus choledochus]Hauptgallengang {m}
anat. VetMed. common bile duct <CBD> [Ductus choledochus]Choledochus {m} [kurz] [Ductus choledochus]
anat. VetMed. common bile duct <CBD> [Ductus choledochus]großer Gallengang {m}
anat. interlobular bile duct [Ductus biliferus]interlobulärer Gallengang {m}
anat. liver bile ductLebergallengang {m}
4 Words: Others
That roused his bile. [fig.]Das erregte seinen Zorn.
That roused his bile. [fig.]Das brachte ihn in Wut.
5+ Words: Nouns
anat. med. bifurcation of the bile ductHepaticusgabel {f} [Rsv.]
anat. med. bifurcation of the bile ductHepatikusgabel {f}
med. carcinoma of the bile ductGallengangkarzinom {n}
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Q 2010-10-07: Your Daily Dose of Photo File Bile
A 2008-09-05: bile acids
A 2008-07-12: Poll: http://jyte.com/cl/only-bears-have-a-right-to-bear-arms-bear-bile-or...

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