| English | German | |
| within 5 days {adv} | binnen 5 Tagen | |
Partial Matches |
| within 5 days of arrival | innerhalb von 5 Tagen nach Ankunft | |
| subject to a term of 5 days | unter Einhaltung einer Frist von 5 Tagen | |
| bibl. (the Book of) Deuteronomy <Deut., De., Dt.> | das fünfte Buch {n} Mose <5. Mose, 5 Mos., Deuteronomium> | |
| bibl. The Fifth Book of Moses (called Deuteronomy) [archaic] | das fünfte Buch {n} Mose <5. Mose, 5 Mos., Deuteronomium> | |
| biol. human herpesvirus 5 <HHV-5> | Humaner Herpes-Virus {m} 5 [ugs.] [Humanes Herpes-Virus {n} 5] <HHV 5> | |
| bibl. (the Book of) Deuteronomy <Deut., De., Dt.> | (das) Deuteronomium {n} <5. Mose, 5 Mos., Dtn.> | |
| anat. VetMed. fifth thoracic vertebra <5th thoracic vertebra, T5 vertebra, T5> [Vertebra thoracica V] | fünfter Brustwirbel {m} <5. Brustwirbel, Th5, Th 5> | |
| anat. VetMed. fifth cervical vertebra <5th cervical vertebra, C5 vertebra, C5> [Vertebra cervicalis V] | fünfter Halswirbel {m} <5. Halswirbel, C5, C 5> | |
| anat. VetMed. fifth lumbar vertebra <5th lumbar vertebra, L5 vertebra, L5> [Vertebra lumbalis V] | fünfter Lendenwirbel {m} <5. Lendenwirbel, L5, L 5> | |
| anat. biol. fifth sacral vertebra <5th sacral vertebra, S5 vertebra, S5> [Vertebra sacralis V] | fünfter Sakralwirbel {m} <5. Sakralwirbel, S5, S 5> | |
| biol. human herpesvirus 5 <HHV-5> | Humanes Herpes-Virus {n} 5 <HHV 5> | |
| chem. 5-aminosalicylic acid <5-ASA> | 5-Aminosalicylsäure {f} <5-ASA> | |
| pharm. 5-fluorouracil <5-FU> | 5-Fluorouracil {n} <5-FU> | |
| biochem. 5-methylcytosine <5-mC> | 5-Methylcytosin {n} <5-mC> | |
| within a year {adv} | binnen Jahresfrist | |
| shortly {adv} [soon] | binnen kurzem | |
| shortly {adv} [soon] | binnen Kurzem | |
| soon {adv} | binnen kurzem | |
| soon {adv} | binnen Kurzem | |
| within hours {adv} | binnen Stunden | |
| ling. internal I [interior capital I in German words] | Binnen-I {n} | |
| before long {adv} | binnen Kurzem / kurzem | |
| electr. 0.5 ohm / 2 ohms <0.5 Ω / 2 Ω> | 0,5 Ohm / 2 Ohm <0,5 Ω / 2 Ω> | |
| within {prep} | binnen [+Dat., seltener +Gen.] | |
| within a reasonable period of time {adv} | binnen einer angemessenen Frist | |
| pol. 5-percent hurdle <5-% hurdle> | 5-Prozent-Hürde {f} <5 %-Hürde> [ugs.] | |
| inland {adj} [attr.] [e.g. port, navigation, sea] | Binnen- [z. B. Hafen, Schifffahrt, Meer] | |
| domestic {adj} [e.g. trade, demand, economy, migration] | Binnen- [z. B. Handel, Nachfrage, Wirtschaft, Wanderung] | |
| internal {adj} [e.g. border, demand, migration, perspective, rhyme] | Binnen- [z. B. Grenze, Nachfrage, Wanderung, Perspektive, Reim] | |
| Have him report to me in 24 hours. | Er soll sich binnen 24 Stunden bei mir melden. | |
| pol. 5-percent clause <5-% clause> | 5-Prozent-Klausel {f} <5 %-Klausel> | |
| econ. law pol. 5-percent rule <5-% rule> | 5-Prozent-Regel {f} <5 %-Regel> | |
| reminder [written request to do something within a given time] | Binnen-Brief {m} [hum.] [schriftliche Aufforderung mit Fristsetzung; üblicher Wortlaut ist "Wenn Sie nicht binnen ... "] | |
| to be in session | tagen | |
| to hold a meeting | tagen | |
| to sit [to be in session] | tagen | |
| in these days {adv} | an diesen Tagen | |
| on those days {adv} [demonstrative] | an diesen Tagen | |
| on good days {adv} | an guten Tagen | |
| on some days {adv} | an manchen Tagen | |
| meteo. on rainy days {adv} | an regnerischen Tagen | |
| on days like this {adv} | an solchen Tagen | |
| on many days {adv} | an vielen Tagen | |
| in those days {adv} | in jenen Tagen | |
| in Julian days {adv} | in julianischen Tagen | |
| nowadays {adv} | in unseren Tagen | |
| these days {adv} | in unseren Tagen | |
| in past days {adv} | in vergangenen Tagen | |
| a few days ago {adv} | vor einigen Tagen | |
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