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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: bites
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Dictionary English German: bites

Translation 1 - 18 of 18


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NOUN   a bite | bites
VERB  to bite | bit | bitten
biting | bites
sb./sth. bites
jd./etw. beißt
Stücke {pl}
2 Words
Pepper bites.Pfeffer brennt.
sb./sth. bites throughjd./etw. zerbeißt
That bites!So ein Mist!
med. chigger bites {pl} [coll.] [trombiculosis, trombiculiasis, trombiculidiasis]Erntekrätze {f} [Trombikulose, Trombidiose]
med. chigger bites {pl} [coll.] [trombiculosis, trombiculiasis, trombiculidiasis]Heukrätze {f} [Trombikulose, Trombidiose]
med. chigger bites {pl} [coll.] [trombidiasis]Gadnerbeiß {m} [regional] [ugs.] [Trombidiose]
med. chigger bites {pl} [coll.] [trombidiasis]Herbstbeiß {m} [ugs.] [Trombidiose]
med. chigger bites {pl} [coll.] [trombidiasis]Giesinger Beiß {m} [regional] [ugs.] [Trombidiose]
med. chigger bites {pl} [coll.] [trombidiasis]Schlern-Beiß {m} [regional] [ugs.] [Trombidiose]
med. chigger bites {pl} [coll.] [trombidiasis]Sendlinger Beiß {m} [regional] [ugs.] [Trombidiose]
med. chigger bites {pl} [coll.] [trombidiasis]Tiroler Herbst-Beiß {m} [regional] [ugs.] [Trombidiose]
flea bitesFlohbisse {pl}
electr. marten bites {pl}Marderverbiss {m}
4 Words
gastr. (open faced) sandwich bites [Am.]Reiterchen {pl} [ugs.] [regional] [Brotstreifen]
med. danger of tick bitesZeckengefahr {f}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Reality Bites [Ben Stiller]Reality BitesVoll das Leben
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A 2015-06-17: Reiterchen > would fall under "sandwich bites"
A 2013-09-10: in-between bites ....
A 2013-05-31: Bites / bytes
Q 2013-03-15: Gobber's Whopper. More bites to chew on...(from #698738)
Q 2013-03-15: Gobber's Whopper. More bites (from #698738) ...
A 2010-11-22: Herring bites
A 2010-05-31: another one bites the dust
A 2009-01-12: sound-bites? hollow sh...?
A 2008-02-14: Sound bites
A 2007-04-03: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=...
Q 2006-10-04: Interested in a good BBC language series with many sound bites?
A 2006-09-07: well he's casting the bait and getting a few bites
A 2006-01-08: two bites at the apple
A 2006-01-08: 2 bites at the apple
Q 2006-01-08: Two bites at the apple
A 2005-09-27: Ossi bites Aussie at 12:18 :)
A 2004-09-22: "sound bites"
Q 2004-06-01: preparing sound bites for an interview
A 2004-01-18: rankle is far more annoying than bug, rankle really bites and keeps you inwardly

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• bites
bite sb.
bite sb. in the ass
bite sb. on the foot
bite sb.'s head off
bite sb.'s leg
bite sb.'s nose off
bite (sb./sth.)
bite sb./sth. back
bite sb./sth. to death

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