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English-German translation for: bless
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Dictionary English German: bless

Translation 1 - 35 of 35

English German
VERB  to bless | blest/blessed | blest/blessed ... 
SYNO   to bless | to sign | to consecrate ... 
to bless sb./sth.
jdn./etw. segnen
to bless sb.
jdn. beglücken
to bless sth. [humorous or ironic]
etw.Akk. genehmigen
to bless sb./sth.
jdn./etw. preisen
to bless sb./sth.
jdn./etw. begnaden [geh.]
to bless [obs.] [to wound]
to bless
relig. to bless
relig. to bless sb./sth.
jdn./etw. einsegnen [Feld, Haus, Gläubige]
to bless sb.jdn. glücklich machen
relig. to bless sb./sth.jdn./etw. benedeien [bibl., sonst veraltet] [segnen]
relig. to bless sb./sth.jdn./etw. benedizieren
2 Words: Others
Bless me! [idiom]Du lieber Himmel! [Redewendung]
Bless you! [after sneezing]Gesundheit! [nach dem Niesen]
Bless you! [reaction to sb. sneezing]Helfgott! [österr.] [südd.] [veraltend] [Gesundheit!]
3 Words: Others
Bless my heart!Du meine Güte!
Bless my soul! [idiom]Gott behüte! [Redewendung]
Bless my soul! [idiom]Gott bewahre! [Redewendung]
Bless my soul! [idiom]Du meine Güte! [Redewendung]
Bless your heart!Vergelt's Gott! [regional]
God bless (you)!Gott befohlen! [veraltend] [geh.]
God bless (you)!Behüt dich / euch Gott! [veraltet] [Adieu]
God bless you!Gesundheit! [nach dem Niesen]
God bless you!Gott segne dich / euch!
God bless you. [thank you ever so much]Vergelts Gott! [veraltend] [regional]
3 Words: Verbs
to bless oneself insich glücklich preisen wegen
to bless oneself withsich glücklich preisen wegen
to bless the LordGott preisen
5+ Words: Others
relig. Bless me, father, for I have sinned.Vergib mir, Vater, denn ich habe gesündigt.
relig. The Lord bless you and keep you. [Num 6:24]Der Herr segne und behüte dich. [4. Mose 6,24]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Bless the Child [Chuck Russell]Die Prophezeiung
film F Bless This House [Gerald Thomas, 1972]Schütze dieses Haus
RadioTV F Bless This House [TV series]Schütze dieses Haus [Fernsehserie]
lit. F God Bless You, Dr. Kevorkian [Kurt Vonnegut]Gott segne Sie, Dr. Kevorkian
lit. F God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater [Kurt Vonnegut]Gott segne Sie, Mr. Rosewater
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A 2018-08-04: ...and may God bless all who sail in (her) (him)
A 2016-02-28: Catesse, God bless your gracious soul.
Q 2015-11-12: bless sb.'s heart
Q 2015-04-06: "The nations, not so bless'd as thee, must in their turns to tyrants fall."
A 2013-05-18: Bless you :)
Q 2013-04-01: Bless :-) see ya‛l Saturday
A 2013-02-04: May God bless you for your kind words and thoughts, tsdedalus
A 2012-02-20: It means, "Lord, bless [scil. unto us] these gifts of yours"
A 2012-02-19: http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/Bless+cotton+socks
A 2012-02-19: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=bless%20my%20socks%20-dict.cc
Q 2012-02-19: bless my socks
Q 2011-04-11: God bless you.
Q 2010-07-14: May the force be with yea, and may God bless yea eternally!
A 2010-07-10: ... and may God bless all who sail in her
A 2010-07-09: ... and may God bless all who sail in her
A 2010-07-09: ... and may God bless all who sail in her
Q 2010-07-09: ... and may God bless all who sail in her
A 2010-07-08: 'He bless ' is not English
Q 2010-07-06: Bless
A 2010-03-28: In Australien, sagt man "bless you" ziemlich oft.

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