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English-German translation for: blister
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Dictionary English German: blister

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NOUN   a blister | blisters
VERB  to blister | blistered | blistered ... 
SYNO   to blister | to vesicate | to scald ... 
NOUN   der Blister | die Blister
to blister sb./sth. [obs.] [ill-treat]
jdn./etw. misshandeln
to blister sb.
jdn. geißeln
to blisterBlasen bekommen
to blisterBlasen werfen
to blisterBlasen ziehen
to blisterfertig machen
to blisterscharf kritisieren
to blisterSchmerz hervorrufen
to blisterBlasen hervorrufen auf
to blistermit Blasen bedecken
to blister [e.g. metal, paint, skin]Blasen bilden [z. B. Metall, Farbe, Haut]
med. blister
Blase {f} [Hautblase etc.]
med. blister
Hautblase {f}
Bläschen {n}
Pustel {f}
med. blister
Brandblase {f}
blister [packaging]
Blister {m} [Verpackung]
Blatter {f} [veraltet]
mil. blister
Radarkuppel {f}
aviat. blister [transparent observation bulge on fuselage]
Beobachterstand {m}
blisterZugpflaster {n}
2 Words: Others
blister-free {adj}blasenfrei
2 Words: Nouns
mil. weapons blister agentHautgift {n} [Hautkampfstoff]
mil. blister agentHautkampfstoff {m}
mil. blister agentblasenziehender Kampfstoff {m} [Hautkampfstoff, ätzend]
comm. market. blister cardBlisterkarte {f}
mineral. blister copperBlasenkupfer {n} [traubenförmige Varietät von Chalkopyrit]
blister copperBlisterkupfer {n}
blister foilBlisterfolie {f} [Verpackung]
blister packBlisterpackung {f}
blister packBlisterverpackung {f}
blister packagingBlisterverpackung {f}
MedTech. blister plaster [Br.]Blasenpflaster {n}
pharm. blister roll [for use in blister packaging, e.g. of pills]Blisterrolle {f} [zur Verblisterung von Medikamenten]
med. blood blisterBlutbläschen {n}
med. blood blisterBlutblase {f}
med. burn blisterBrandblase {f}
med. burn blisterVerbrennungsblase {f}
med. fever blisterFieberbläschen {n}
med. fever blisterFieberblase {f}
med. purulent blisterEiterblase {f}
med. pus blisterEiterblase {f}
small blisterBläschen {n}
med. water blisterWasserblase {f}
3 Words: Nouns
blister on metalBlase {f} auf Metall
cemented blister steelZementstahl {m}
4 Words: Nouns
blister on a leafBlase {f} auf einem Blatt
med. blister on the skinBlase {f} auf der Haut
5+ Words: Nouns
mil. (Yellow Cross) blister mustard gassesshafter Geländekampfstoff {m}
mil. (Yellow Cross) blister mustard gasseßhafter Geländekampfstoff {m} [alt]
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Q 2022-09-12: blister = mißhandeln
A 2012-08-09: Could be the cardboad behind the blister, see picture. Not sure about "Akk...
A 2011-02-14: Are these blister packs like the ones tablets come in, or like the ones ba...
A 2011-02-14: I assume it's blister packs (like tablets) -
Q 2011-02-14: Blister
A 2011-01-10: take single tablets from a blister card / pack / package OR sell single ta...
Q 2009-01-08: blister mould
A 2008-10-14: blister packs I think...certainly 'blister'
A 2008-09-24: Hallo, ich würde für blister mould Gussform und für plaster powder Gips(p...
Q 2008-09-24: blister mould
A 2007-07-08: a tension blister caused by the dressing of the right iliac crest where su...
A 2007-04-13: needles etc are kept in blister bags
A 2007-04-12: everything to do with "blister packs", I assume
A 2004-02-08: blister (on fuselage)

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