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English-German translation for: blood stress
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Dictionary English German: blood stress

Translation 1 - 50 of 1619  >>

Keywords contained
med. blood pressure under stressBelastungsblutdruck {m}
Partial Matches
med. diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism [D50-D89]Krankheiten {pl} des Blutes und der blutbildenden Organe sowie bestimmte Störungen mit Beteiligung des Immunsystems
bot. T
to stressherausheben [fig.] [betonen]
to stressstrapazieren
to stressüberlasten
stressAnstrengung {f}
stressBeanspruchung {f}
stressBelastung {f}
ling. stressBetonung {f}
stressDruck {m}
stressSpannung {f}
stressStress {m}
stressStreß {m} [alt]
stressÜberlastung {f}
to stress sth.auf etw. Gewicht legen
ling. stress [accent]Ton {m} [Akzent, Betonung]
stress [emphasis]Nachdruck {m} [starke Betonung]
stress provoking {adj}Stress auslösend
stress provoking {adj}stressauslösend
stress-associated {adj} {past-p}stressassoziiert
engin. tech. stress-controlled {adj}spannungsgeregelt
stress-free {adj}stressfrei
stress-induced {adj}durch Stress verursacht
tech. stress-induced {adj}spannungsinduziert
stress-induced {adj}stressbedingt
stress-inducible {adj}belastungsinduzierbar
psych. stress-inducing {adj}stressauslösend
psych. stress-inducing {adj}stresserzeugend
stress-related {adj}stressbezogen
stress-relieving {adj}stresslindernd
stress-resistant {adj}beanspruchbar
stress-resistant {adj}stressresistent
psych. stress-susceptible {adj}stressanfällig
ling. phonet. stress-timed {adj}akzentzählend
under stress {adv}unter Belastung
under stress {adv}unter Druck [auch fig.: unter Stress]
under stress {adv}unter Stress
without stress {adj} {adv}stressfrei
to alleviate stressStress abbauen
psych. to de-stressStress abbauen
to re-stressnachspannen
psych. to relieve stressStress abbauen
to stress-relievespannungsfrei glühen [Metalle]
to stress-relievespannungsfrei machen [allg.]
to yield stressStress bringen
constr. engin. axial stressAxialbeanspruchung {f}
engin. material axial stressAxialspannung {f}
psych. bad stressnegativer Stress {m}
constr. tech. bearing stressAuflagerspannung {f}
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