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English-German translation for: blowing
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Dictionary English German: blowing

Translation 1 - 66 of 66

English German
VERB  to blow | blew | blown
blowing | blows
blowing {adj}
blowing {adj} {pres-p}
blowing {adj} [snow, sand etc.]
blowing {adj} {pres-p} [one's nose]
schneuzend [alt]
blowing {adj} {pres-p} [coll.] [money]
verjubelnd [ugs.]
blowing {adj} {pres-p} [one's nose]schnäuzend
blowingGeblase {n} [dauerndes Blasen]
2 Words: Others
blowing atanblasend
blowing off {adj}wegblasend
blowing out {adj}ausblasend
blowing up {adj}aufblasend
mind-blowing {adj} [coll.]überwältigend
mind-blowing {adj} [coll.]Wahnsinns-
mind-blowing {adj} [coll.]atemberaubend
psych. mind-blowing {adj} [coll.]bewusstseinserweiternd
mind-blowing {adj} [coll.]irre [ugs.] [umwerfend]
mind-blowing {adj} [coll.]umwerfend [ugs.]
electr. slow-blowing {adj} [fuse]träge <T> [Sicherung]
2 Words: Nouns
agr. (blowing) fanWindfege {f}
blowing agentTreibgas {n}
ind. blowing agentTreibmittel {n}
mus. blowing class [for wind instruments in general]Bläserklasse {f}
blowing hornRufhorn {n}
tech. blowing iron [glass blowing]Blasrohr {n} [Glasbläser]
tech. blowing oilBlasöl {n}
tech. blowing outAusblasen {n}
ind. tech. blowing process [blow molding]Blasprozess {m} [Formblasen]
meteo. blowing snowFlugschnee {m}
meteo. blowing snow <ks>Schneetreiben {n}
math. blowing up [also: blowing-up]Aufblasung {f}
tech. blowing-machineGebläse {n}
film blowingFolienblasen {n}
glass blowingGlasblasen {n}
tech. melt blowingSchmelzspinnverfahren {n}
nose blowing [from a cold, hay fever, or allergies]Nasenschnäuzen {n}
ind. tech. stretch blowingStreckblasen {n}
whistle-blowingAufdecken {n} [von Fehlverhalten, Missständen etc.]
whistle-blowing [coll.] [informing on illicit activities]Verpfeifen {n} [ugs.] [von illegalen Vorgängen]
whistle-blowing [informing of illicit activities]Auspacken {n} [ugs.] [über Fehlverhalten, Missstände]
3 Words: Others
meteo. A gale is blowing.Es bläst ein Sturm.
It's blowing hard.Es weht ein starker Wind.
3 Words: Verbs
to be mind-blowing [coll.]einen umhauen [ugs.]
3 Words: Nouns
film blowing machineFolienblasmaschine {f}
ind. glass blowing workshopGlasbläserei {f} [Werkstatt]
mind-blowing boobs [vulg.]Wahnsinnstitten {pl} [vulg.]
mind-blowing orgasm [coll.]Wahnsinnsorgasmus {m} [ugs.]
mind-blowing orgasm [coll.]Wahnsinns-Orgasmus {m} [ugs.]
mind-blowing tits [vulg.]Wahnsinnstitten {pl} [vulg.]
ind. tech. stretch blowing machineStreckblasmaschine {f}
Internet whistle-blowing website [Wikileaks etc.]Enthüllungsplattform {f}
4 Words: Others
Cold wind was blowing.Es wehte ein kalter Wind.
meteo. It's blowing a gale.Es stürmt.
No wind was blowing.Es wehte kein Wind.
4 Words: Verbs
to be just blowing smoke [coll.] [idiom](jdm.) etwas vormachen [Redewendung]
4 Words: Nouns
a softly blowing breezeein sanfter Wind {m}
a softly blowing breezeein schwacher Wind {m}
blowing hot and coldHerumgeeiere {n} [ugs.]
electr. blowing of a fuseDurchbrennen {n} einer Sicherung
Internet whistle-blowing (Internet) platform [Wikileaks etc.]Enthüllungsplattform {f}
5+ Words: Others
idiom I can tell which way the wind is blowing.Nachtigall, ick hör dir trapsen. [ugs., uspr. Berlinerisch]
It's blowing a gale outside. [Br.]Draußen tobt ein Sturm.
Unverified So that's the way the wind is blowing! [idiom]Daher weht (also) der Wind! [Redewendung]
idiom The wind of change is blowing.Es weht ein frischer Wind. [fig.]
meteo. There is a storm blowing.Es stürmt.
5+ Words: Verbs
to see which way the wind is blowing [idiom]schauen, woher der Wind weht [fig.]
5+ Words: Nouns
meteo. dust or sand (or blowing spray) raised by local winds [WMO code 07]Staub {m} oder Sand (bzw. Gischt), vom Wind herangeführt
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Q 2019-02-05: to blow the whistle on sb./sth., whistle-blower, whistle-blowing
A 2018-02-27: https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=L8aVWtyKCtLzkwWx25XADQ&q=%22A...
A 2018-02-27: Ah, now I see which way the wind is blowing.
A 2016-10-19: Mind-blowing in the 1970s
Q 2016-07-22: will report lower whistle-blowing intentions
A 2012-05-15: Agree with the socks. And that expression has been around a while, just li...
Q 2012-01-25: there ain't no-one hearing the bugle blowing
A 2011-10-21: stop blowing your own trumpet!
A 2011-04-11: Maybe: who brings a match to the fuse may not blame the bomb for blowing up
A 2010-09-09: I've never heard of blowing on cuts and bruises,
A 2010-08-21: I'm blowing my top
A 2010-02-10: http://www.ehow.com/how_4747231_have-mind-blowing-orgasm.html
A 2010-02-10: http://www.ehow.com/how_4747231_have-mind-blowing-orgasm.html
A 2010-02-05: that*s blowing into the prairie - that sweeps across the prairie (?)
A 2009-06-26: Maybe it's all about +blowing a kiss?+
A 2009-01-23: Typo: 'coz when the wind was blowing my +way+
Q 2008-06-07: Amazing bacteria - I found that mind-blowing!
A 2008-05-29: Extinguish the flame by blowing it out
A 2006-12-15: sneezing, blowing my nose, now going out for chocolate
A 2006-10-14: But there`s a nasty wind blowing up the Trossachs, Kornelius

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