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English-German translation for: boiler
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Dictionary English German: boiler

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NOUN   a boiler | boilers
SYNO   boiler | steam boiler | kettle
NOUN   der Boiler | die Boiler
tech. boiler [for central heating]
Heizungskessel {m}
Kessel {m}
tech. boiler [for heating water]
Warmwasseraufbereiter {m}
gastr. boiler [Br.] [coll.] [chicken]
Suppenhuhn {n}
Boiler {m}
gastr. boiler
Kochtopf {m}
Heizkessel {m}
Dampfkessel {m}
tech. boiler
Kocher {m}
Erhitzer {m}
boilerHeißwasserspeicher {m}
boilerSiedekessel {m}
boiler [Br.] [coll.] [woman]Schreckschraube {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
tech. boiler [instant water heater]Heiztherme {f} [Durchlaufheizer, Umlaufheizer]
2 Words: Others
art film lit. pot-boiler {adj} [fig.](rein) kommerziell [Buch, Film etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
(bath) boilerBadeofen {m}
(boiler) scaleKesselstein {m}
(boiler) scaleWasserstein {m} [Kalkablagerung]
tech. assistant boilerHilfskessel {m}
naut. auxiliary boilerHilfsdampfkessel {m}
tech. auxiliary boilerHilfskessel {m}
tech. Benson boilerBensonkessel {m}
jobs boiler attendantKesselwärter {m}
boiler barrelLangkessel {m}
boiler cleanerKesselreiniger {m}
boiler cleaningKesselreinigung {f}
ind. tech. boiler drumKesseltrommel {f}
boiler explosionKesselexplosion {f}
archi. boiler houseHeizhaus {n}
boiler houseKesselhaus {n}
boiler incrustationWasserstein {m} [Kalkablagerung]
insur. boiler insuranceHeizkesselversicherung {f}
jobs boiler makerKesselschmied {m}
tech. boiler manometerKesseldruckmesser {m}
ind. boiler manufacturerKesselanlagenbauer {m}
ind. boiler manufacturerKesselbauer {m}
ind. boiler manufacturerKesselhersteller {m}
boiler plantKesselanlage {f}
boiler platevorformulierter Textblock {m} zur Einfügung
boiler pressureKesseldruck {m}
boiler roomHeizraum {m}
RealEst. boiler roomHeizungskeller {m}
boiler roomKesselraum {m}
cloth. boiler suit [esp. Br.]Arbeitsoverall {m}
cloth. boiler suit [esp. Br.]Montur {f} [Arbeitsoverall]
cloth. boiler suit [esp. Br.]Overall {m}
tech. boiler tubeRauchrohr {n}
boiler waterKesselwasser {f}
combination boilerVerbundkessel {m}
engin. RealEst. tech. condensation boilerBrennwertkessel {m}
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A 2022-07-14: oder: men / people in the boiler room / back office
A 2016-03-29: twin boiler
Q 2016-03-29: Boiler
A 2015-10-13: close-in boiler
Q 2015-10-13: "close-in boiler"
A 2014-10-08: Boiler stone?
A 2014-04-30: I'd say boiler service ..... just had it a couple of days ago ....
A 2013-05-14: http://www.dict.cc/?s=double+boiler
A 2013-03-05: Yep, im Osten ist es der Boiler.
A 2013-03-05: Im Osten aber den Boiler nicht mit dem Broiler verwechseln...
Q 2013-03-05: Hilfe! Boiler oder Warmwasserspeichel?
A 2012-12-09: Feuerstättenüberprüfung - boiler servicing (and maintenance) ; hab ich hie...
A 2011-12-25: boiler: Herdschiff
Q 2011-03-13: Once my water boiler broke so I used a pot to heat water
A 2010-09-24: Ahh. I thought an overall is something like a boiler suit or a bib and bra...
A 2010-05-06: Forms an airtight seal to the combustion chamber while accomodating boiler...
A 2010-05-06: boiler inspection cages.
Q 2009-12-03: Bitte in dict.cc eingeben: Flammrohr-Rauchrohrkessel / Flammrohrrauchrohrk...
A 2009-12-02: Recte: Flammrohr-Rauchrohrkessel / Flammrohrrauchrohrkessel > horizontal r...
Q 2009-12-02: Bitte in dict.cc eingeben: Flammrohr-Rauchrohrkessel / Flammrohrrauchrohrk...

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