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English-German translation for: booth
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Dictionary English German: booth

Translation 1 - 50 of 90  >>

English German
NOUN   a booth | booths
SYNO   Booth | John Wilkes Booth | booth ... 
comm. booth
Stand {m} [Markt-, Messestand]
comm. booth [at a trade fair]
Messestand {m}
comm. booth
Bude {f}
Kabine {f}
gastr. booth [in a restaurant]
Nische {f} [im Restaurant]
telecom. booth
Fernsprechzelle {f}
Zelle {f} [Kabine]
archi. booth [cabin, shed]
Hütte {f} [Bude, Stand, Kabine]
comm. booth
Marktbude {f}
pol. booth [election]
Wahlkabine {f}
comm. booth [at a trade fair, exhibition]
Ausstellungsstand {m}
Arbeitskabine {f}
comm. booth [trade fair]
Koje {f} [Messestand]
booth [wooden]
Bretterhütte {f}
booth [carrel desk]
Carrel {n}
archi. gastr. booth [private room in a bar/restaurant]Separee / Séparée {n}
2 Words: Nouns
audio auditory boothHörkabine {f}
jobs booth builderMessebauer {m}
jobs booth bunny [Am.] [coll.]Standhäschen {n} [ugs.] [selten] [attraktive Hostess für Messestand o. ä.]
archi. booth designStandgestaltung {f}
comm. booth guideStandführer {m} [Broschüre]
booth typeStandart {f} [Art eines Messestandes]
constr. booth wallStandwand {f}
cloth. changing boothUmkleidekabine {f}
clean boothReinraumkabine {f}
sports commentator's booth [Am.]Sprecherkabine {f}
relig. confessional boothBeichtstuhl {m}
film theatre control boothRegiekabine {f}
furn. corner boothSitzecke {f} [bes. in Restaurants usw.]
corner booth [at a trade show]Eckstand {m} [auf einer Messe, Ausstellung]
mus. DJ boothDJ-Kabine {f}
info booth [coll.]Infostand {m} [ugs.]
information boothInformationsstand {m}
ling. interpretation boothDolmetscherkabine {f}
island booth [at a trade fair, exhibition]Blockstand {m} [auf einer Messe, Ausstellung]
island booth [at a trade fair, exhibition]Inselstand {m} [auf einer Messe, Ausstellung]
kissing boothKussstand {m} [auch: Kuss-Stand]
linear booth [at a trade fair, exhibition]Reihenstand {m} [auf einer Messe, Ausstellung]
listening boothAbhörkabine {f}
observation boothBeobachtungsstand {m}
pay boothKassenhäuschen {n}
peninsula booth [at a trade fair, exhibition]Kopfstand {m} [auf einer Messe, Ausstellung]
perimeter booth [at a trade fair, exhibition]Reihenstand {m} [an der Außenwand einer Messehalle]
telecom. phone boothFernsprechhaube {f}
telecom. phone boothTelefonzelle {f}
photo. photo boothFotoautomat {m}
photo. photo boothFotokabine {f}
photo. photo boothPassbildautomat {m}
photo. photo boothPassfotoautomat {m}
pol. polling boothWahlkabine {f}
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Q 2018-01-06: my ticket to sit in the booth
Q 2012-08-20: voting booth
Q 2012-01-14: DJ booth
A 2011-01-22: A table or a booth?
Q 2011-01-21: booth in this context
A 2011-01-07: paint booth / powder coating booth?
A 2011-01-06: Actually, "booth" is rare in AE. Sometimes you hear "lane" or "checkout."
A 2011-01-06: I would use "check-out booth Nr. X"
Q 2010-09-24: student booth
A 2010-03-30: The products are not the sole/only focus of the exhibition booth.
A 2009-04-29: Where you once joined a party in her booth?
A 2008-12-02: a booth ist ein Stand, der grad mal gross genug ist fuer eine Person, di...
Q 2008-12-02: pay booth
Q 2008-04-20: Need help please. It's from a proposal about a trade fair booth (construct...
A 2007-08-16: boxing booth ist absolut passend...
A 2007-08-16: or "fairground boxing booth", if you want to be more specific
A 2007-08-16: and "boxing booth"
A 2007-01-06: phone booth is two words
A 2007-01-06: phone booth
A 2006-11-27: like you could say "I visited the "Teacher in a Foreign Country" booth."

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