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English-German translation for: borders
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Dictionary English German: borders

Translation 1 - 30 of 30

English German
NOUN   a border | borders
VERB  to border | bordered | bordered
bordering | borders
Grenzen {pl}
Ränder {pl}
hort. borders
Rabatten {pl}
Bordüren {pl}
geogr. the Borders [the area either side of the border between England and Scotland]schottisch-englisches Grenzgebiet {n}
2 Words
no-borders {adj}grenzfrei
textil. brocade bordersBrokatborten {pl}
geogr. cantonal borders [Switzerland]Kantonsgrenzen {pl}
consistency bordersKonsistenzgrenzen {pl}
ecol. ecosystem bordersÖkosystemgrenzen {pl}
pol. external bordersAußengrenzen {pl}
geogr. pol. national bordersLändergrenzen {pl} [international]
geogr. pol. open bordersoffene Grenzen {pl}
outer bordersAußengrenzen {pl}
zonal bordersZonengrenzen {pl}
3 Words
at the borders {adv}an den Grenzen
med. Doctors Without Borders <DWB, MSF> [MSF: Médecins Sans Frontières]Ärzte ohne Grenzen [ohne Artikel] <ÄoG>
Engineers Without Borders <EWB>Ingenieure ohne Grenzen <INGOG>
EU external Community bordersAußengrenzen {pl} der Gemeinschaft
pol. integrity of bordersIntegrität {f} der Grenzen
EU internal Community bordersBinnengrenzen {pl} der Gemeinschaft
Reporters Without Borders <RWB>Reporter {pl} ohne Grenzen <ROG>
shift of bordersGrenzverschiebung {f}
4 Words
idiom It borders on silly.Es grenzt an Dummheit.
to flee across the bordersüber die Grenzen fliehen
hist. borders of the empireReichsgrenzen {pl}
5+ Words
on the borders of Walesan den Landesgrenzen von Wales
geogr. pol. within the borders of 1937 {adj} {adv} [postpos.]in den Grenzen von 1937 [nachgestellt]
for. hort. borders of shrubs (and bushes)Gebüschsäume {pl}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Beyond Borders [Martin Campbell]Jenseits aller Grenzen
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A 2017-05-22: Erection of new borders
A 2016-08-26: Sorting out this kind of thing (16:14, 16:25, 16:27) definitely borders on...
A 2015-07-30: across religious borders
A 2015-03-18: +so bear down all the doubts and borders+ -
A 2014-12-13: Beg to differ. NATO partners are perfectly entitled to military exercises ...
Q 2014-10-25: come throughout all the borders
A 2013-12-03: In spite of glibly invoking human rights, European policy makers cannot do...
A 2012-10-24: 'crossing borders' is doch völlig ok? Isn't it?
A 2012-01-20: "Boundary commission" is common if the boundaries / borders are to be permanent.
A 2010-05-05: Where the fancy posh quarter borders on down-at-heel suburbia, two worlds meet.
A 2010-04-23: defending political borders cannot be part of the solution / political bor...
A 2010-03-12: borders googlet gut mit Zierbeet,
A 2010-01-28: doubting him borders on inanity
A 2009-08-25: Abschottungspolitik > policy of sealing borders
Q 2009-02-15: “Green power” can be traded over borders.
A 2009-02-12: without borders ?
A 2009-01-25: Not until weapons smuggling into Gaza is stopped can there be agreement on...
A 2009-01-22: Next door is always the house (or two) physically next to it, with common ...
A 2008-12-07: , as can continental shelf borders and the maximum area of floating ice
A 2008-11-24: +external borders+ confirmed

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