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English-German translation for: boring
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Dictionary English German: boring

Translation 1 - 50 of 124  >>

English German
ADJ   boring | more boring | most boring
VERB  to bore | bored | bored
boring | bores
SYNO   boring | drilling | drilling ... 
boring {adj}
boring {adj} {pres-p}
boring {adj} [annoying]
boring {adj}
fad [österr.] [südd.]
boring {adj}
öde [langweilig]
boring {adj}
boring {adj}
dröge [nordd.] [langweilig]
boring {adj} {pres-p} [drilling]
boring {adj} [not interesting]
stupide [geh.] [pej.] [langweilig, monoton, stumpfsinnig]
boring {adj}langstielig [ugs.] [fig.] [langweilig]
boring {adj}zach [österr.] [langweilig]
Bohrloch {n}
tech. boringInnendrehen {n}
tech. boring [making a hole]Bohren {n}
2 Words: Others
agonizingly boring {adj}kotzlangweilig [ugs.]
agonizingly boring {adj}stinklangweilig [ugs.]
awfully boring {adj} [coll.]entsetzlich langweilig [ugs.]
awfully boring {adj} [coll.]furchtbar langweilig [ugs.]
awfully boring {adj} [coll.]schrecklich langweilig [ugs.]
dead boring {adj} [coll.]tote Hose [ugs.] [nur prädikativ] [Beschreibung der Stimmung auf einer Party etc.]
deadly boring {adj}todlangweilig [ugs.]
deadly boring {adj}tödlich langweilig
deadly boring {adj} [coll.]sterbenslangweilig [ugs.]
deadly boring {adj} [coll.]strunzlangweilig [ugs.]
deadly boring {adj} [coll.]sturzlangweilig [ugs.]
deadly boring {adj} [fig.]zum Sterben langweilig [ugs.] [fig.]
desperately boring {adj}trostlos langweilig
extremely boring {adj}ultralangweilig [ugs.] [Jugendsprache]
more boring {adj}langweiliger
most boring {adj}am langweiligsten [nur prädikativ]
stupefyingly boring {adj} [e.g. chatter]geisttötend [z. B. Geschwätz]
entom. zool. wood-boring {adj}holzbohrend
2 Words: Verbs
to be boring [person]eine Schlaftablette sein [ugs.] [pej.] [ein Langweiler sein]
to become boringlangweilig werden
2 Words: Nouns
airlift boringLufthebebohrverfahren {n}
constr. auger boringSchneckenbohrung {f}
bot. boring algaeBohralgen {pl}
bot. boring algaebohrende Algen {pl}
tech. boring barBohrstange {f}
tools boring bitBohraufsatz {m}
tools boring bitBohrereinsatz {m}
tech. boring bushBohrbuchse {f}
tech. boring dustBohrmehl {n}
tools boring headBohraufsatz {m}
boring jigBohrlehre {f}
boring jigBohrvorrichtung {f}
geol. mining boring logBohrprotokoll {n}
tools boring machineBohrmaschine {f}
tech. boring millBohrmühle {f}
boring millBohrwerk {n}
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Q 2024-02-29: being boring
A 2023-05-14: Boring boudoir secrets? Would they have matched the scullery maid's love life?
A 2017-11-17: Vollschnittmaschine > full-face boring machine, tunnel boring machine, ful...
A 2017-11-17: tunnel boring machine (?)
A 2017-03-01: Illustration: +claims to excellence+ — what could be tattier and more boring?
A 2015-09-10: Only boring people use the term philistine
A 2015-09-10: A horde of boring philistines
A 2015-01-26: Possibly dull or boring.
A 2015-01-01: to be boring / dreary / dull / starchy / stick-in-the-mud / stiff / stuffy
Q 2013-07-20: I KNOOOOW it's boring! But really important! It's for a publication of Yal...
Q 2013-01-08: Is boring indeed best?
A 2012-11-18: Perfect people are boring.
Q 2012-05-11: Dull meets Boring ....
A 2012-01-26: Thanks, googelix, but a bit 'boring' for a good title for a talk to attrac...
A 2011-10-14: what you say in response to a boring excuse
A 2011-05-03: Thanks a lot guys,,, i guess, I have to open my boring grammar book...
A 2011-04-07: No. Koblenz is utterly boring, Düsseldorf is nice to live in, but as a t...
A 2010-12-07: At the risk of boring people ... READING the comments is important ..
A 2010-11-26: Boah, that movie was SOOO boring.
A 2010-10-29: boring

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