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English-German translation for: borrowing
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Dictionary English German: borrowing

Translation 1 - 50 of 80  >>

English German
NOUN1   a borrowing | borrowings
NOUN2   borrowing | -
VERB  to borrow | borrowed | borrowed
borrowing | borrows
SYNO   adoption | borrowing
borrowing {adj}
borrowing {adj} [esp. from libraries]
fin. borrowing
Kreditnahme {f}
Kreditaufnahme {f}
Borgen {n}
fin. borrowing
Fremdfinanzierung {f}
ling. borrowing
Entlehnung {f}
borrowing [fig.]
Anleihe {f} [von geistigem Eigentum]
Entleihen {n}
Geldaufnahme {f}
ling. borrowing
Lehnwort {n}
borrowing [of words, ideas, etc.]
Übernahme {f}
Schuldenaufnahme {f}
borrowingBorg {m} [veraltet]
borrowingMittelbeschaffung {f}
fin. borrowingAufnahme {f} von Fremdmitteln
fin. borrowing {sg}Passivgeschäfte {pl} der Banken
2 Words: Others
borrowing fromausborgend
2 Words: Nouns
borrowing abroadKreditaufnahme {f} im Ausland
borrowing arrangementsVereinbarungen {pl} für die Kreditaufnahme
borrowing authorityKreditaufnahmevollmacht {f}
borrowing capacityKreditfähigkeit {f}
fin. borrowing ceilingVerschuldungsgrenze {f}
fin. borrowing companykreditnehmende Firma {f}
fin. borrowing cost {sg}Kreditkosten {pl}
fin. borrowing costsFremdkapitalkosten {pl}
fin. borrowing costsKreditkosten {pl}
borrowing costsKosten {pl} der Geldaufnahme
borrowing costsKosten {pl} der Kreditaufnahme
borrowing costs {pl}Schuldendienst {m}
fin. borrowing customerKreditkunde {m}
fin. borrowing facilitiesKreditfazilitäten {pl}
fin. borrowing facilitiesKreditmöglichkeiten {pl}
fin. borrowing limitBeleihungsgrenze {f} [aus Sicht des Leihenden]
borrowing limitKreditlinie {f}
borrowing powerKreditfähigkeit {f}
borrowing powerKreditvermögen {n}
borrowing rateLeihzins {m}
fin. borrowing rateSollzins {m} [ugs.] [Sollzinssatz]
borrowing regulationsAusleihbestimmungen {pl}
fin. borrowing requestKreditantrag {m}
fin. borrowing requirements {pl}Finanzierungsbedarf {m}
fin. borrowing requirements {pl}Fremdmittelbedarf {m}
libr. borrowing rulesAusleihbedingungen {pl}
comm. borrowing shopLeihladen {m}
fin. borrowing transactionsKreditgeschäfte {pl}
domestic borrowingim Inland aufgenommenes Geld {n}
foreign borrowingim Ausland aufgenommenes Geld {n}
fin. fresh borrowingneu aufgenommenes Geld {n}
econ. government borrowingKreditaufnahme {f} der öffentlichen Hand
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A 2017-10-11: If a borrowing from French, why not look up +dispositif+ in the respective...
A 2016-01-29: In refinancing credit activities, the target is to correlate maturity peri...
A 2013-12-30: proper English: "excuse me for BORROWING your blender without permission"
A 2011-07-20: "borrowing"?
A 2011-07-20: are you sure it's "barrelling" and not "borrowing"?
A 2010-03-02: You are borrowing trouble / You are asking for trouble if you try to tell ...
A 2010-03-02: Hier ist +borrowing trouble+ eindeutig mit +asking for trouble+ gleichgese...
A 2010-01-28: borrowing potential/(borrowing power)
A 2010-01-28: oder: the (various / existing) means of borrowing
A 2009-10-06: Borrowing Kornelius' idea and stretching it a bit: 'Pop-und-weg-Artikel' :-)
A 2009-08-10: Or, borrowing from Catesse: Following up as yet vague clues has not yet re...
A 2009-04-20: Looking back, it seems that I don't have a problem with borrowing per se. ...
A 2009-04-07: Hands off credit cards! He who goes a-borrowing goes a-sorrowing.
A 2009-01-06: maybe a "cap on (fiscal) borrowing" ?
A 2009-01-06: limitations / limits on (fiscal) borrowing
A 2009-01-06: Perhaps: limitations / limits on (fiscal) borrowing
A 2007-06-16: cost of borrowing
Q 2007-06-16: would raise the cost of borrowing to the Treasury
A 2007-01-25: Perhaps borrowing some of his maxims/whatever would help me move forward
A 2006-11-13: Borrowing Fudge's 'events catalogue'

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