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English-German translation for: bottle
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Dictionary English German: bottle

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NOUN   a bottle | bottles
VERB  to bottle | bottled | bottled ... 
SYNO   bottle | feeding bottle ... 
gastr. to bottle
FoodInd. gastr. to bottle sth. [Br.] [fruit or vegetables]
etw. einwecken
FoodInd. gastr. to bottle sth. [Br.] [preserve in jars]
etw. einrexen [südd.] [österr.] [einwecken]
oenol. to bottle [wine]
abziehen [abfüllen]
gastr. to bottle sth. [Br.] [preserve in jars]
etw. einmachen
to bottlein eine Flasche füllen
to bottle sb. [sl.]jdm. eine Flasche über den Kopf schlagen
to bottle sth.etw.Akk. auf Flaschen füllen
to bottle sth.etw.Akk. in Flaschen füllen
to bottle sth.etw. in Flaschen abfüllen
bottle <btl, BTL>
Flasche {f} <Fl.>
Pulle {f} [ugs.]
Buddel {f} [nordd.] [ugs.]
bottle [Br.] [coll.] [confidence]
Zuversicht {f}
bottle [Br.] [coll.] [courage]
Mumm {m} [ugs.]
bottle [Br.] [coll.] [confidence]
Selbstvertrauen {n}
bottleButtel {f} [Rsv.] [Buddel] [nordd.] [ugs.]
bottleGutteren {f} [schweiz.] [ugs.]
2 Words: Others
bottle blonde {adj} [pej.]wasserstoffblond
cosmet. bottle-blond {adj}wasserstoffblond
bottle-fed {adj}mit der Flasche aufgezogen
bottle-green {adj}flaschengrün
bottle-imported {adj}in Flaschen importiert
bottle-shaped {adj}flaschenförmig
2 Words: Verbs
to bottle feed [infant or baby animal]schöppelen [schweiz.] [südd.]
FoodInd. gastr. to bottle fruit [Br.]Obst einmachen [in Gläsern]
to bottle it [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]den Mut verlieren
to bottle it [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]die Nerven verlieren [Redewendung]
to bottle it [Br.] [coll.] [to get frightened and not do something] [idiom]kalte Füße bekommen [Redewendung]
to bottle out [Br.] [coll.] [give up]den Mut verlieren
to bottle out [Br.] [sl.] [fail to act due to lack of courage]kneifen [ugs.] [sich drücken]
to bottle sb. upjdn. einkesseln [bes. durch Polizei oder Militär]
to bottle sb. up [to prevent from leaving]jdn. festhalten [nicht gehen lassen]
to bottle sth. upetw. anstauen
to bottle sth. upetw. unterdrücken
to bottle sth. upetw. zurückhalten
to bottle up sth. [fig.]etw.Akk. in sichAkk. hineinfressen [fig.]
to bottle-feedaus der Flasche ernähren
to bottle-feedmit der Flasche aufziehen
2 Words: Nouns
(baby) bottleFläschchen {n} [Babyfläschchen]
(baby) bottleSchoppen {m} [schweiz.] [südd.] [Milchflasche für einen Säugling]
med. (bed) bottleEnte {f} [ugs.] [Uringefäß]
gastr. tools (bottle) pourerAusgießer {m} [auf einer Flasche]
(feeding) bottleMilchflasche {f} [für Babys]
air bottleLuftflasche {f}
aluminium bottle [Br.]Aluminiumflasche {f}
aluminum bottle [Am.]Aluminiumflasche {f}
cosmet. pharm. applicator bottleAuftrageflasche {f} [z. B. zum Haarefärben]
atomizing bottleZerstäuberflasche {f}
baby bottleBabyfläschchen {n}
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A 2024-07-20: A sort of Schnaps in a tiny bottle.
A 2021-01-10: BE +Dutch party / go Dutch / bottle party+ > LINKS No comprehensive corre...
A 2018-11-27: All the detangling sprays I've seen or used have been in a pump bottle.
A 2017-09-15: I think most people would think of a bottle that is blue,
Q 2017-09-15: wie kann sich eine US-Firma nur "Blue Bottle Coffee" nennen ???
A 2017-09-13: drinking alcohol in public from a bottle wrapped in a brown paper bag isn'...
Q 2016-07-27: to put the genie of disintegration back into its bottle
A 2015-05-31: "bottle base" or "bottle bottom".
A 2015-03-28: Please feed +Weißglas (Altglas) > clear glass (bottle bank)+ into dict.cc
A 2015-03-27: +bottle bank+ (19:32) or (of late) +glass bank+
A 2015-03-27: bottle bank
Q 2014-11-26: bottle shape bag/ square/ round shape bag
A 2014-08-26: My first thought was a label +at+ the bottom of the bottle rather than +on...
A 2014-07-22: the or a bottle?
A 2014-07-11: If there's only one bottle per cardboard-and-fabric box, would "Kiste" sti...
A 2014-07-10: Perhaps meant to sport the oak - so no unauthorized person opens the bottle
A 2013-11-12: genie in a bottle
A 2013-10-19: The colour of the bottle top shows what type of milk it is, particularly w...
A 2012-07-26: favorite PET bottle :-)
A 2011-06-23: http://www.wbc.co.uk/products/wine-bottle-gift-and-protective-packaging

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