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English-German translation for: bottleneck
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Dictionary English German: bottleneck

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NOUN   a bottleneck | bottlenecks
SYNO   bottleneck | chokepoint | constriction
NOUN   der Bottleneck | die Bottlenecks
Engpass {m}
Flaschenhals {m}
traffic bottleneck [narrow section of road]
Nadelöhr {n} [fig.] [Engpass]
bottleneck [fig.]
Engstelle {f}
Kapazitätsengpaß {m} [alt]
Engpaß {m} [alt]
climbing bottleneck [Am.]
Sanduhr {f}
bottleneck [fig.]
Kapazitätsengpass {m}
mus. bottleneckBottleneck {m} [Zubehör für Gitarristen]
2 Words: Nouns
bottleneck cartridgeFlaschenhalspatrone {f}
biol. bottleneck effectFlaschenhalseffekt {m}
mus. bottleneck guitarBottleneck-Gitarre {f}
bottleneck inflationsektorielle Inflation {f}
automot. engin. ind. bottleneck machinesEngpassmaschinen {pl}
mus. bottleneck slideBottleneck Slide {m}
capacity bottleneckKapazitätsengpaß {m} [alt]
component bottleneckBauteileengpass {m}
econ. jobs employment bottleneckBeschäftigungsengpass {m}
econ. jobs employment bottleneckBeschäftigungsengpaß {m} [alt]
biol. genetic bottleneckgenetischer Flaschenhals {m}
grid bottleneckNetzengpass {m}
econ. investment bottleneckInvestitionsstau {m}
econ. jobs labor bottleneck [Am.]Arbeitskräfteengpass {m}
labor bottleneck [Am.]Arbeitskräfteknappheit {f}
econ. jobs labor bottleneck [Am.]Arbeitskräftemangel {m}
econ. jobs labour bottleneck [Br.]Arbeitskräfteengpass {m}
econ. jobs labour bottleneck [Br.]Arbeitskräfteengpaß {m} [alt]
labour bottleneck [Br.]Arbeitskräfteknappheit {f}
econ. jobs labour bottleneck [Br.]Arbeitskräftemangel {m}
fin. liquidity bottleneckLiquiditätsengpass {m}
fin. liquidity bottleneckLiquiditätsengpaß {m} [alt]
econ. jobs manpower bottleneckArbeitskräfteengpass {m}
econ. jobs manpower bottleneckArbeitskräfteengpaß {m} [alt]
econ. jobs manpower bottleneckArbeitskräfteknappheit {f}
econ. jobs manpower bottleneckArbeitskräftemangel {m}
manpower bottleneckMangel {m} an Arbeitskräften
biol. population bottleneckgenetischer Flaschenhals {m}
econ. ind. production bottleneckProduktionsengpass {m}
jobs promotion bottleneckBeförderungsstau {m}
resource bottleneckRessourcenengpass {m} [auch: Ressourcen-Engpass]
staffing bottleneckpersoneller Engpass {m}
comm. supply bottleneckLieferengpass {m}
supply bottleneckVersorgungsengpass {m}
supply bottleneckVersorgungsengpaß {m} [alt]
supply bottleneck {sg}Versorgungsschwierigkeiten {pl} [Engpass]
transp. traffic bottleneckFlaschenhals {m} [fig.] [ugs.] [bes. an Verkehrsknotenpunkten]
3 Words: Verbs
econ. fin. to break the bottleneckden Engpass überwinden
3 Words: Nouns
comm. econ. bottleneck in supplyVersorgungsengpass {m}
energy supply bottleneckEnergienotstand {m} [Engpass in der Energieversorgung]
4 Words: Verbs
to open up a bottleneckeinen Engpass beseitigen
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A 2010-03-24: http://images.google.co.uk/images?um=1&hl=en&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=bottlenec...
A 2008-12-15: Agree with +circulation routes+ - make sure Luco won't get stalled in a bo...
A 2007-11-14: Supply bottleneck problems are to overcome for most base metals.
Q 2007-11-14: Supply bottleneck problems are to overcome for most base metals.
A 2007-09-10: Also, der "bottleneck test" ist es NICHT
A 2007-09-10: maybe: bottleneck burst test ?
A 2006-06-24: bottleneck
A 2005-04-29: production bottleneck (?)
A 2004-09-08: bottleneck guitar
A 2004-09-08: Bottleneck Gitarre
A 2004-09-08: http://images.google.de/images?hl=de&ie=UTF-8&newwindow=1&c2coff=1&q=Bottl...

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