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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: bound vector
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: bound vector

Translation 1 - 50 of 422  >>

NOUN   a bound vector | bound vectors
engin. math. tech. bound vectorgebundener Vektor {m}
Partial Matches
math. phys. four-vector <4-vector>Vierervektor {m}
biol. vectorÜberträger {m}
math. vectorVektor {m}
vector-based {adj}vektorbasiert
spec. vector-free {adj}vektorfrei
biol. vector-mediated {adj}vektorvermittelt
vector-oriented {adj}vektororientiert
math. vector-valued {adj}vektorwertig
math. absolute vectorabsoluter Vektor {m}
phys. acceleration vectorBeschleunigungsvektor {m}
zool. arthropod vectorArthropodenvektor {m}
comp. tech. attack vectorAngriffsvektor {m}
math. phys. axial vectorAxialvektor {m}
math. basis vectorBasisvektor {m}
math. binormal vectorBinormalvektor {m}
biol. bridge vectorBrückenvektor {m}
material Burgers vectorBurgersvektor {m}
med. cardiac vectorHerzvektor {m}
math. column vectorSpaltenvektor {m}
tech. control vectorSteuervektor {m}
math. stat. correction vectorKorrekturvektor {m}
math. derivative vectorAbleitungsvektor {m}
math. direction vectorRichtungsvektor {m}
bot. dispersal vectorAusbreitungsvektor {m}
phys. displacement vectorVerschiebungsvektor {m}
math. phys. distance vectorAbstandsvektor {m}
math. phys. distance vectorDistanzvektor {m}
math. phys. distance vectorEntfernungsvektor {m}
distribution vectorVerbreitungsvektor {m}
biotech. expression vectorExpressionsvektor {m}
tech. feature vectorMerkmalsvektor {m}
electr. field vectorFeldvektor {m}
engin. math. fixed vectorgebundener Vektor {m}
engin. free vectorfreier Vektor {m}
phys. gravity vectorSchwerevektor {m}
phys. gravity vectorSchwerkraftvektor {m}
electr. input vectorEingangsvektor {m}
comp. interrupt vectorInterruptvektor {m}
optics Jones vectorJones-Vektor {m}
phys. lattice vectorGittervektor {m}
optics light vectorLichtvektor {m}
math. location vectorOrtsvektor {m}
math. location vectorStützvektor {m} [Ortsvektor]
math. normal vectornormaler Vektor {m}
math. normal vectorNormalvektor {m}
math. normalized vectornormierter Vektor {m}
electr. output vectorAusgangsvektor {m}
math. stat. parameter vectorParametervektor {m}
biochem. phage vectorPhagenvektor {m}
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