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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: bound with
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Dictionary English German: bound with

Translation 1 - 50 of 9245  >>

bound withgebunden mit
bound with {adj} [enclosed]beigebunden (beigeb.)
Keywords contained
to be bound up withverbunden sein mit
Partial Matches
bound {adj} {past-p}eingebunden
bound {adj} {past-p}gebunden
mus. bound {adj}gebunden [Artikulation]
bound {adj} {past-p}verbunden
bound {adj} {past-p}verpflichtet
to boundbegrenzen
to boundbeschränken
to boundspringen [sich springend fortbewegen]
to boundumgrenzen
math. boundAbgrenzung {f}
math. boundSchranke {f}
boundSprung {m} [Satz]
bound {adj} {past-p} [enchained]gefesselt
bound {adj} [predetermined]vorherbestimmt
libr. publ. bound {adj} <bd>gebunden <geb.>
sb. boundjd. band
sb. boundjd. verband
to bound [spring]hüpfen
publ. adhesive-bound {adj}klebegebunden
bound forbestimmt für
bound forwardnach vorne gerichtet
bound on {past-p}angebunden
bound togebunden an
bound toverpflichtet zu
bound together {adj} {past-p}miteinander verbunden
bound together {adj} {past-p}zusammengebunden
bound upwardnach oben gerichtet
geol. calcite-bound {adj}kalkgebunden
libr. publ. calf-bound {adj} {past-p}in Kalbsleder gebunden [Bücher]
constr. cement-bound {adj}zementgebunden
geol. clay-bound {adj}tongebunden
libr. publ. cloth-bound {adj}in Leinen gebunden
print comb-bound {adj}kammgebunden
culture-bound {adj}kulturabhängig [kulturbedingt]
culture-bound {adj}kulturbedingt
sociol. culture-bound {adj}kulturgebunden
earth-bound {adj}fantasielos
transp. east bound {adv}in östlicher Richtung
transp. east bound {adv}ostwärts
biochem. enzyme-bound {adj}enzymgebunden
fact-bound {adj}sachlich
astron. gravitationally bound {adj}gravitativ gebunden
ice-bound {adj}durch Eis blockiert [Hafen]
ice-bound {adj}vereist
in-bound {adj}ankommend [Anruf, Zug]
inward boundhereinkommend
leather-bound {adj}in Leder gebunden
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