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English-German translation for: boxer
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Dictionary English German: boxer

Translation 1 - 40 of 40


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NOUN   a boxer | boxers
SYNO   boxer | pugilist | bagger | boxer ... 
NOUN   der Boxer | die Boxer
SYNO   Boxer | Faustkämpfer
sports pug [coll.] [boxer]
Boxer {m}
sports pugilist [dated or hum.]
Boxer {m}
sports boxer
Boxer {m}
sports pugilists [dated or hum.]
Boxer {pl}
zool. T
sports boxer [female]
Boxerin {f}
sports pugs [coll.] [boxers]
Boxer {pl}
sports boxerBoxkämpfer {m}
sports boxerFaustkämpfer {m} [geh.]
jobs boxer [packer]Verpacker {m}
hist. toys boxer [pegtop]Kreisel {m}
2 Words: Nouns
sports amateur boxerAmateurboxer {m}
sports amateur boxer [female]Amateurboxerin {f}
cloth. boxer briefs {pl} [one pair]Retropants {pl}
boxer engineBoxermotor {m}
hist. Boxer RebellionBoxeraufstand {m}
cloth. boxer shorts [one or more pairs] [men's loose underpants]Boxershorts {pl} [eine oder mehrere] [Shorts als Unterbekleidung für Männer]
med. boxer's ear [coll.] [aural haematoma]Boxerohr {n} [ugs.] [Bluterguss am Ohr, Othämatom]
med. boxer's fractureBoxerfraktur {f}
boxer's noseBoxernase {f}
sports boxer's stance [also: boxing stance]Boxerstellung {f}
journ. sports boxing WAG [Br.] [coll.]Boxer-Frau {f} [auch: Boxerfrau] [Frau oder Freundin eines Profiboxers]
zool. male boxer [dog]Boxerrüde {m}
sports orthodox boxerLinksausleger {m} [Boxer mit Linksauslage]
sports professional boxerBerufsboxer {m}
jobs sports professional boxerProfiboxer {m}
jobs sports professional boxer [female]Berufsboxerin {f}
jobs sports professional boxer [female]Profiboxerin {f}
sports southpaw boxerRechtsausleger {m} [Boxer mit Rechtsauslage]
art hist. sports Terme Boxer [Boxer of Quirinal]Boxer {m} vom Quirinal [Faustkämpfer vom Quirinal]
3 Words: Nouns
art hist. sports Boxer of Quineral [Hellenistic Greek sculpture]Faustkämpfer {m} vom Quirinal [Bronzestatue]
4 Words: Nouns
air-cooled boxer engineluftgekühlter Boxermotor {m}
water-cooled boxer engineWasserboxer {m}
water-cooled boxer enginewassergekühlter Boxermotor {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Battling Butler [Buster Keaton]Der Killer von Alabama / Buster Keaton, der Boxer
film F The Boxer [Jim Sheridan]Der Boxer
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
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Hint: Double-click next to phrase to retranslate — To translate another word just start typing!
Search time: 0.010 sec

A 2017-08-25: "boxer shorts" is probably also clear?
A 2010-04-10: ... like a boxer's punch / punch from a boxer
A 2010-01-24: like a boxer heavy hit, nearly bankruptcy
A 2009-10-07: Aber ein Boxer schlägt nicht mit den Handwurzelknochen zu!
A 2009-08-28: boxer
Q 2008-04-05: a cat with a boxer's body and cauliflower ears
A 2007-08-20: Fudge - Spaniel / Scooby - Dane / Tom - Boxer (white)
A 2007-08-16: maybe: show boxer / fairground boxer
A 2007-08-16: ? fair boxer
A 2007-07-09: Q(*.*)Q der Boxer von den emoticons würde hier passen :-))

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